You are now experiencing the most crucial stage in life, the adolescent stage. You are in the process of growing up and surely along the way you are bound to learn as much as you can not only because you want to achieve a good result academically, it is also because this is the time you search for your identity. This is the stage where you must ask yourself, 'Who I want to be?' And as points out by many psychologists, you are indeed asking for the questions yourself without you even realising it. I'm not saying that you should stop thinking of who you want to be after you have reached adulthood, because adolescent is the starting point of your own self-discovery. This is the journey that will only end after your death. Remember, learning is a life-long journey. Develop a habit of seeking knowledge as much as you can because it is the the best companion to survive in this world which is full of mysterious things that are yet to be discovered and revealed.
Learning is to change. You are not learning anything if there is no change that takes place. I am pretty sure, you learn best through inspiration. And I know the best way to inspire you, the teenagers, the youth of the future, is through actions...rather than words. That is why the tendency of you to choose certain figures as your role model is great and high because you love to learn from other people's actions and behaviours. This applies to myself as well. As a young adult (ehem), I am easily inspired by those who are intelligent and those who possess a lot of knowledge. Along the journey of my own self-discovery back in years at University, I've met many that I was particularly fond of because of their knowledge. They were among those people that inspired me a lot because at such a young age (early 20s), they know a lot already and it is not only because of this that made me held them in awe, I love the fact that they share what they know with the other people and I assure you, not many can do that. And of course, apart from these young people, I've met the wise old ones. I'd like to wish my deepest gratitude to them for reminding me that I should be loyal with this journey of discovery.
At this age, I feel inspired by people with a beautiful heart. Like they say, it is not only your knowledge but your attitude that helps you wherever you are. It is like my philosophy in life now is not only, 'Seek as much knowledge as you can', but also 'Be good!'. But of course, words are easier said than done but I do hope that I am always governed by these principles because they are preached by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself.
"Are equal those who know and those who do not know (Koran, 39:9)."
"The best among you is the one who is best in character and morals (Hadith)."
And I wish the same too for my students. Anything that you do, think! because it is such a waste to spend your precious time as young people for NOTHING!
a thoughtful reflection for students and it comes to a fruition should they pay more attention to their inner-self upbringing than their macho like physical experience. Some form 3 students pay much more attention to their hair style than to their brain.what a great loss!