Saturday, October 16, 2010


Dear students,

Those interested to see their works in print, do not hesitate to send in your works as many as possible in any languages you like be they cartoons,comic strips, creative writings , reflections or whatever so long they could convey a message to readers especially dwellers of smas cave.

Why cave? because sorry to say, smas teachers and students are very close-knit that they seem to be indifferent to what happen in the outside world.This entails good and bad effects that everyone of us can make own deduction.I was a bit shocked as one popular guy at smas knew nothing about what happened in Chile where some 33 gold miners were trapped for almost 10 weeks deep inside the mine.i think ignorance is a bliss does not apply in this case as this will further widen our gap to reach truth, the truth that forces both our eyes and mind open and sets us free.

They say, unlike a fiery speech that could be heard just across the hall or the whole school, written words echo down the ages.Write to us and see you written works will have already been in print come January! For details contact our editorial board led by Mohd Fakhri, Aidil, Bob , Ainur, Aina and Iman.


1 comment:

  1. So, that is our responsibility, to free them, students, from the cave.
