Do we teachers look way too obsessed with percentage/statistic or anything that has got to do with numbers? We might look as if in order to make us grin to the ears we must see the reduced amount of the failure of percentage. Yes, I do!! Well, it might be true as human loves achievement especially male as coined by Dr John Gray, the famous author of the book 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.' We admit we fond of judging things based on what can be counted. But talking about satisfaction, it does not merely countable on what is countable like your exam result. I, as a teacher feel that satisfaction in this greatest job comes from I have produced, my very own product.. my students. It is not like other profession such as engineer, accountant, architect etc, in which we have the absolute, accurate idea of how the product that we are working on will come out as we have planned it to be..for it only requires us to follow certain rigid rules in order for it to be the final intended product. These are the type of products that are made for men use. Well everything is created for us, the homo sapiens. The point of focus of everything in this universe. Even the sun, the giant spotlight shines just for human's sake.
So as men are the focus of everything, teachers should be made aware that their jobs is the greatest for they are dealing with the most important creation of God, man. They are closest to the change that people want to see. Teachers are the one who produces Men by bringing out their best potential. That is what I love about my profession, which is to paint my own so called product with any colours that I like in accordance with what they are born with ~ potential, talent.
I am satisfied the moment I watched Umar's determination, despite suffering from chicken-pox, to stand in front of the crowd telling story about the great Genghis Khan, or to watch Ainur and Aina wowed the audience with the way they delivered their speech. I have too much to be thankful for when Mat Yie confidently won the story-telling contest through his so charismatic, so charming way of expressing 'The Elephant & The Cat' story. At least it is no more than just a kid story under Mat Yie's presentation. I am happy to see Edy's effort to be one reliable walking dictionary among his peers. He really did in fact! Saiful and Syamil deserve a praise for their attitude at being their best-self that their absence makes others grow fonder of them. And there are more examples of the likes of you and it is well-kept in my mind, don't worry!
It takes one to know one and I wish I will be persistent in finding what satisfies me most. And Sir is right when he said that it is hard to produce even a single thinking student. Producing thinkers? Even in a great school, it is not an easy task to produce one. But who cares? As to many, what matters most in life is to get a good degree so that you can have all those unnecessary things and live a life of soulless routine. No, we don't really need that. We need a life that is examined and contemplated. A life of a satisfied soul.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Dear PMR 2010 candidates,
Come Tuesday, 30th of March, you will sit for English paper which some of you can't wait to perform to the best level you can. As a teacher whose barely two-year experience of teaching exam classes, i feel an urge to forecast as this creates more excitement and thrill in teaching you all.
Compared to the exam setting for last year' cohort, this year, you all are already in the real exam setting starting from OTI exam. Your present performance more or less will indicate your true performance in your real PMR exam.The final come October will be held right on the same turf.It will be a great advantage as you will have already been familiar playing for quite a number of games on the same pitch.It is like home game and to lose in home game is a shame!
I think , for paper 2, the highest score for section A still goes to the likes of Aina,Ainur,Nadzirul and the geng as writing skill is something students can hardly acquire within just a short period.All you have to do is not forgetting to include all points given. Besides, minimise grammatical errors the most possible you can.For summary, use table format by drawing fine lines, not so bold as this might distract examiners. Then, make sure you use all the ten words given before adding the following points found in the article. Count each word and write the number of words, say 60 or 63. Bare in mind that the number of words must not exceed 65 as no mark will be given after that. What a waste of time should you keep on writing!Most importantly, find five to six points as one mark is allocated for each point in a complete sentence regardless of your grammatical errors.
Meanwhile, for paper 1, i think the everage score will be around 23 & 24. And the highest will be around 34 & 35. This time, there will be around 15 students scoring above 30. Aiman' AS Roma , Ikhwan , Zahari, Syafiqs,Yusri, Dayang, Iman, Mejjar,Khalis,Dayah,Amirah,Nazifah,Fatin, Tihah,Idayu Z and a few others will possibly reach 30 plus this time.It is hoped the number of those scoring below 20 will decrease to less than 25. Above all, it is just a forecast and remains a forecast unless substianted by facts.And you, my dear students are the ones who can make the forecast real for better or worse!
