Thursday, December 24, 2009
I could imagine from afar that some of you were jubilant the moment you open the result slip. But not to forget some of you also start weeping inside for failing to hit your target. Until now, i don't have actual number of passing percentage or the number of students securing A for English paper. But it is learnt that you have shown marked improvement compared to the trial where it registered around 65% passed. You deserve a pat on your back! We , Sir and Miss could play our roles teaching and guiding or even goading you all but in the end you yourself pouring out what is in store in your head to produce the best you could.
Thank God as I do know from Miss Farah that two of you struck straight As. They are no other than Ayatullah and his love bird. What a great coincidence!The rest i am pretty sure will be around 5 to 8 As. Those getting lower than that should also be grateful as you have already gave your all. This time you learn how to bounce back stronger to prepare yourself for the most important exam during schooling years that is SPM.
After all, what matters most is we learn a thing or two everyday!
Here is an excerpt from the latest work of Dan Brown in his newest novel , The Lost Symbol;
"Katerine had created beautifully symmetrical ice crystals by sending loving thoughts to a glass of water as it froze . Incredibly , the converse was also true: when she sent negative ,polluting thoughts to the water, the ice crystals froze in chaotic , fractured forms. Human thought can literally transform the physical world' .. the mind had the ability to alter the state of matter itself,and, more important , the mind had the power to encourage the physical world to move in a specific direction. We are the masters of our own universe.
Mr Brown! where is God then if we are the master of the universe / our own universe?
You are correct when you did mention the power of mind like what practiced by Yoga practitioners who could even stop the surging fountain or raging waterfall using power of thought. Research findings also prove that water molecules were in chaotic form when the rock music is played next to it. Interestingly, there was also beautiful arrangement of water molecules while being surrounded by soothing music or being chanted soothing words onto it.
That is what i could share after 10% reading of the novel. I will insert some other new found insights when i come across any.
Reading is the way to heaven. My message, in conjunction with the date of the release of PMR result is read a lot as you have nothing to lose but gain a lot from it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Now, we are short of three days before we gather at the place where 'knowing' is either a real joy or misery. To us, who partly have guided you all this while,we have actually cherished the sweet moments since the time we set foot in your class on the very first days teaching you all. This Thusday is just to add more sweet flavor though it might turn bitterer. For me, sweet and bitter is a mixture without which one we can't have a real taste of pure flavour.
I can't wait to taste an extra ounce of flavor as it feels like short of sugar now. Or it needs extra ounce of salt to make it a pure mixture.
Whatever outcomes, it is always a journey and endless journey to see Him with pure heart.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
So, by hook or by crook, whether we like it or not, we have to be prepared for any outcomes. It's either we achieve what we want or not. You may jump with joy the day you receive your result or be wounded by it. But no matter what happens, learn to accept it and learn to learn from it. Success and failure, those two are part and parcel of life. Such wound of this is deemed to be capable of healing through medicine called Time. However, don't just simply let the time heals as mistakes are only meaningful when you regret them.
Finally, thanks for the memories. I had an exciting year as a new teacher experimenting the best approaches on you, the guinea pig, my beloved students. My favourite author said, he lives by a simple mantra; to make wonderful memories everyday and thank you with you, the colourful batch of SMAS form 3 students, I was able to have such memories everyday. I will definitely cherish the moment with all of you forever!
Thank you; love Miss Farah!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Remember when what you all anticipate come end of December is nothing but result with flying colors though some of your never worked hard enough to have colors of choice. I am sure now that each and everyone of you starts feeling the wings of butterflies inside your stomach. I myself am no exception. Once a while when this thing comes across my mind I start feeling worried and my mind starts calculating the possibilities that may or may not exist at all. Of course that is why we call it possibility. The situation(instead of problem) is we are now at no capacity to make amends of the result.
All papers are now at the hand of the unknown allies or foes whose identity we would never know. Allies if they give full dedication to give your best marks that you deserve and foes if you become their punching bag for their own personnel misery and carelessness.This means you are at risk at all times as you don't know which group you belong.
So, you may think if the possibilities do exist anyway. There is no point working hard enough only to know then that we have been a victim of human flaws. Can we easily accept if we are the ones who are at the receiving end of the human blunder. Where is justice and fairness in life then? Hard to fathom and still harder to accept.Let alone to swallow it !. So, what shall we do? Just enjoy the process that you have gone through all this while as God will never fail those who strive, only sometimes our turns are delayed as He knows best what suits us. We must realize that a great deal of people start to feel the taste of success late in their life. Most of them have two things in common first have a goal set high and another stick to their goal like what Teacher Farah reminds you all.
It is the same old moon that never fails to shed us light days in days out despite her frustration and woes over our actions which are against her and our God .It seems to her that the process of shedding light is an act of joy itself. Her purpose is to be a loyal servant to Him and she never fails to be one. She effectively executes her task as she her sole aim is to shed us and other God's earth creatures light at night. Her aim to see us becoming a true servant remains shattered. But she keeps on with her life as life itself is the most priceless gift.
In short, result is nothing compared to the process of achieving the result itself. Unfortunately, we are only ready to realize and accept this in our twilight years despite being told by the same old moon time and again.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
"before you (Bella), my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason. ..And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy,there was beauty".. Cullen, E.
Life is just meaningful when it has purpose.. Be it big or small it will be meaningful and beautiful.. My dear students, set your purpose, your goal to achieve in this ephemeral life so that it will be the one with a moon, unlike a moonless night.
Well, I would prefer if you choose to set your aim high. There is nothing greater than to live in a life where you existence is necessary. So, choose to be someone who will contribute as much as you can to the people around you, the society. Einstein said human are part of the universe but many live in prison for their attention and affection is centered around a few people only. I am myself want to escape from this prison and becoming aware of the fact that there is so much in this universe that needs our attention.
So, set your goal high and definitely the first thing that needs to be checked is our intention.
