Friday, July 10, 2009


Dear students

Out of the blue, it feels like a urge to jot down a few words about Alif & Dayat. Both are the man whose absence makes others grew fonder of him, let alone his favourite teacher Miss Farah. His antics always become hotly talked about topic among female teachers. They seem ceaselessly debating to devise most workable approaches to tame the like of Alif and his dear friend Hidayat to be serious in their study. They wonder why such look like lazy guys stay in second top class out of five. There must be something within their innerselves yet to unearth

For me, both have their own talents. Having clinical skills in football is not something one can acquire overnight. Both Alif and Dayat are at their best when they are the school field coached by Sir Kamal whose footballing prowess is unmatched among state religious schools' teachers, at least until now.

It is almost time for Friday prayers now. Got to go! all the best both of you dear students and the readers as well!


1 comment:

  1. what a funny post! Alif and Dayat if you're happened to read this, it is my wish that your passion for learning English is similar to the one that you have for football.

    Miss Farah