Those whose names were not mentioned here. Remember what Jimmy Eat World once cried at the top of his lung ' DO YOUR BEST!! DON'T WRITE YOURSELF OFF YET! DO YOUR BEST! DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN!It is only in your head!be focused!
Come Tuesday, 30th of March, you will sit for English paper which some of you can't wait to perform to the best level you can. As a teacher whose barely two-year experience of teaching exam classes, i feel an urge to forecast as this creates more excitement and thrill in teaching you all.
Compared to the exam setting for last year' cohort, this year, you all are already in the real exam setting starting from OTI exam. Your present performance more or less will indicate your true performance in your real PMR exam.The final come October will be held right on the same turf.It will be a great advantage as you will have already been familiar playing for quite a number of games on the same pitch.It is like home game and to lose in home game is a shame!
I think , for paper 2, the highest score for section A still goes to the likes of Aina,Ainur,Nadzirul and the geng as writing skill is something students can hardly acquire within just a short period.All you have to do is not forgetting to include all points given. Besides, minimise grammatical errors the most possible you can.For summary, use table format by drawing fine lines, not so bold as this might distract examiners. Then, make sure you use all the ten words given before adding the following points found in the article. Count each word and write the number of words, say 60 or 63. Bare in mind that the number of words must not exceed 65 as no mark will be given after that. What a waste of time should you keep on writing!Most importantly, find five to six points as one mark is allocated for each point in a complete sentence regardless of your grammatical errors.
Meanwhile, for paper 1, i think the everage score will be around 23 & 24. And the highest will be around 34 & 35. This time, there will be around 15 students scoring above 30. Aiman' AS Roma , Ikhwan , Zahari, Syafiqs,Yusri, Dayang, Iman, Mejjar,Khalis,Dayah,Amirah,Nazifah,Fatin, Tihah,Idayu Z and a few others will possibly reach 30 plus this time.It is hoped the number of those scoring below 20 will decrease to less than 25. Above all, it is just a forecast and remains a forecast unless substianted by facts.And you, my dear students are the ones who can make the forecast real for better or worse!
Those whose names were not mentioned here. Remember what Jimmy Eat World once cried at the top of his lung ' DO YOUR BEST!! DON'T WRITE YOURSELF OFF YET! DO YOUR BEST! DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN!It is only in your head!be focused!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay
-Robert Frost
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay
-Robert Frost
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dear students,
Drogba Muslim,Pok Wel,Mejjar, Ayam(er),Pok Ba and the list goes on..(including Kattok haha)were all wonders on the field during masmat fiesta 2010.If they were not a bit reckless in the final held at Konspint last two weeks, they were already champions. However, to settle as runners-up is not bad at all as they already fought tooth and nail, only they lost. They still deserve a pat on their back. They dominated the game for the first 20 minutes with scores of chances. But, their efforts to net winning goals were in vain as the imtiyaz keeper and stoppers were too good for our team.
God is all-knowing and He knows best who deserve most. Just imagine what imtiyaz inhabitants felt that day should they be defeated in both football finals after their two teams were qualified for the final.
Sir Kamal more than once said that good strikers are those who manage to convert every single chance coming their way as chances don't knock our door all times.Gladiators were once feared and revered. They were champions on and off the battle fields.
If, what a complete package if all of you SMAS gladiators are good not only on but also off the field like in your studies and characters. Only then, you are true gladiators who could tame even the most fierce of animals.
Drogba Muslim,Pok Wel,Mejjar, Ayam(er),Pok Ba and the list goes on..(including Kattok haha)were all wonders on the field during masmat fiesta 2010.If they were not a bit reckless in the final held at Konspint last two weeks, they were already champions. However, to settle as runners-up is not bad at all as they already fought tooth and nail, only they lost. They still deserve a pat on their back. They dominated the game for the first 20 minutes with scores of chances. But, their efforts to net winning goals were in vain as the imtiyaz keeper and stoppers were too good for our team.
God is all-knowing and He knows best who deserve most. Just imagine what imtiyaz inhabitants felt that day should they be defeated in both football finals after their two teams were qualified for the final.
Sir Kamal more than once said that good strikers are those who manage to convert every single chance coming their way as chances don't knock our door all times.Gladiators were once feared and revered. They were champions on and off the battle fields.