Insya-Allah it is for the sake of God.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
'To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.'- The Secret Teachings of All Ages
"Time is a river...and books are boat. Many volumes start down that stream, only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall in its sands. Only a few, very few endure the testings of time and live to bless the ages following" (note: The Holy Koran is the greatest example!) - Masonic Bible
-from the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
Friday, November 20, 2009
Just coming back from Batu Pahat, visiting my sister and her family, my body is worn out and still too tired to start working out the still unfinished school business,that is school magazine project. Somehow, i need to get it done by tomorrow as it is already late. As usual when i was about to start hitting the key board my focus is still everwhere from surfing favorite blogs or googling whatever exist on earth that answer my curiosity. Out of many realms my minds wandering aimlessly, the one cyber world that it never fail to imaginatively drop by is smas setiu and it starts narrowing till it almost ends up thinking of you all guys, 2009 batch of form three students. Thought, i or we miss farah and I have so far many a time overheard from the ever talking walls from a few rooms that this year's form three students' behavior is unbearable, still some of you guys have made the school proud at least the likes of Saiful, Shamil ,Iwan J, Aidil, Mat Yie and few others including girl students.I could not be judgemental in this issue as to me i rather be your friend who in even a small scale can render help. I rather view that as something can be simply summed as colourful. That is what I feel after sometimes. I miss that colour as i thought i have put some paints for better. Now after sometimes i want to start finishing the magazine.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It is not miracle that we expect to happen day in day out without putting in a lot of efforts. I think some of you guys have worked hard enough and i do hope you will get what you deserve. Those who were too busy to take time to study will have to face the deafening music.
Keep praying as we never know what truly happens in future and Allah will answer those who ceaselessly pray for Him..only then miracle will happen though it invariably favors diligent ones.
Every day is always miracle as God may anytime instruct His angels to snatch us our life in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately rarely we wake and say little prayers for His blessing, for Him we are still alive!!
What a gruelling battle! though we may anticipate the winners based on current standings, i am still of the view that every team stands equal chance to win. The strongest team which is on the cards to be the champions is the one led by Arsene Wenger. Nevertheless they can not rule out the new power Liverpool that beat Chelsea with a thumping victory 4 - 0.
Tomorrow's first game between Chelsea and City will be a decisive match either City should simply forget his campaign for his worst performances ever that witnessed their team being defeated 4 times in a row.
Fight to death!!it is so easy to cry and die but to fight when hope is out of sight!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Your long awaited time is looming, and from now on you will have to start doing mental rehearsal to devise out strategies that of great help for you. Surely, some of you start feeling anxious and nervous for few known and unknown reasons, either plausible or implausible, tangible or otherwise.Some of you can hardly wait to regurgigate what they have absorbed all this while , not years as it is learnt that very few have truly learnt last two and a half years. From my random observation your learning process has truly kicked off just recently that is after mid year break. Before that, you all were in the school but your minds were elsewhere roaming for free.
Some of you start doubting themselves for not covering lots and lots of lessons that they should have covered. Since time is far from enough and nothing much they can do now, so the last and best resort is they start lamenting and feeling remorseful. Never! never behave that way as we never know exactly what our future holds. The best we can and must do is give our best shot now! the rest let God decide what suits us best based on our efforts and seriousness. Always believe that magic happens everyday.
Since I am an avid fan of a few sports and i hardly miss a chance of witnessing major tournaments be they tennis,football, fast tracks or even F1. I have noticed that the players or atheletes share same philosophy of life that is thing aint over till it is over. Remember the devils recently netted winning goals in 95th minute to secure full three points in a dramatic battle against their neighbours' rival. Thanks to Owen for his classy act. Last night, Evra's ball which was badly handled by Sunderland player safely landed into the net giving each devils fans a surge of relief. In the last Olympic game in Beijing 08, do you remember when Phelps was earlier defeated technically when his arch rival already stretched his hand to touch the sensory board only to find Phelps's outstreched hand was rather longer to oust his rival hundredth per second to haul 8 gold medals and smashed world record for the most number of goal medals bagged just in a single game.
I do hope you give your best till the final whistle , do that no matter how prepared you as the saying goes. I rather be a loser after trying and trying than nobody who does nothing but dreaming. Failure teaches us in many forms where success can not beat! Aim for a success but always be prepared for untoward outcomes as remember God always has His best plan for us no matter who or how we are prior to our existence. This conviction can put us to rest as we know what we have been searching all this while.
In a nutshell, give a hug to youself and a pat on your own shoulder and scream to yourself..'i will give my all as this really benefits me and my family'.
From Sir with love
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Imagine what would you do right after PMR? most importantly what would you feel soon after that? I am sure everyone has her or his own set of agenda. It largely depends on your performance during the exam. If you feel that you have managed to attempt all or most of the papers well, the chances are you would be happily or hilariously spend you so called 'holidays' during schooling days. Why holidays during schooling days? of course, your physical is at school but your mind wanders elsewhere as you don't have to attend normal classes, entertain homeworks, group works , rigorous drilling workshops , twilight or wee-hour classes and the like.
During these periods of time, apart from those beaming from ear to ear for jobs well done , there must me some of you keep lamenting and regretting their past mistakes for not doing well in the exam, not paying much attention in class, not heeding teachers' advice and tips, not studying hard enough despite numerous activities or programmes held in and outside schools by respective subject teachers, and so on and so forth. The above mentioned instances are some experiences which students will invariably go through after the exam.
Some take a month or even more to recover from their frustration or regret . Ironically some just take only days, or even hours to be discharged from the not-feel-good wards. Then, it becomes business as usual for them.
Just imagine, what would you do should you be given a second chance to sit the exam? how much effort would you put in to ensure you fare better this time or have success with flying colours? How would you spend every single minute allotted withing the short 10 day period? Just imagine and give youself full throttle or you lose the battle.
Imagine this is the second chance for you to prove your mettle! Bear in mind, you are in the game now and in driving seat as well. Nothing is over unless it is over!Owen proved the saying hold water in the latest battle against their noisy rivals when he superbly netted winning goal seconds before game. Rarely people take for granted their second chance unless they are sure they be given another chance! which of course hardly happen.
Play your most beautiful game in your mind first, once having won the imaginary game, march to the battle ground with confidence and clairvoyance as winning seems just a stone's throw away then.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Come next week, a week before Hari Raya,the last week we perform fasting during schooling days as school is set to start having Hari Raya Break from 17th September. e shall have ECM , which stands for extraordinary class meeting. This ECM will be held starting from Monday morning till Thursday morning. Those interested to join, you may register your names to Miss Syafiqah and Miss Zabidah as soon as possible. Date line for registration is on Sunday,1:00 pm.Hurry up as places are limited
Monday, September 7, 2009
It seems now time becomes the most precious thing that you have ever possessed. I am sure most of you are busier planning to study than studying itself. This is because of your same old habit to postpone almost everything on earth till the last minutes. This happened to me as well when I used to be a student like you and it costs me a lot. Thus, i don't want this befall you.
