dear students,
Moments i hit the keyboards i start wondering who might read this entry as it seems lately this blog specially set up to all of you guys out there is the sharings between teachers whose struggle is aimed at nothing but you all . unlike yesteryear, when the like of amar and aidil, basayev and ayatullah were once our regulars. What urges me to keep on pouring out ideas on this blog is nothing but your very teacher miss farah who holds teaching profession dearly as she herself a product of teslian, whose expertise in english & english teaching deserves a salute.
Thus, this blog is a great channel to do some sort like reflection as Aristotle once said an unexamined life is not worthy living, the same goes to teaching without reflection is not worth teaching.
I always ask myself how to teach you all, to flash back my school days, i mean ways of me learning english is something i can hardly recall as i was at that time not interested in english at all. What i have been doing all this while is not to do what my teacher did to me during my school days.They still had taught me some priceless lessons.Still though i did not know the right ways to emulate, i still learn the ways should we apply not to our students, you all my dear.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
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