If, what a complete package if all of you SMAS gladiators are good not only on but also off the field like in your studies and characters. Only then, you are true gladiators who could tame even the most fierce of animals.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear students,
By the time the seventh full month passes us, you will have already finished your battle. Some of your might have worn out for having been struggling months prior to the d day. The other half might start lamenting for chances not well taken or for last minutes preparations only to regret as the questions were like a piece of cake.
Teachers will start keeping their fingers crossed waiting for another two months to see how good or bad their students fare this year.Of course, teachers' business as usual, they start comparing myriads of items based on the results. Praises heaped upon and blames thrown onto some of us teachers will be the order of the day. All those scenario start fading moments our great performers start leaving their alma mater for good. We, teachers will start our same old routines till the last moon ushers.
Realising it or not, new year hails and new battalions start marching new parades for new battle with the same old tacticians,the so called teachers.We are proud in some small ways as some of you managed to know yourselves before someone came knocking hard on your skull! yelling to the top of his lung 'bullets are coming! wake up! EXAM!'
By the time the seventh full month passes us, you will have already finished your battle. Some of your might have worn out for having been struggling months prior to the d day. The other half might start lamenting for chances not well taken or for last minutes preparations only to regret as the questions were like a piece of cake.
Teachers will start keeping their fingers crossed waiting for another two months to see how good or bad their students fare this year.Of course, teachers' business as usual, they start comparing myriads of items based on the results. Praises heaped upon and blames thrown onto some of us teachers will be the order of the day. All those scenario start fading moments our great performers start leaving their alma mater for good. We, teachers will start our same old routines till the last moon ushers.
Realising it or not, new year hails and new battalions start marching new parades for new battle with the same old tacticians,the so called teachers.We are proud in some small ways as some of you managed to know yourselves before someone came knocking hard on your skull! yelling to the top of his lung 'bullets are coming! wake up! EXAM!'
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dear students,
Nothing happens out of nothing,realising or not, there must be a reason. Some of the reasons we, human being can fathom and easily acknowledge and some others remain mysterious. The longer we take pains to unravel the mystery the bigger our chance to unearth it. Somehow, one thing should we admit is, not all things are reasonable as they say unreasonable men made change. See, who said Galileo , ibn Arabi and the Eureka's men reasonable during their time or heyday? they were all unreasonable. But they did one thing in common, the made a difference despite being labelled unreasonable.
Teaching you all sometimes demand unreasonable actions that challenge status quo and establishment. We, teachers need to attempt something novel to feed you ironically the same old ideas,be they grammar,literature or reading. Our failure to do so means your failing in waiting. The reason for being unreasonable is nothing is unchanged except the change itself. If we are about to move on we need to be at times unreasonable.Unfortunately, we could hardly muster enough strength to confront untoward incidents that might put us under seige. We, under the name of self- esteemed generation, are prone to hear sweet words only we felt cheated after knowing all were nothing but flattering of sorts or even non existence. That is one example out of many other challeges we are to face as a human. Still, life must go on as we believe in the name of making a difference though it is small and overlooked by many. What matters most is our whispering heart,saying nothing but truth.
It is a rare breed he or she who wakes up in the early morning asking himself or herself what i have done to make this world a better place?..instead we ponder of our breakfast menu, our thinning wallets, dreams unfulfilled and the list go on. Why? because we are after all a human being. But, who cares?
Nothing happens out of nothing,realising or not, there must be a reason. Some of the reasons we, human being can fathom and easily acknowledge and some others remain mysterious. The longer we take pains to unravel the mystery the bigger our chance to unearth it. Somehow, one thing should we admit is, not all things are reasonable as they say unreasonable men made change. See, who said Galileo , ibn Arabi and the Eureka's men reasonable during their time or heyday? they were all unreasonable. But they did one thing in common, the made a difference despite being labelled unreasonable.
Teaching you all sometimes demand unreasonable actions that challenge status quo and establishment. We, teachers need to attempt something novel to feed you ironically the same old ideas,be they grammar,literature or reading. Our failure to do so means your failing in waiting. The reason for being unreasonable is nothing is unchanged except the change itself. If we are about to move on we need to be at times unreasonable.Unfortunately, we could hardly muster enough strength to confront untoward incidents that might put us under seige. We, under the name of self- esteemed generation, are prone to hear sweet words only we felt cheated after knowing all were nothing but flattering of sorts or even non existence. That is one example out of many other challeges we are to face as a human. Still, life must go on as we believe in the name of making a difference though it is small and overlooked by many. What matters most is our whispering heart,saying nothing but truth.
