Saturday, January 22, 2011


Dear students,

Thinking of you right in front of me or somewhere else that you finally end up reading this piece of mind that hopefully make you think and change for better. Though it may happen in the long run, it already suffices to me.

What a great news posted by Miss Farah this evening when all of you dear students can flex your muscle to compete against the best,most importantly this unravel your talents that loom out of grit and determination. This sort of competition requires us to act thus involves lots of movements, be they facial expression or myriads of other body languages that may score points.On top of that, this will undoubtedly be another kick start to your creativity. The very magic world that have since time immemorial helped us live better day in day out.The big question mark is how can the creativity be within our reach and utilised the best.

Since i am not amongst those who were grouped as great minds whose invention generate up to billions the like of Mark Zuckerberg, Apple founder - who at times limit their production to maintain its prestige that revolves only around high-income yet highly professional figures, even at the cost of overflowing cash-in. I think it should be a must to think that we after all are creative before we realising it or not we are already one. This very self proclamation word though arrogant is of crucial importance as without which we are already miles behind. However, this is of little significance compared to being disciplined and passionate in the job at hand. Confucious aptly put when he once said when you love your job you don't feel like working even one day.And i until now are still contempleting to subscribe this idea as more often than not i feel like working though i most of the time do love my job.

What great inventors share in common that can we hardly find amongst us is perseverance and discipline. I happened to watch the social network the second day of its release worldwide. Mark was portrayed as someone whose most of his time glued to computer screen and socialising very little. I don't condone the idea of being asocial. What i am trying to highlight is his being passionate to his job at hand that is racking his brain to program the web base eventually bore fruits far far beyond his wildest imagination.Still, this resulted in his bosom friend being dumped for good,replaced by another 5 millions. I also read Dan Brown unauthorised biography when it mentioned that Dan made it a must to wake up as early as four am staring at the blank monitor screen waiting for ideas to pour down through his veins to his fingers.And it is no need to mention how many attempts by Edison before we lesser mortals could see the light of day without much difficulties.How many years it took to produce the great Chinese Great Wall. Albright brothers' countless attempts did not dampen their spirit to soar free like a bird. See..they share the same criteria that tops other criteria. It is discipline. And this is what you dear students lack.
Discipline to success is like a tyre to car. Or until we are disciplined enough we can achieve what we wish at present.

Nowadays, teachers' challenge is how to bring out the best in students. To me it is worthier to do self-reflect as we speak to Him.Back to the topic , grab this golden opportunity !



Imagination is more important than knowledge, said Einstein.

I think it's time we promote creativity in students. It is really not necessary to only measure achievement based on students' grades, how many As they get for a student can be 'something', their very one of a kind, if they are given the encouragement and the medium for it. Creativity is not only for the gifted, for I believe it can be nourished in students. There are so many example of people who changed the world through their creativity. Steve Jobs, Apple's founder, gives telecommunication technology a new name through his so many great innvations. I would also love to highlight a great companion, Umar Al-Khattab R.A who is well-known for his creativity in managing lands under his territory. He is the one who came up with the idea to have cops to control crimes. And there are so many examples of his great ideas that you can simply google for more.

The first step towards promoting creativity in you is the competition called, 'Speech-choir'. Our school has to take part in this competition along with other schools in Setiu district. To tell you the truth, I really have no idea what to do to ensure our school stands out from the rest. Therefore, I need students who are blessed with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as termed by Howard Gardner, to contribute your ideas to make this a reality. Winning does not matter to me, but to be able to have all of you doing the choir-speech is enough considering the fact that this is our first participation in a competition involving non-JHEAT schools.

I really hope we all can do this together as this is one way to promote English culture in our schools.

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." -Edward de Bono

Monday, January 10, 2011


Dear students,

Have a look at the quotes listed below as they might of a great benefit to further boast our motivation to keep up learning to the best level possible. Not to forget, some quotes need a careful thought as they might challenge our long established perceptions cum dogmas. To coin what was once said by Rooseevelt 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'. The same applies to those foods for thought. We may agree or otherwise. What matters most is they i mean the quotes force our brain to rationalise. And after all we are rational animals.

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or teaching. It is a process that depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential describes the possible behavior of an individual (not actual behavior) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. Learning is defined as changes in a system that results in improved performance over time on tasks similar to those done previously.

A dictionary definition is that it is acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or teaching. it is an increase in the capability for effective action. Individual, team, and organizational learning can all be measured by the outcomes that result from effective action.