There is no excuse for you to procrastine anymore as you just have one month left! if you minus all chores and routines that you have to go through, you just have a few days left. Take a time to plan and execute the plan. Don't spend one whole day planning without hitting the plan at all.
Of course, they say to win you must plan, but plan alone does not get you anywhere. You have to have gut and determination to carry out the plan. I am sure the moment you want to open the book and do whatever exam related tasks you are confused and indecisive. More often than not you end up doing nothing! this is a nightmare as the days are numbered.
Just hit any book at hand and with simple yet practical plan execute it with confidence. Cross any topics or chapters that you have already mastered and attempt the ones you hate most! why? you tend to learn nothing for doing the easy tasks!
By the way, befriend not born procrastinators inside you! or they will cripple you like hell
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Remember when Iwan J stood behind the rostrum emceeing the closing ceremony at Lata Balatan last two months? he said..among others that from now on we must pull up our socks as the exam was fast approaching as blinding light.
Take a trouble now or you will regret later !
Working extra harder is definitely easier said than done. But, you have no choice as you have already registered yourself as a student..if you truly love yourself give your all for the coming exam and your have nothing to lose for doing so!
Friday, August 28, 2009
If by Rudyard Kipling
This is the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, recited by two well-known tennis players Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
In one of the most unforgettable days in SMAS, we had more than 40 students, who, despite all the delicious foods that they were going to have for lunch, the sweet dreams of their afternoon naps that they had to miss, and not to forget the football match waiting in the evening on SMAS field, were still willing to sacrifice those precious hours to be spent for those irresistible activities, only to be prisoned in the so-called ‘jail’ because of their insistence to not to go for an English seminar the day before.
Their patience were tested to the limits as hours passed. Some even thought that it was beyond their wildest dream that they would be able to sit down in the room accomplishing all the task prepared by their dedicated Sir Yusri for such a long period of time. Some even pronounced their pride for selves for being able to do that. They were so optimistic. This is what we want in our students, to have positive thinking and optimism under any circumstances.
Time passed by quickly but it seemed like forever to most of the students. Slowly and subtly the boys especially those at the back were getting restless. They were not even allowed to go to the toilet. The fact that they did not even have the permission to go out to wash their hands after having lunch added to the traumatic experience. So, we could not help it but agree to the fact that emotions are like wild horses. They must be freed. As a result, it could be seen some students expressed their emotions (anger, disappointment etc.) in ways which was both expected and unexpected. I was quite startled but was back to my conscience after psychologically reminding myself that these were normal responses from normal human-beings.
So the torture finally ends late in the evening but then later at night it was a relief to see the same faces again all smiling indicating that they were ready for the next battle called EPL 25 although it was learnt that they might not come because of the 4 hours of tiring experiences. Of course, we, the teachers are so proud of you!
I know it hurts and torturing having to stay back after class for more than 4 hours, to be 'jailed' only because you did not attend a seminar oganised by us the English teachers the day earlier but it was another sacrifice you have to make. This is quite random but Peter Parker, you know, the Spiderman once quoted saying this in the movie, "In order to be a hero you have to sacrifice the thing that you want the most." There's a truth in what he said. In this case, he has to sacrifice his dreams because of the responsibility that he has to uphold which is to save
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It is learnt that mr A was on his way to class after having a 'social visit' to the water cooler near the office. But, his luck was not by his side today. He could not escape anymore as what he did more than once before! and they have to go thorough 'under seige 2' experience.
By tomorrow morning both A & A are to sumbit written works to be copied from model answers! Apart from familiarising the formats.Both A & A will at least learn how to spell out correct words from copying the model and add more newfound words into their lexicon.
Have you had any dreams last night worthy to share with? i am pretty sure some of you may have but don't have enough gut to disclose it to others. In that case you dreamt something that you yourself could not live it when you were awake. So, why bother yourself with uncertainties as you may dream dreams, the real dreams.
Let state your dream now or simply refresh it as without dream you will lack one of the most critical catalysts for change.
Ask yourself my dear students, what is the easiest thing to carry out! sleep, eat, daydream, or what? ask yourself? To me the easiest thing to do is to do nothing? but for sure we will achieve nothing? lest some miracles come knocking or rolling onto your doosteps! unfortunately to achieve nothing despite doing nothing is something we can hardly accept..thus we have to truly identify the easiest to do things and think of them thoroughly.
We, teacher Farah and I dream all of you will pass our subject with flying colors! Believe it or not we will live the dream but most importantly you all have to work out things on how to make the dream a reality as you will benefit most out our dream.
Why don't cast away your self doubt and start dreaming. They say aim higher up to the above sky and you may end up on top of the countless stars.
Like it or not dream anyway! Honda's motto's 'dare to dream' has its own genious!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Having to cover all the nine subjects within such a short period is quite a nightmare unless you yourself are all prepared.I am sure a handful of you guys can't wait to enter the small battle field for war. The war whereby all you have to do is squeezing your brain and regurgigating everything inside it out onto a clean paper what you have been memorising and cramming into your palm-sized brain for months or even years. The rest let the examination syndicate decides!after receiving directives from the incumbent minister.
All you have to do then, keep your fingers crossed for success will come rolling! nope! Success at times hires peeping Tom and those with burning midnight oil's habit deserve it.
Come end of December, all of you either alone, befriended or even accompanied by anxious parents or relatives flock back to school for result. Then, the true drama will unfold and the truth will unravel. That will be the time when you realize how true what your teachers once said. 'Give your best shot,study hard or you will regret' . It, more often than not proves true as some of you ignoring teachers' advice will regret for the rest of your days, months,years,decades or might probably life as some of you aspire to be a doctor or engineer or Ustaz only to see your dream careers bidding you good bye since your result was not promising! but that's not the end of life so long you can hold you head high enough and not to succumb to temporary setbacks and bounce back stronger than ever!
Usain Bolt could beat Tyson Gay then after being defeated once! Now it is Gay's turn for revenge in the olympic stadium in Russia. Kuncuro just beat our world no. 1 and continue his dominance in the world summit in India!our nation's doubles bring us joy and hope after wading through to quarter finals. Is that simple?bouncing back!The simple theory applies to you all guys! Start believing in yourself and the rest is history or you will be history.