It is a rare breed he or she who wakes up in the early morning asking himself or herself what i have done to make this world a better place?..instead we ponder of our breakfast menu, our thinning wallets, dreams unfulfilled and the list go on. Why? because we are after all a human being. But, who cares?
Friday, March 5, 2010
I could see her disappointment. After playing her game, she walked out of the hall straight away perhaps trying hard not to burst out tears in front of others. According to her, that was her first loss. Never had she tasted such a loss before. I could only response “Don’t worry, losing is important for it helps you to improve.” Suddenly, lines of a great poem ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling that Sir Yusri used to quote hit my mind. “Treat those two impostors the same.” How hard it is to give equal treatment to both! I have to admit that as well. I wish I could tell her how wrong to not to experience losing at all! Life presents us with both success and failure and in order to shine we need both.
I have been living for almost quarter century, and tell you I don’t always get what I want. But things that I don’t like turned out to be the best for me. How grateful I should be as until today I feel like God always gives me the best in everything. The best family, the best acquaintances and to be given the oppurtunity to experience life in so many different places had made me feel ashamed to be ungrateful. Like they say, those are ‘blessings in disguise’.
I still remember moments when I felt at lost not knowing what to do for the despair that I had to go through I would spare sometime going outside and sit by the beautiful lake near my uni campus sitting and pondering what I should do. Of course I will end up with the conclusion that there is no other way out except to accept life as it is and be patient but I soon discover that in times like these we are not alone, for Allah is always by our side 24/7 listening and understanding us more than we do! I don’t know how to explain but God always has a mysterious ways of answering to our prayers! How shameful that I only realize that He is close during the time of sadness only.
At other times, it does crosses my mind that I am living the dream that someone might have secretly wished and hoped for. And the same goes to you dear students! How many people in the world can enjoy the same amount of food we eat everyday? Aren’t we thankful enough for this life? And challenge is a must! A life without challenge or a life where we can get anything that we wish for is not an exciting life. At this point I am happy for all the obstacles or else I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I hate to tell others that I have never tasted the sensation of losing/ failures for we read it in all of the great person’s biography a hit is a must or else we remain static just like stagnant water. How boring such life is!
So to Syaza and those on the same shoes, keep climbing and don't give in! You’re still young and there is a long way for you to traverse the excitement of not only winning badminton match in MASMAT but also this LIFE! Just keep in mind, do things in a right manner for in the end it is to God that we will return to.
I have been living for almost quarter century, and tell you I don’t always get what I want. But things that I don’t like turned out to be the best for me. How grateful I should be as until today I feel like God always gives me the best in everything. The best family, the best acquaintances and to be given the oppurtunity to experience life in so many different places had made me feel ashamed to be ungrateful. Like they say, those are ‘blessings in disguise’.
I still remember moments when I felt at lost not knowing what to do for the despair that I had to go through I would spare sometime going outside and sit by the beautiful lake near my uni campus sitting and pondering what I should do. Of course I will end up with the conclusion that there is no other way out except to accept life as it is and be patient but I soon discover that in times like these we are not alone, for Allah is always by our side 24/7 listening and understanding us more than we do! I don’t know how to explain but God always has a mysterious ways of answering to our prayers! How shameful that I only realize that He is close during the time of sadness only.
At other times, it does crosses my mind that I am living the dream that someone might have secretly wished and hoped for. And the same goes to you dear students! How many people in the world can enjoy the same amount of food we eat everyday? Aren’t we thankful enough for this life? And challenge is a must! A life without challenge or a life where we can get anything that we wish for is not an exciting life. At this point I am happy for all the obstacles or else I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I hate to tell others that I have never tasted the sensation of losing/ failures for we read it in all of the great person’s biography a hit is a must or else we remain static just like stagnant water. How boring such life is!
So to Syaza and those on the same shoes, keep climbing and don't give in! You’re still young and there is a long way for you to traverse the excitement of not only winning badminton match in MASMAT but also this LIFE! Just keep in mind, do things in a right manner for in the end it is to God that we will return to.
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