These quotes can be used to emphasize the importance of learning throughout life and how it improves the personality of the person who undergoes the learning process. These quotes also emphasize on the marked difference in the performance of the people who have learnt from their mistakes over those people who have not.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
Abigail Adams

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.

Learning isn't a means to an end; it is an end in itself.
Robert Heinlein

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
Chinese Proverb

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams

I've known countless people who were reservoirs of learning, yet never had a thought.
Wilson Mizner

When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die.
Lillian Smith

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.
Doris Lessing

Only those who have learned a lot are in a position to admit how little they know.
L. Carte

Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive.
Al Neuharth

Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Douglas Adams

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

He not only overflowed with learning, but stood in the slop.
Sydney Smith

Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient.
Eugene S. Wilson

Who so neglects learning in his youth,
Loses the past and is dead for the future.

Whoever ceases to be a student has never been a student.
George Iles

The wisest mind has something yet to learn.
George Santayana

Much learning does not teach understanding.

Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked.
Lord Chesterfield

We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction.
Malcolm Gladwell

What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.
Martina Horner

Learning will be cast into the mire and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude.
Edmund Burke

Out of too much learning become mad.
Robert Burton

Consider that I laboured not for myself only, but for all them that seek learning.

Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.
Theodore Roosevelt

Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
W. Edwards Deming

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
Francis Bacon

And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.

The king to Oxford sent a troop of horse, For Tories own no argument but force; With equal care, to Cambridge books he sent, For Whigs allow no force but argument.
Sir William Browne

And wisely tell what hour o' th' day The clock does strike by Algebra.
Samuel Butler (1)

By studying the masters and not their pupils.
Niels H. Abel

It is always in season for old men to learn.

Next these learn'd Jonson in this list I bring Who had drunk deep of the Pierian Spring.
Michael Drayton

It is the worst of madness to learn what has to be unlearnt.
Desiderius Gerhard Erasmus

There is no other Royal path which leads to geometry.

The green retreats Of Academus.
Mark Akenside

In mathematics he was greater Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater; For he, by geometric scale, Could take the size of pots of ale.
Samuel Butler (1)

The languages, especially the dead, The sciences, and most of all the abstruse, The arts, at least all such as could be said To be the most remote from common use, In all these he was much and deeply read.
Lord Byron

To the devil with those who published before us.
Aelius Donatus

Learning by study must be won; 'Twas ne'er entail'd from son to son.
John Gay

And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche.
Geoffrey Chaucer

Learning is a kind of natural food for the mind.

When Honor's sun declines, and Wealth takes wings, Then Learning shines, the best of precious things.
Edward Cocker

Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever.
Chinese Proverb

A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.
Frederick Douglass

Learn avidly. Question repeatedly what you have learned. Analyze it carefully. Then put what you have learned into practice intelligently.
Edward Cocker
There is the love of knowing without the love of learning; the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind.

Here the heart May give a useful lesson to the head, And learning wiser grow without his books.
William Cowper

A man in this world without learning is as a beast of the field.
Hindu Proverb

Suffering is but another name for the teaching of experience, which is the parent of instruction and the schoolmaster of life.

A wise teacher makes learning a joy.

The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.
Newton D. Baker

He who has imagination without learning has wings and no feet.
Joseph Joubert

A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.
Bob Edwards

By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn.
Latin Proverb

Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.
Benjamin Disraeli

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
William A. Ward

In the end we retain from our studies only that which we practically apply.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

credits to :

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Dear students,

Sometimes saying nothing and doing nothing is our best resort. Unfortunately, such act at times results in nothingness as it holds water with the adage goes you reap what you sow. Two years in a row we were gathered in a hall engaging ourselves in a dream to clinch the best possible result for English paper, only the select few managed to make it. The rest succumbed to either B, C , D or even E, still it excited some as it depends on certain expectation, some getting C was already a marked improvement.Those hungrier usually aimed higher.You are what you think you are.

That is what we name it game, as life itself is a stage where we mere mortals are players. To play best we must be true to ourselves and the hardest part that many sane beings fail to comply with is to say no, say no to idling, relaxing,procrastinating,and of course cheating that was rife lately.Honesty deems no longer the best policy as many people conspire to clinch thrones meant not for them.