What a more spectacular view than to see Saiful the Ayatullah, Syamil Basayev ,Iwan J, Mat Yie , Eidil and the rest of guardians council are all smiles with their result! with them is none other than teacher Farah their guiding light ! posing for happy moments that will last a life time.i am somewhere at that time brimming from ear to ear after being infected by the good news.
What is life without dream. Dreams make a man, but dreams as well crush a man to death! but my dear students dream anyway! the bigger the better!
One God
'If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him! (Al-Anbiyaa' 21:22)'
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What a pressure! day in day out we teachers are incessantly being reminded to ensure you all get all As . Like it or not, it is no longer an option but necessity, They say necessity is a mother of invention. Might probably by having such pressure students and teachers alike will be more creative, motivated or even inspired to attain the desired result.
But then, is that the true philosophy of education, to churn out students who are well balanced both physically ,mentally and spiritually? Such obsession for greatest number of As will directly or indirectly deny students their right to enjoy the bitter sweet experience of school life and gain necessary skills which are unable to find them elsewhere. Students hardly discover that as they are constantly brainwashed to getting most number of As. I am so lucky as I was born not in this era or else i migh end up now ...i also don't know!
To me, to teach students to quench their thirst or love for knowledge is a far reaching success despite getting no As. Being able to inculcate sense of curiosity for knowledge is a way better than getting A but lacking the most crucial skill which is thirst for knowledge and wisdom. I prefer the latter but i must graduate both to be a great teacher.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I am sure the students are now more than exhausted after undergoing the three- day concentration camp at Batu Rakit. Mind you, it is not concentration camp the like of what Nazis did against the Jews where it was learnt that thousands of jews were cornered into it and burnt to death. But, was that truth or myth? the latter which what most Iranians from all walks of life claimed.
Our version of the camp is just to gather all F3 students at a conducive place free from a hustle and bustle of the school life and assign them to carry out tasks or do things deem necessary to better improve their academic performance especially for critical subjects like English, Sciences and Maths. We are thankful to The Almighty Allah as we managed to reach some target objectives despite setbacks.
Closing my eyes and letting my thoughts wandering was the thing i did for a couple of minutes while lying on the soft mattress in the VIP room there when you all were boarding the same old yellow bus leaving the camp for good.yeah for good maybe for most of you.I am pretty sure, the bitter sweet moments shared there will be something worthy to remember some time in the near future.If not now,maybe in two or three years' time.
Some of you playful or half naughty guys, despite numerous warnings from school teachers and the camp officers respectively to observe rules , dos and don'ts were still brave enough splashing water to each other and frolicking hilariously in a small square 'swimming pool' adjacent to the girls' bathroom. I guessed you spontaneously named it 'swimming pool' soon you came across it when you were about to answer nature calls the first time being there. As the appeal to dip inside it was too irresistable that your poor temptation could not bear. That appeal resulted in dozens of guys managed to let loose their bodies and feel the coldness of the 'swimming pool'. The reward is sad story..the next camp we will have to undergo screening test. Only those with strong fighting spirit to be observant of rules and regulations are qualified to be participant in the next camp(s) which is to be held in no time.
For me, that was sad but about you? are you happy being together again with your fellow friends of almost the same level of maturity? or you prefer you be separated? and let those truly yearn to learn grab the chance. Mixed feeling was I. As i believe in everyone's rights and privileges. Every student is entitled the best education possible no matter who they are or where they come from.Above us, nobody in anyway wants to fail themselves or see themselves fail, it is just a matter of time and maturity that set them apart.
I always pray for and wish each and everyone of you to taste the sweetness of success. From now on, always pull your socks and reach success in style. They say, success is the best revenge. The least you can think of should(if) you have nothing left to keep you going! Mat Yie proved that despite discouraging remarks from friends and foes when he won the best storytelling for district level. For state level? ask himself..he has his own reason for the losing!. I have digressed but the point is there dear students.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
It was 1:00 pm when I met sir Karim at a parking lot by the road side near Sabasun.He asked me to send 'love lettters' from 'young promising farmers' to 'muslimah' in Setiu. It was so hot as if the scorching sun seemed full of furious and fury unleashing its wrath and anger over us for ever forgetting the Al Mighty God in times of peace and joy, except in times of need like during examination moon. What an ungrateful servant!
Sir Karim just conducted a joint program between SMKA Sheikh Abdul Malik & SMASZA Ladang which involved around 150 students from both schools. He said that Sheikh Malik's teacher advised him to give emphasize on argumentative essay for guided writing and for novel, do stress on 'themes'.
So, from now on, do lots of practice on that type of essay and read the novel , search few evidences in the novel to support your chosen themes. While answering the question come trial exam, don't forget to state your preference by stating the novel and its author like the example below;
The theme that i prefer most is loyalty. This is clearly shown in the novel The Prisoner of Zenda written by Anthony Hope. There are three scenes where we can see clearly how loyalty was successfully portrayed in the novel.
First para.. ( first evidence)
Second para..(second evidence)
Third para..(third evidence)
In conclusion, the three evidences mentioned above show clearly how loyalty was successfully depicted in the novel. I think loyalty is also the virtue which we must uphold at all costs. We rather lose our belongings but not our loyalty as man without loyalty is like a man without honour.
On top of that, again..never forget to string a few lines of introduction, support the chosen theme with at least three evidences and not to forget to make a conclusion by stating your point of view convincingly.
Thursday, July 30, 2009


To be mastery in any languages under the sun, we must muster enough strength to master both grammar & vocabulary. I am in no position to say which one is of greater importance. I am pretty sure that both are important. Anyway let us ponder a quote from the expert..
'Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed' from D.A. Wilkins, Linguistics in Language Teaching
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It was a hot sunny day under the scorching sun when Kimi, a friend of Dauss, a renowned tok bilal hailed from a far remote area known to only select world explorers,and for your information Daus used to be a great bilal at Nelayan resort held at Bari. He was stuck in the middle while trying to pronounce 'assolaatu khairu..' .He was then replaced by Amir, hailed from the most popular island in the state, whose voice could sometimes put our heartbeat to a temporary stop.
Back to Kimi and the geng, he and his colleagues continued running joyfully and sometimes frantically upon realising the eyes from all corners be canteen or school blocks focusing on their antics at the school field. The remaining students were watching them with all smiles. Most probably because they managed to submit One Page One Day exercise book right before due date. The best sprinter today goes to the so called Along who despite his plump yet cute face still manages to finish the last lap with splendour.
