Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Dear students,

What a pressure! day in day out we teachers are incessantly being reminded to ensure you all get all As . Like it or not, it is no longer an option but necessity, They say necessity is a mother of invention. Might probably by having such pressure students and teachers alike will be more creative, motivated or even inspired to attain the desired result.

But then, is that the true philosophy of education, to churn out students who are well balanced both physically ,mentally and spiritually? Such obsession for greatest number of As will directly or indirectly deny students their right to enjoy the bitter sweet experience of school life and gain necessary skills which are unable to find them elsewhere. Students hardly discover that as they are constantly brainwashed to getting most number of As. I am so lucky as I was born not in this era or else i migh end up now ...i also don't know!

To me, to teach students to quench their thirst or love for knowledge is a far reaching success despite getting no As. Being able to inculcate sense of curiosity for knowledge is a way better than getting A but lacking the most crucial skill which is thirst for knowledge and wisdom. I prefer the latter but i must graduate both to be a great teacher.



  1. this is so deep... i like the last part~ not many teachers can do that

  2. found this qoute by Prof Khoo Kay Kim.. i think it is quite related to your post here

    "The university today does not teach people how to think. The students come to university to make money. I always said to my students if you want to be rich don't come to university. The rich Chinese are mostly uneducated. To be rich you are not obliged to be highly educated. You can just pick one spot in KL and start selling Nasi Lemak and trust me your earning will be higher than university's Professor. People come to university in order to be a complete human being, not about making money. When I correct SPM history papers most of the time I will be correcting my own answer schemes. Our education system does not produce human but robots."