I myself am still struggling practicing to say no as this shows that we are a free man.Destined to live not at others' whim but our own ideals.This is what according to Dumbledore differed Potter from Riddle or Lord Voldermort in the Chamber of Secret, though Potter was destined to Slyterrin.He chose Gryffindor instead.Ironically, this is what we should practice the least or we will be stripped of rights and privileges for that.He always weighed with great care news within his earshots as wrong judgement has its ripple effects let alone if they are far reaching for generations to come. What happened in our school, hearsays dominate the game.Failures have since been viewed as curse.Why not give due recognition to those who registered a number of As instead of naming only one student whose name was not at first correctly announced. That was nothing to some. However, to me it indicated that they cared not their in charge. I am so sad on behalf of Ainur and his comrades. They gave her all to make school proud only things did not go their way this time around. Those the like of Ainur, Aina and Iman whose short of only an A still deserved at least recognition for jobs well done.Sadly, no mention at all as a bulk of their fellow friends fared badly. It is not their mistakes or failure when our school overall performance was bad. It is the mistakes and faults of so many other parties as well be they school top brass, teachers or fellow friends. We English teachers did our part already as we managed to at least maintain the possibility of churning out 10 students with straight As. Yet, it felt like to the eyes of others ,we did something horribly wrong!

Those guys who got even an A still deserve a pat on their back given the school with so many people at loggerheads with ever changing policies. School embracing we-are--more-powerful-than-thou spirits deems to doomsday.It is tantamount to waiting for a ticking bomb.

I am of the view though insanity that Dumbledore of Hogwarts school is possibly the best man for the job as he is always true to his principle. To find the like of him is no small task as we teachers and students alike are after different dreams and believe different fairy tales. Only i am too rational to be a peacemaker,let alone a negotiator as it demands compassion or alluring words which i can hardly find both in me.

Reading some great books like Animal Farm and Potter series was like enjoying a cup of pudding after sumptuous dinner .What a blessing in disguise!Oo Allah..grant me my wish to let me live life to my principles though be hated by some.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Dear students,

Enough is only enough once we called it enough despite the fact that it is way from being enough. This system of thought reminds us that we mortals are hapless, thus invariably subject to the ultimate power. And most importantly, it deems we should rather settle for things for nothing but to appease our ever revolting desire to achieve and to make a mark or break a new record like what many explorers did.Or truly did Ibnu Batuta travel for record breaking feat? no! i definitely disapprove this baseless notion or even if they claimed Marco Polo or Columbus did for record. Here, record comes at no number as to them what mattered most was new discovery and new challenge they set themselves.We the mere spectators who contribute very little or none are busy with analyzing which is explorer considering the length of coverage and time take to finish the last league. The victims amongst others like Elli's solo around the world sailing feat, whose age barely 16 years old was denied a throne for some technicalities. Only she was already mature enough to ward off mindless critics, expert on nothing but demeaning criticisms.Nadal's questionable streak of failures against another living tennis legend Fedex in the final masters meetings humbly gave a quotable comment when he said what was important is he always improves his games.How simple it sounds but deep in meaning. The rest of course will speak volumes.Forget about record as that is not a worthy cause for concern.

Within one to two months' time, all of us I mean teachers will be gathered somewhere to analyze , to present, to predict and most importantly to strain our very ears for the same old comments by the no-need-to-name be they praises or criticisms in the name of constructive one. I see no relevance but not knowing why? given the result and the motivation of students and teachers alike are year in year out same. To me, it lies deep down inside our heart core of where we truly desire to bring our students by taking a note that we can make a difference should we be prepared and honestly expect for it. For this to take place, it requires a set of change of perception and can-do-it beliefs as this ,as Dan Brown nicely put in his latest book the lost symbol, if repeatedly chanted inwardly with faith will bring about tremendous impact and unleash superhuman power.

The both notorious and popular state man Adolf Hitler's aptly put quote 'If you win you need not explain..but if you lose you should not be there to explain' rings true at most occasions nowadays as people are fond of associating themselves with success and brag about others' as theirs for nothing but success.People are at times evasive to believe the points regardless of being substantiated or not as failure is a stark failure and people try hard to disassociate from it.So, Hitler's idea of mere presence meant nothing and mere success self-appoints countless voluntary speakers. How magic the word success that leave those without it like nothing more or less like a maggot.How unfair and insane this temporary world when a borrowed success is always benchmarked not on the incremental improvement shown over time.

Above all, this is directed to none but myself as at least putting things to words can remind me more often like never before. And to end this nonsensical rambling i would to coin nice words by renowned motivational speaker Tony Robin 'What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are'.
