Sunday, May 6, 2012


Dear readers,

Nothing remains the same but the change itself.Change at times is hard, harder still if we resist to change. They say if we are poised to accept change the chance is we are destined to change for better.The hardest part is when we are already become entangled with a plethora of old thoughts that resist to embrace novelty.We sometimes are victims of our own success. Success that sheds us light of proven track to achieving it invariably mitigates our further progress as we are over reliant on past methods. Thus, we tend to brush off the fact that our subjects are of different breeds that demand different approach.At last, it failed us miserably.

To stay motivated for a period of time when others gave in is actually an art. The art of tenacity.We apparently tend to be influenced more by our surroundings or external factors that derail us further and further from our track. Unless and until we are truly motivated or inspired enough to take on any challenges we have set to achieve or are bound to achieve due to outside pressure from the so called stake holders.

If what Sigmund Freud claimed that everyone wants to be important is always true, almost all things would be like a piece of cake.Why? of course, give them what they have craving for for a ransom . The reality is not everyone is after fame but almost everyone is in search of happiness. This what forces us to ponder.Some gain happiness while in process, in struggling or on their way to the destination,whilst others claim to reach happiness once the reach their destination. Furthermore the level of happiness is ever fluctuating that renders us mortals restless to find the one that gives us a lasting happiness.So, does happiness truly exist or we are shrouded by the mist of happiness which is so fragile that may eclipse in the blink of an eye.


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