Saturday, January 8, 2011


Dear students,

Sometimes saying nothing and doing nothing is our best resort. Unfortunately, such act at times results in nothingness as it holds water with the adage goes you reap what you sow. Two years in a row we were gathered in a hall engaging ourselves in a dream to clinch the best possible result for English paper, only the select few managed to make it. The rest succumbed to either B, C , D or even E, still it excited some as it depends on certain expectation, some getting C was already a marked improvement.Those hungrier usually aimed higher.You are what you think you are.

That is what we name it game, as life itself is a stage where we mere mortals are players. To play best we must be true to ourselves and the hardest part that many sane beings fail to comply with is to say no, say no to idling, relaxing,procrastinating,and of course cheating that was rife lately.Honesty deems no longer the best policy as many people conspire to clinch thrones meant not for them.

I myself am still struggling practicing to say no as this shows that we are a free man.Destined to live not at others' whim but our own ideals.This is what according to Dumbledore differed Potter from Riddle or Lord Voldermort in the Chamber of Secret, though Potter was destined to Slyterrin.He chose Gryffindor instead.Ironically, this is what we should practice the least or we will be stripped of rights and privileges for that.He always weighed with great care news within his earshots as wrong judgement has its ripple effects let alone if they are far reaching for generations to come. What happened in our school, hearsays dominate the game.Failures have since been viewed as curse.Why not give due recognition to those who registered a number of As instead of naming only one student whose name was not at first correctly announced. That was nothing to some. However, to me it indicated that they cared not their in charge. I am so sad on behalf of Ainur and his comrades. They gave her all to make school proud only things did not go their way this time around. Those the like of Ainur, Aina and Iman whose short of only an A still deserved at least recognition for jobs well done.Sadly, no mention at all as a bulk of their fellow friends fared badly. It is not their mistakes or failure when our school overall performance was bad. It is the mistakes and faults of so many other parties as well be they school top brass, teachers or fellow friends. We English teachers did our part already as we managed to at least maintain the possibility of churning out 10 students with straight As. Yet, it felt like to the eyes of others ,we did something horribly wrong!

Those guys who got even an A still deserve a pat on their back given the school with so many people at loggerheads with ever changing policies. School embracing we-are--more-powerful-than-thou spirits deems to doomsday.It is tantamount to waiting for a ticking bomb.

I am of the view though insanity that Dumbledore of Hogwarts school is possibly the best man for the job as he is always true to his principle. To find the like of him is no small task as we teachers and students alike are after different dreams and believe different fairy tales. Only i am too rational to be a peacemaker,let alone a negotiator as it demands compassion or alluring words which i can hardly find both in me.

Reading some great books like Animal Farm and Potter series was like enjoying a cup of pudding after sumptuous dinner .What a blessing in disguise!Oo Allah..grant me my wish to let me live life to my principles though be hated by some.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They may not get recognition, or any rewards.. but these students, no matter how many As they have scored, still have this feeling of satisfaction, i believe, for the fact that they have said no to those tempting sleeping activity, laziness etc..and chose to work the best they could for the exam.. Maybe it is disappointing to them that the results are not what they hv expected it to be, but deep deep down inside they are happy that they have done something to achieve their dreams..

    Beautiful memories of their days as form 3 students will be cherished by them more often that their result printed on paper.. i know because until today the 2009 PMR batch still talking (in facebook) on how they wish they could turn back the time, when they had to attend classes like crazy,they want to be form 3 students again. The same thing will happen to the next batch..

    Most importantly is, to bring out the best in them, celebrating student for being the best of him/her. Not only the best among them

  3. yups, it is true as we need to bring out the best in them. To make it happen i to know them full well..what i miss last year is i knew them by names but not their strengths & weaknesses.