Oh we have two the so called beauty pageants in a row, first featuring male candidates led by Kimi and second pageant starring newcomers in smas showbiz Ummi and Fatin, both looked reluctant despite the fact that they were honorably 'qualified' for not finishing the required task. What a shame to the girls ,as girls are worldly known for being diligent and hardworking, yet they could not finish the small task assigned. The so called guys, the like of Aiman, Izzuddin, Dauss, Pok Loh managed to finish theirs!!! what more do we expect from the rest if always sleepy-in-class Pok Loh could do that.
The Al Kimi and The Geng story is hoped will shed light for the enlightenment of the rest
geng -geng botok 3c - edited version
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What a great relief to find that you managed to end the battle of the brain. I am pretty sure that game could not please everyone's feelings. By the way, never give up as winners and losers alike should treat both imposters just the same as what was once beautifully coined by the great man Rudyard Kipling.
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;
Rudyard Kipling
If you happened to watch Wimbeldon finals recently, written on the huge sign on the door leading to Centre Court was the above inspiring words. Being inspired at one time is one thing, but to be constantly inspired is another which is much harder..
For the losers, you have won in some other ways. You have learned ways that don't work! above all you are now wiser than before! The prophet once said ' Everday, Muslims must be better than yesterday and tomorrow will have to be better than today'. And the circle continues..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It is so easy to cry in the face of difficulties like being humiliated right in front of our fellow students despite doing nothing wrong. Only those with a big heart, strong focus and determination will take it from positive side as that will help them grow stronger no matter what confront them. Thanks Allah our camping went smoothly as planned only tarnished by a few incidences which were beyond our control like waking up late for subuh prayers after burning ubi kayu the whole night .The teacher in charge Mr Ibrahim was so regretful that he punished those late performers of the subuh prayers. He deserves credits for his swift action before the illness becomes a plague. That's what we call it life as i never fail to mention in the class especially when things don't go our way.
Retribution, it is so hard to fathom but sometimes it holds water and reaches our logic. Many times we have committed mistakes or minor sins but we managed to escape ourselves from being caught red-handed like cheating in the exam, cheating to teachers for not finishing or submitting homeworks, loitering along the corridor, hanging out at a long wooden bench near the toilet or to a lesser degree , throwing sweet wrappers or plastic containers everywhere in a class or school area despite being told and nagged time and again by Mr Ibrahim and Ust Zakaria . You may have felt relieved at that time as God gave you a chance to survive the shame as no one took action against your behaviors. But remember, every single sin no matter how small it is will have to face retribution from Allah even as small as atom, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly which we ourselves are not aware of it at all as it sometimes was long overdue. But God never forget, who knows may be today's fateful day is pay day for our past mistakes. Hindu names it Hukum Karma, we muslim believe in Qoda' and Qodar.
So, from now on, keep telling our innerselves that we are in control of ourselves as we can react the way we please no matter what befalls us. Never resort to evil no matter what or how.Please exercise forgiveness as it takes extra courage to forgive and a courageous man is in fact a forgiving man.
God the Almighty is the most forgiving, so we as small as atom compared to countless other stars in the milky way, why is it so hard for us to forgive. To err is human and to forgive is divine. Forgiving is not a cowardice act as many believe. Instead, only the man with strong will power will offer forgiveness.
Forgive me if i am wrong as you are entitled to disagree.
Friday, July 17, 2009
It has been weeks since i posted my last entry. It seems my duties to share a thing or two with you all so that we all can benefit from it. This time i want to bring you all to things happening in our beloved smas. Nothing is free in this secularly made world.
Why secular? Of course..its name is secular as we are in the rat race after mundane yet temporary world that we forget the ever lasting world that promises us everything imaginable and beyoond imagination, but we can hardly believe due to our shallow faith.
We are invariably tired to impress others be they our inferior what more to our superior. We end up putting a big question mark to our inner being. is that what i am after out of this life? We are so engrossed with worldly promises that we forget to entertain our soul. Thus we end up being a soul searching person day in day out. what a great loss! listen to advice but pay no heed.
How peaceful and harmonious life is should everyone listen and observe good things they have ever shared with. I am no exception as i am not a man of word when it comes to putting into practice things said. May Allah grant me strength to withstand burden heavier for me to bear.
Last Thursday, i was in the brink of giving up when suddenly i heard Aqil's hardly audible voice reaching my ears with his gramatically correct sentence. then , i told myself that they by all means are improving!what a relief! Sure, despite nothingness we should never give up hopes and dreams as man without dream is like an angry zombi, charging everywhere but nothingness.
Monday, July 13, 2009
written by Amiru Fahimi
Today is Monday. Miss Farah taught me about how to do essay very well. It has influenced me to do good essay. I am sure I will pass with flying colours in English language. If I study hard and study smart, I can be a best student. I need teachings from my beloved teacher to be successful in my exam.
written by Siti Rahimah
One day, Mrs Nora, the mother of four little birds brings home some of blue berries. Her children await hungrily as she removes it from her mouth. It looks very good. One little bird licks his lips hungrily.
But the little bird is a greedy one. The little bird shed crocodile tears to attract attention from her mother. Her mother give her most of the blue berries. Her other three little birds bursts into tears because they did not get the blueberries.
written by Syarif Al-Azmi
Miss Farah is a teacher of 3B. Everyday she will give three words of vocabulary. Her students await hungrily to get the words every morning. But her student cannot get 'A' in exam.
But Amiru Fahimi is a greedy student. Every morning he will ask Miss Farah many words about English. From his action, Amiru Fahimi has passed English with flying colours.
If only all the other students are as greedy as Amiru Fahimi.
written by Burhanuddin Helmi
Mrs Siti has two children, Halim and Jamilah. One day Mrs Siti is baking one of her delicious cream cakes for dinner. Her children await hungrily as she removes it from the oven. It smells very good. Halim licks his lips hungrily.
But Halim is a greedy boy. He eats up most of the cake when Mrs Siti goes to her room. His sister, Jamilah feels very angry but she is chicken-hearted to fight with her brother. Out of anger, she shed crocodile tears. Halim was scolded by Mrs Siti because of his behaviour.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Miss Farah and I just finished attending the course tailored for English teachers for lower secondary level this morning at SMK Lembah Bidong. We can't wait to share a few tips with you all. Nevertheless we are afraid of whether or not you will benefit from the said tips. By the way I need to share them via this blog first as this will remain intact and you can refer it time and again with just a mouse click away.
