Saturday, October 24, 2009


Dear students,

It is not miracle that we expect to happen day in day out without putting in a lot of efforts. I think some of you guys have worked hard enough and i do hope you will get what you deserve. Those who were too busy to take time to study will have to face the deafening music.

Keep praying as we never know what truly happens in future and Allah will answer those who ceaselessly pray for Him..only then miracle will happen though it invariably favors diligent ones.

Every day is always miracle as God may anytime instruct His angels to snatch us our life in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately rarely we wake and say little prayers for His blessing, for Him we are still alive!!


1 comment:

  1. everyday is a gift :)
    thank Allah for this wonderful life
    you students must optimise your everyday to improve and change yourself
