Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Dear students,

In the wake of the Egyptian revolution, there are some dissenting views of what the revolution is all about. Until now i am still in the dark of the real cause and the thing that trigger most leading to the revolution. I think i am in favour of my email friend when he doubt the act of google man seemingly trying to hijack the Egyptian revolution. Obama's giving-a-nod sign might be a last resort to associate the super power to the design of the modern era.

Here is the e-mail worthy to ponder,

Salaam Sdr!

Hope this finds you well.

No, I don't have a FB. Did you see how they sent a man from Google to hijack the Egyptian revolution? Well, he had a FB too and how he cried in front of the cameras.

Food is being hijacked now. What's more, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in most countries in the world, Malaysia included. And that's a dangerous trend.

Someone called this the "hubris syndrome", when politicians stay too long and they begin to think that they and the country are one and the same. In Islam we believe that in the end time people will acquire vast amounts of wealth and still don't find it enough. Just look around us and see how many multi-billionaires there are. How many lifetimes do you need to finish the billions?

Sad isn't it. One dictator now enjoying the sights in Sharm el Shaik, and his shadows are still holding on to power. What next?

Best wishes,

- Wan A Hulaimi

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 11:25 am

Here at smas, things are always at a snail pace and goes as usual that my dear friend of mine would always miss it. To smas inhabitants , we believe most of the things are much ado at nothing.Attached here is a poem worthy to ponder..i happened to have a look at my old article when i sort of cleaning up old papers beneath my table.

If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
If you happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have,
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realise there is nothing lacking,
The whole world belongs to you.

Lao Tzu

By courtesy of Chim Li Yen, nst, Tue, Jun 1, 2010


1 comment:

  1. The history of the world is one of oppression. The question is, can there be history without oppression or without sadness and betrayal? It's like, when studying history, the only thing we find is betrayal. It is there, in each and every part of our life, and yet we can do nothing about it. How very tragic this is. But "life is suffering," so says the Buddha, and people cannot escape from it. -Soe Hok Gie