First and foremost, i need to say thank you to Puan Maryati from SMKTLS and Puan Roshidah from SMKTJ for their shared tips this morning. The wise old man once said, the faintest ink is better than memory as it lasts longer even ages after the writer died. So, the message is clear right? keep up writing as this humble act affects eternity.
First I want to start with Puan Roshidah's slot. She shared some tips on how to score for summary and literature part especially for the novel. She said, for summary, first make sure you write 50 words excluding the ten words given. Second, write in a paragraph. Third, use the ten words given. Fourth, change the pronouns as this will give an impression that you know how to use grammatical rules . Fifth, Use the same tense as in the original text. Sixth, don't change the meaning of the original text. Seventh, use a variety of sentence structures. Familiar ourselves with simple and compound sentences only and don't forget to write the actual number of words written. Write the summary in a table format as this will ease the examiner's burden to count each word written.
She said that it is so easy to get 7 ,8 or even 9 marks for summary as you will be easily given 5 marks for points which are usually found up to 6 or 7 points in each text. Use sentence connectors as this will give an impression to the examiner that you have put some attempts to use your own words. Despite the fact that you can easily get 5 marks, there are some setbacks which might trap weak students. Don't simply lift phrases with main ideas and use them for your summary without knowing subject and verb. Points will be given only for each complete sentence that includes subject and verb. In another word, we need to have a very clear idea of what constitutes a sentence that is subject and verb. In a nutshell, for better summary we need lots and lots more exercises on sentence patterns which are basically subject verb and object.
Another most important tip in summary writing is to undertand the question. You must truly comprehend the required task from each question such as benefits, steps, advantages, disadvantages, actions and so forth. Just to name a few. Last but not least mind mandatory words. What is mandatory words? Ask and you will be answered!
That's all my dear,
Friday, July 10, 2009
Out of the blue, it feels like a urge to jot down a few words about Alif & Dayat. Both are the man whose absence makes others grew fonder of him, let alone his favourite teacher Miss Farah. His antics always become hotly talked about topic among female teachers. They seem ceaselessly debating to devise most workable approaches to tame the like of Alif and his dear friend Hidayat to be serious in their study. They wonder why such look like lazy guys stay in second top class out of five. There must be something within their innerselves yet to unearth
For me, both have their own talents. Having clinical skills in football is not something one can acquire overnight. Both Alif and Dayat are at their best when they are the school field coached by Sir Kamal whose footballing prowess is unmatched among state religious schools' teachers, at least until now.
It is almost time for Friday prayers now. Got to go! all the best both of you dear students and the readers as well!
D days are approaching at a rate of a blinding speed that takes those with tough sinew and mind to mount lethal attacks and deflect the intagible invading enemies. Why did i put that much hype to the so called PMR examination! I don't want to string words of logic to make you all understand it! just ask your seniors who are now in form four.
Ask them how did they feel the moment they took their PMR's result? jubilant?over the moon? excited? or otherwise? or deflated? dissappointed?how many of them feel contented with their result? how many of them said that they have worked hard enough but it proved their efforts were in vain? ask them to what scale have they ruined their parents' heart full with expectation only to know their sons or daughters scored strings of Ds and Bs and one of two As which could not get them anywhere. Ask and you will be answered!
I am pretty sure most of them will say PMR is not that tough , all you have to do is study hard , the harder the better and there is no short cut. We still have almost 80 days to go, and never think of cheating during the exam as this will motivate you to become lazier than ever! and to be a man you have to be true to yourself! make your result yours not half or quarter of you. Your result will last a lifetime and remain intact in your personal file.
Cheaters may win many times before they lose, but they definitely end up a loser until or unless they repent of their past wrongdoings. You all with your existing knowledge and information in store feel less confident to make it in the exam. Come on, believe in yourself, no matter how insignificant or trivial your result is so long it is truly yours, in fact it matters you more than anything else on earth.
To end this musing, i would like to share what Socratos once said. 'To Yourself Be True!' and I am glad to put it this way 'Neither a cheater nor a cheater helper be as you might lose your life most important principle'. They name it HONESTY and it is arguably the best policy.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
by Syarif Al-Azmi
The Little Alif, White Borhan, Gigantic Afiq and Dark Fazil live in a room. But the Little Alif is different from them. He is not lazy.
Every afternoon, all in the room will sleep on the bed. Only Little Alif is awake. He will carry an Arabic Language book to study. He sleeps only when the sun sets.
If only all the other students are as hardworking as the Little Alif.
by Alif Asidi
Little Izaan, Faien and Alif live in a village. But Alif is different from them. He is a very hardworking boy.
Every Friday, all the workers will rest at their home. Only Alif is working. He will work at the office. He rests only when the sun sets.
If only all the workers are as very hardworking as Alif.
by Aidilfitri
Aidilfitri, Aidiladha and AidilZakwan live at a house in a beautiful country side. But from all of them, one isn't lazy as others. Aidilfitri is the one that is a very hardworking boy.
Every early in the morning, while all the boys are sleeping, Aidilfitri wake up early to get ready for work. Aidilfitri wake up early and take a bath after that he will pray for God for some blessings on that day. He prepared some food to them for breakfast before he went to work. All of his brothers only wake up during afternoon. Aidil takes care of them because he loves them.
If only all of his brothers are hardworking and responsible like him, it would be easy to them.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
You are now experiencing the most crucial stage in life, the adolescent stage. You are in the process of growing up and surely along the way you are bound to learn as much as you can not only because you want to achieve a good result academically, it is also because this is the time you search for your identity. This is the stage where you must ask yourself, 'Who I want to be?' And as points out by many psychologists, you are indeed asking for the questions yourself without you even realising it. I'm not saying that you should stop thinking of who you want to be after you have reached adulthood, because adolescent is the starting point of your own self-discovery. This is the journey that will only end after your death. Remember, learning is a life-long journey. Develop a habit of seeking knowledge as much as you can because it is the the best companion to survive in this world which is full of mysterious things that are yet to be discovered and revealed.
Learning is to change. You are not learning anything if there is no change that takes place. I am pretty sure, you learn best through inspiration. And I know the best way to inspire you, the teenagers, the youth of the future, is through actions...rather than words. That is why the tendency of you to choose certain figures as your role model is great and high because you love to learn from other people's actions and behaviours. This applies to myself as well. As a young adult (ehem), I am easily inspired by those who are intelligent and those who possess a lot of knowledge. Along the journey of my own self-discovery back in years at University, I've met many that I was particularly fond of because of their knowledge. They were among those people that inspired me a lot because at such a young age (early 20s), they know a lot already and it is not only because of this that made me held them in awe, I love the fact that they share what they know with the other people and I assure you, not many can do that. And of course, apart from these young people, I've met the wise old ones. I'd like to wish my deepest gratitude to them for reminding me that I should be loyal with this journey of discovery.
