Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dear students,

At times, we tend to forget people that are seemingly less significant in our life. In fact, like our biological system, however small the roles each part of the body plays,it really plays a significant roles as without which the full cycle will not fully function. Those people whatever rank they hail deserve a recognition the same with those at or in the ivory towers.Here, is a story worthy pondering.

The Most Important Question

During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz..

I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"

Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank..

Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say 'hello'."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy..


Dear students,

Not knowing whether this is applicable or not. But as far as i am concerned, this would be a great help if we are to confirm our verb patterns whether or not they are correct. Here they are..

Malcolm X was reading. He was tough yet intelligent. In fact, he was an avid reader. Everyday, while he was in prison, he read a wide range of books. His teacher gave him the books.

There are six patterns that we commonly use in our sentences.

1. Malcom X was reading ( SV)
2. He was tough yet intelligent ( SVCA(adj))
3. He was an avid reader (SVCN(noun))
4. He was in prison ( SVA(adverb - place)
5. He read a wide range of books ( SV0)
6. His teacher gave him the books (SVDI) - Subject verb direct object indirect object

I have tried on 3D students. And most of them could memorise them quite easily. Only i haven't told them yet on how to make full use of it when it comes to writing. Writing this helps me improvise this concept as i found that students can hardly memorise the patterns like previous two years' batches unless presented in story-line style. And to me , Malcolm X represents a symbol of emancipation from ignorance as he was once quoted after being asked about his alma matter as saying that "his alma matter is books". He gave a prominence to reading and self-taught method of learning.It is hoped this will though small make a difference in order to help students self analyze their writing.



Dear students,

More or less, we have three months left before another so called battle loom in our midst. I without doubt have a handful of things to worry about as compared to previous years, i have so far done very little this year around.Most possibly, not having a clear cut picture of this year's output has resulted in the ever-ebbing motivation.And as they say, people are against novelty out of nothing but novelty. The same might apply to me as i used to have a colleague sharing almost the same passions and goals in seeing students's final outputs.Nevertheless,i haven't thus far found the lost gem as invariably it takes time and sort of gut to mingle with a new comer, let alone the new will be the one from whom we will have to take order.Of course, i need to be a bit careful as we might have different set of philosphy of teachings and approaches.This alone left me clueless...


Friday, June 3, 2011


Dear friends,

Here i am, in Bangkok, trying to unwind the ever blowing ones back in Malaysia.The problem is i cannot open my email to check the goings on.I will be back to internet within a few days to email mark. Just say hi..if you visit this blog as it is possibly a great help.
