So asked the man, the author in his book. What an interesting quest to define one's worth through the kind of war he/she is in. War in itself to these generation is a negative connotation meant to be avoided. So many echoes 'War is not the answer'.but why is it that history proves it is always what people of the last centuries resorted to.
Since I'm not that capable enough to dwell on the many meanings of war, but undoubtedly this heart feel its hollowness without the feeling that both mind and body are fighting in a war. What war? it is really one's choice. Life will lose its exciting part if we choose to be in the comfort zone.
Despite the many obstacles, I really hope to be able to instill this mindset in my dear students that life is meant to be enjoyed through putting in a lot of effort to achieve something.. it's a war! and you have the autonomy to choose to be in whatever battle you want to be.
This PMR exam itself is a battle, not really in getting the best result, but the battle in putting in your best foot forward for the exam as only after hardship comes ease. I guess it can be paraphrased this way, "Ease comes with hardship or the other way round".
If you (PMR candidates of SMAS) happen to read this, I would like to wish you all the best in your exam! Think of all the many sacrifices made by your very Sir Yusri! and most importantly it is for no one but your own selff
an inspiring yet thought provoking kind of true that we are in a constant state of battle,battling to come up with a right decision seems the toughest one.but far more crucial is to live with the decision regardless of right or wrong once decided and we will be a man then.