At this age, I feel inspired by people with a beautiful heart. Like they say, it is not only your knowledge but your attitude that helps you wherever you are. It is like my philosophy in life now is not only, 'Seek as much knowledge as you can', but also 'Be good!'. But of course, words are easier said than done but I do hope that I am always governed by these principles because they are preached by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself.
"Are equal those who know and those who do not know (Koran, 39:9)."
"The best among you is the one who is best in character and morals (Hadith)."
And I wish the same too for my students. Anything that you do, think! because it is such a waste to spend your precious time as young people for NOTHING!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Fighting off your temptation is far tougher than winning an elocution contest. To win the contest all you need is lots and lots of practice and a few doses of confidence and faith. Surely, it won't take months for that, two weeks with full concentration will do to win the so called coveted prizes. However, to drive away bad habits from loitering all over our body and soul is far easier said than done. Furthermore, it takes years or even more for the quest. And many collapsed in the midst towards the glory like hundreds of sherpas went missing in their mission to help some bravehearts reach the highest apex on earth. Thanks Edmund for his pioneering feat.Other Sherpas keep mushrooming despite the fact that death is looming. Why ? is their belief strong enough that they put their lives at risk or they have other factors which are far dominating than the belief itself? I think they might feel their job is noble and dignified! and if they die, they die an honour man or martyr as what muslim warriors were once when they were out in battle fields. They craved for martyrdom and many ended up crying for being still alive despite countless scars all over their bodies like Khalid al Walid. The question is are we smas dwellers strong enough to join the battle if our temptations not reasons and wisdoms are still their best companions. So, they say the battle won't simply end as what most predicted.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
thank you very much for those participating in this blog. What a great start for better writing! keep on blogging either by posting or giving comments. Over time, realising it or not, your writing skills will be far far better than that you have at present! Are you afraid of doing mistakes especially in grammar or usage of right words? Don't worry! we are not English native speakers whose mother tongue is English language. Therefore, to stumble upon mistakes here and there is not something that should be taken seriously as we are always in a learning process.
The most important thing is not to have made no mistakes at all, what matters most is the learning process that takes place along the way. The more you make mistakes , the more your chance to absorb more learning inputs. You will definitely stop learning the moment you feel you are already competent enough. Such a thought will rob you your very desire and curiosity to dive deeper into the fascinating and mesmerising realms of knowledge.
Keep on asking and quizzing yourself while your ever young magical brain works best!We are now living in the world where brain laced with sound knowledge besides having indomitable spirit and faith rules the game. Join the game with full of knowledge, skills and confidence or simply become laggards who do nothing and earn nothing.
Did you ever heard about the Yesterday's Song which was sung by 'The Beatles' in 1970 and now, we'll tell you all what do we think of the song.
All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe
In yesterday
I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday
Came suddenly
Why she
Had to go I don't know
She wouldn't say
I said
Something wrong now I long
For yesterday
Did you know this song? I think you all know. The title of the song is 'Yesterday'. This song was written by 'The Beatles' band. The Beatles band who is a legendary band wrote this song in 1970. Oh I think you all know more about The Beatles band than me.
At my school, there are two teachers who are interested with this song. I do not know why they are so interested with this song. Sir Yusri, who is one of them, also played this song when EPL was in progress. I've tried to ask him why he is so interested with this song but he answered, 'no comment'. huhuhu... It's so weird.
Sir SY,s Most Favourite Song - Saiful
Ha2, Before I start to write this post, I want to remind you that this isn't about a gossip or anything about 'him'. It's also not related with anyone who live or dead.
Ok, let's start. Have you ever heard about 'Yesterday'. It's a song that is sung by 'The Beatles' in early 1970s and it's a song that is admired by many. Even until now, it is sung by many people all over the world.
For your information, this song also have some fans in our school. One of them is Sir Y. When we talk about this, I remember about a story that happened in the top ten's room in a peaceful evening.
Do you know what had happened there? We were talking about this song and do you know what we know from Miss F in that day? She said that it's Sir Y's favourite song and then, we laughed together because we know that anyone who loves the song might have experienced frustration in their lives. Do you know what thing was in our mind at that time? We think that Sir Y's proposal was rejected by his ex-gf, so he felt so frustrated and started to sing the song. Ha3.
Ok, that's all for now. Hope you're fine.
Ps: According to Sir Joe's son, his father also loves this song.
Hanif and Razi drink Vico and Hollic at the school canteen every morning with their friends - Shahrul's
Borhan and Akim are playing football carefully in the river at Kampung Pelong.- Hanif & Ives
Asyraf is playing football with his friends happily at his home in the afternoon - Borhan
MY and MF are reading the answer of EPL 18 to the students after Isyak prayer - Razi
Mat Yieeee looks like a bad guy.He has a friend whose name is Iwan Jeww.Many different behaviours and characters we can find in their life.First of all,Mat Yieeee's hair is like "pelepah nyo" but Iwan's hair is full of fleas.Everday,they fight together like cat and dog but one day Mr My gave them some sentences to change their behaviour.The sentence is "it's so easy to cry and die,what's hard is to fight and fight and fight when hope's out of sight".From this quote they become realize for a few minutes.
The next day,Iwan comes to the class with his ugly shoes and shows his shoes to Mat Yieeeee.Mat Yieeee feel so jealous of him and he condemns Iwan's shoes.A few minutes later they started fighting again.Iwan was finally scolded by his mother who is a dedicated teacher.
Friday, June 26, 2009
by a 3B student
I live as a human in a world, I share a lot of memories with the world about me and everything about me is sad and happy. I am always sad because my family treat me badly. I'm lucky there's a girl who cares about me and my feelings, she always make happy when I sad, she also shares a lot of thing with me. I'm glad to be her bestest friend. She's an orphan, she lost her mother two years ago when her mother sick and I promise that one day I would take care of her and make her happy.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
by Zilmajdi
It was late to come to my friends' birthday party. I can't imagine how it look if I don't come to her birthday party. I wear my jacket and took the key. I started my car engine. I drove very fast.
