Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dear students,

Growing up in the midst of society where things that matter most is fame,glory or anything associated with success is at times a headache as the path to it demands some uncompromising decisions. Thus, it invariably challenges our self belief to where and what we are after after all in this life. When someone mired in unforgiven sins starts open up mouth, rest assure so called noble men will have to think more than twice to switch to the hard truth as lots of things are to be taken into account.

The term little napoleons has nothing to do with our innocent yet obedient students though rebellious once a while. I think it is imperative to insert an excerpt that best explains what little napoleons is all about. They above all not our beloved students though they might love us not at all. But , i do love them all of them without exception as they have taught me lots and lots more than i have ever taught them. I owe them and i need to love them unconditionally.

Attached herewith an excerpt from the following site.

Bernama tried to be helpful by providing the following definition – “Little Napoleon is often described as one who is pugnacious, arrogant and abrasive, especially a person in power, having features like Napoleon Bonaparte, an absolute ruler in France during the late 18th century.”

The exam looms larger and it is time to move on either to prepare students for exam or for life's unending lessons or both.It all depends on us, our perception and belief as Descartes once said Cogito ergo sum..i think therefore i am. Nothing lasts and the only things that do not change is the change itself. Don't bother much for the changing habit of mortal homo sapien as history by nature repeats itself,retribution is sure either for the good or the evil.Only time will tells.



  1. u made me believe that u perceive me doing those bi comp's job for the sake of impressing those little napoleons.. i hv no such intention and i even avoid myself from them during the day of competition

    it's u care

    i am in no need of fame.. i just want satisfaction,happiness in life y making difference in the lives of my dear students and fame can't give me that

  2. ..what i mean is the public at large don't mistake me how should i label or blame one of the most helpful yet resourceful teaching colleagues i have ever had.

    only at that time i was in a state what students of lit called 'paradox'.see..i assigned a messenger to record the auspicious debut..though i was not there , i could feel the impact of GPK..revolutionary of sort!and u deserve credits if not more at least as much as they got..for making the almost impossible an possible one!

    the saying goes sometimes better by far to forget and be happy than to remember and be sad..and we r awash with countless blessings yet we spend too much time on the flaws of flawless ephemeral being that never end.

    Time to watch the eclipse..

  3. correction ! imperfect n ephemeral being..

  4. In life, I don't really have that much options to choose from with regards to many things. Most of the time I have to go with the flow. And often I'll never get what I want.And I cannot make some people to believe me, love me or do as what I ask them to. Well that's God mysterious way that I know I have to accept

    But, the only thing in which I have options is when it comes to shape my students they way I want them to be like. Their existence allow me to feel the passion to be alive. I've never experienced such passion before being apart of this noble career. Without them around, I don't know what is to become of me.

  5. ..a statement remains a statement unless we put much thought and translate it into action,don't bother much to our straying thoughts that at times we feel regret as that is the prove we keep on described in the coelho's pencil erasing old unbeneficial thoughts replacing with proven or new untested one. Sharpening process is a must and the process is ongoing and inevitable.Like its carbon or lead what matters most is substance the inside voice. Another thing is we should never give up hope without which life is lifeless! Coelho's undeclared pupil like u should be as stronger as ever...i have until now subscribed Aristotle's syllogism

  6. sometimes it is so a nature of a being called woman to act fragile. Haha. Aristole's syllogism's suscriber, try to derive the logic

    Well,the reality is already beautiful, isn't it? why do we need dreams?

    p/s: havent watched eclipse..but love the soundtrack, 'neutron star collision'
