Saturday, January 1, 2011


Dear students,

Enough is only enough once we called it enough despite the fact that it is way from being enough. This system of thought reminds us that we mortals are hapless, thus invariably subject to the ultimate power. And most importantly, it deems we should rather settle for things for nothing but to appease our ever revolting desire to achieve and to make a mark or break a new record like what many explorers did.Or truly did Ibnu Batuta travel for record breaking feat? no! i definitely disapprove this baseless notion or even if they claimed Marco Polo or Columbus did for record. Here, record comes at no number as to them what mattered most was new discovery and new challenge they set themselves.We the mere spectators who contribute very little or none are busy with analyzing which is explorer considering the length of coverage and time take to finish the last league. The victims amongst others like Elli's solo around the world sailing feat, whose age barely 16 years old was denied a throne for some technicalities. Only she was already mature enough to ward off mindless critics, expert on nothing but demeaning criticisms.Nadal's questionable streak of failures against another living tennis legend Fedex in the final masters meetings humbly gave a quotable comment when he said what was important is he always improves his games.How simple it sounds but deep in meaning. The rest of course will speak volumes.Forget about record as that is not a worthy cause for concern.

Within one to two months' time, all of us I mean teachers will be gathered somewhere to analyze , to present, to predict and most importantly to strain our very ears for the same old comments by the no-need-to-name be they praises or criticisms in the name of constructive one. I see no relevance but not knowing why? given the result and the motivation of students and teachers alike are year in year out same. To me, it lies deep down inside our heart core of where we truly desire to bring our students by taking a note that we can make a difference should we be prepared and honestly expect for it. For this to take place, it requires a set of change of perception and can-do-it beliefs as this ,as Dan Brown nicely put in his latest book the lost symbol, if repeatedly chanted inwardly with faith will bring about tremendous impact and unleash superhuman power.

The both notorious and popular state man Adolf Hitler's aptly put quote 'If you win you need not explain..but if you lose you should not be there to explain' rings true at most occasions nowadays as people are fond of associating themselves with success and brag about others' as theirs for nothing but success.People are at times evasive to believe the points regardless of being substantiated or not as failure is a stark failure and people try hard to disassociate from it.So, Hitler's idea of mere presence meant nothing and mere success self-appoints countless voluntary speakers. How magic the word success that leave those without it like nothing more or less like a maggot.How unfair and insane this temporary world when a borrowed success is always benchmarked not on the incremental improvement shown over time.

Above all, this is directed to none but myself as at least putting things to words can remind me more often like never before. And to end this nonsensical rambling i would to coin nice words by renowned motivational speaker Tony Robin 'What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are'.


1 comment:

  1. In sir's previous post, one thing that caught my attention is on how we often neglect the faculty of thought endowed by God. Perception changes from time to time as our mind keep on reflecting and pondering on something. The same goes to the way we view success. It should no more be merely on numbers, but the other numerous ways of looking at it.

    Resolution for the new year, to optimise this faculty of thought in the best way possible. Starting this year, hopefully things will be done in a wise manner..
