Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dear students,

Not knowing whether this is applicable or not. But as far as i am concerned, this would be a great help if we are to confirm our verb patterns whether or not they are correct. Here they are..

Malcolm X was reading. He was tough yet intelligent. In fact, he was an avid reader. Everyday, while he was in prison, he read a wide range of books. His teacher gave him the books.

There are six patterns that we commonly use in our sentences.

1. Malcom X was reading ( SV)
2. He was tough yet intelligent ( SVCA(adj))
3. He was an avid reader (SVCN(noun))
4. He was in prison ( SVA(adverb - place)
5. He read a wide range of books ( SV0)
6. His teacher gave him the books (SVDI) - Subject verb direct object indirect object

I have tried on 3D students. And most of them could memorise them quite easily. Only i haven't told them yet on how to make full use of it when it comes to writing. Writing this helps me improvise this concept as i found that students can hardly memorise the patterns like previous two years' batches unless presented in story-line style. And to me , Malcolm X represents a symbol of emancipation from ignorance as he was once quoted after being asked about his alma matter as saying that "his alma matter is books". He gave a prominence to reading and self-taught method of learning.It is hoped this will though small make a difference in order to help students self analyze their writing.


1 comment:

  1. great discovery! they might be able to memorise it quicker if the sentences is about someone/topic that they can relate to...