Suddenly, my car was loose control. The road was very slippery. After that, BANG!! My head feels hurt. My nose was bleeding. I hear an ambulance siren come near me.
I look there was someone in my car. I feel I was alone in the car while an excident. I was confuse. Everyone don't saw me. I realise that I was die. I'm not here anymore.
by Umar Mokhtar
One morning, a student from SMK Puterajaya walking around his school. Suddenly, he saw a woman standing at field and looking around. He went to the woman. He asked the woman, "Hello, what is your name?" and the woman start talking "My name is Sarah.". "How old are you?". "14 years old", said Sarah. "What is your name?", asked Sarah. "My name is Syakir". "What class you are?" asked Syakir. "I'm in the 4A class." "Oh, it's the same just like me, maybe I didn't notice you in the class."
Starting from that day, their relationship became more good, and their hearts fell something. It was love.
One day, in the school, Syakir get an offer to go to Sarawak. Sarah didn't allow him, but Syakir still want to go there.
After the incident their relationship broke down. When Syakir go to Sarawak, he know that the camp is useless and actually he had been lied by someone.
The moral in this story is:
"Even when a friend does something you do not like, he continues to be your friend.
Any action commited in anger is an action doomed to failure."
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dear students,
The logo or emblem for Nike company looks simple, just a right sign. Imagine, billions of profits the company could rake out of that simple sign.They don't need experts to draw the simple right sign. It also carries a simple motto that helps countless of athletes through to win titles or trophies in almost every tournament they take part. Take any games or sports..and the brand will be synonymous. Tennis greats like Federer and Nadal, both are sponsored by Nike, Golf number one player in the world also wears shirts with Nike logos. Great football teams like Manchester and Barca are also no exception in helping Nike to be a super power in branding war.
Some say, Jews have been key players behind the success stories of the brand since its inception. Profits from the brand is said to be channelled to Israel armies fighting against Palestines.So,buying their goods is equal to slaughtering lives of innocent Palestinians. How true the fact or not is not a subject of discussion now as you may ask Ust Rushdan or for details Ust Rosman and Ust Abd Rahman Mat or even Ust Alias. What i want to highlight now is the philosophy behind the brand. The spirit of JUST DO IT. This does not mean you blindly follow without following what is in store between your ears! The motto means, however difficult or tough your situation is now, just do it and go ahead.
The moment you decide to reach your goal, never look back until you truly arrive at your destination. They say, it is so easy to cry and die, but to fight and fight when hope is out of sight. So, keep on fighting and just do it!
The first one is by Noor Idayu Mohd Zaki
Farisha and Farell are talking about their hobbies at the morning.
Farell: Morning Farisha. How are you?
Farisha: Morning Farell. Surely I'm fine. Why about you?
Farell: I'm fine too.
Farisha: Have your sit. What type of drink you would have to?
Farell: Just a soft drink. So, what do you want to do this morning. Don't you have any meeting?
Farisha: Ouh, I have no meeting today. But I plan to go to Sunway Lagoon. I would like to practice my swimming. Don't you like to join me together?
Farell: That great idea! But, truly I say, I never know that you have to swim, rite?
Farisha: I love to swim very much. It is my hobby.
Farell: Ouh, talking about hobby, if you like to swim, I also like it, but, I most like to play squash.
Farisha: Hmmmm... I see, so, don't you like to join me?
Farell: Of course I want!
Farisha: So let's go!
Ok, I hope you can detect the errors and have no difficulty correcting it. So, let's look at the next one written by Ainur Mardhiah Ali.
Often in our every day's live we dream of a healthy body, free from disease. So, swimming is the best activity that we can do to get healthy body. I am sure most of you have heard of this famous name, Michael Phelps. He is the fastest swimmer in the world during Olympic 2008 last year. Do you have any idea of how he can keep his body healthy? He keeps his body healthy with swimming.
My dear friends,
With swimming, we can add our energy, and we can exercise our body, including our hand, leg and breath. We could maintain it when we swim. If you do not know how to swim, there's many ways to you if you want to learn it. You may go to fitness centre or swimming centre. There, they will teach you how to swim.
My dear friends,
Eventually, I would like to urge each and everyone here to swim because to be a healthy person, you must exercise. One of the exercise is by swimming. With that, I end my speech. Thank you.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
There will be a seminar for English PMR to be held on Sunday, 28th Jun 2009 (8:30 am - 12:30pm). The speaker hails from SMA Khairiah. She has vast experience in marking PMR examination papers. Do grab this opportunity! ask her any questions on how to get good grades in English. Moses once said 'ask and you will be answered! knock and the door shall be opened! if you just remain passive and quiet throughout the seminar. what a waste to invite her!

I know this does not apply to all, but it worries me that some of you have stopped dreaming of something high such as getting an A's in English. I tell you this is not impossible because English is not as difficult as you think it is. I know this because as a child I also started learning English from scratch. My parents, just like all of you did not speak English at home and the same goes to my childhood friends. All of them spoke Terengganu dialect just like all of you. But still I could develop such a liking to English which indeed helped me in the mastery of the language. And I am still learning the language until today.
While studying abroad about one and a half years ago, I've came across many foreign students from countries like China, Korea, Russia, Turkey etc. who came to study at my university with zero English. For them, English was no more a second language, but an alien one. Some of them couldn't even utter a grammatically correct English sentence during the first few weeks of their arrival in Australia. But within a few months they managed to get through the difficulties with the language through an English course specially designated for students like them. They need to master English because it was English that they had to use to learn Economics, Biology, Philosophy, Accounting and so on. Finally they've made it despite the fact that it was the first time ever in their life to learn English.
Dear students,
Just compare yourself with these foreign students. How many years have you learned English? As opposed to you, these foreign students only learned English for few months but still they could master the language and with pride they speak English as if they were born to be English speakers. You might be tempted to say that they had high IQs which made them able to be proficient in the language but the real truth is, it is not IQ but it is the determination. You need to have such a high will-power to achieve whatever you want. It is your mind that decides where you will go, not your IQ, your wealth, your background or anything else.
So, I agree with Einstein that imagination is more important than knowledge.
Dream high for every great inventions and achievements enjoyed by many people worldwide today began with an imagination.
Stop aiming for a pass, it is time to have an A mind and then work hard for it and the rest, leave it to God.
All the best
Miss F
p/s: and oh! i took the above pic in Langkawi 2 weeks ago..what a lovely place