It is quite a happiness to have the sight of this on your desk after you’ve been away for almost a week for a course. What more can a teacher ask for after to see this passion, an evidence of the immense amount of hard work of googling, cutting, pasting, typing, writing, drawing etc. It’s like getting many self-made cards on your birthday or teacher’s day.
An A4 colored paper, a piece of paper containing all the important notes (synopsis, theme, moral values, characters etc) of the drama ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ and one week duration to produce a pamphlet of own preference (either publisherized or hand-made)are all what you need to allow them dwell in their own creativity of making literature notes for exam. Some complained on how there are too many words for them to ‘copy’ in the pamphlet, thus, what teacher could do is to remind them of how important is that their summarizing skills to be applied.
To appreciate what they’ve done, I’m planning to treat them with a very cute but cheap ‘Angry-Birds’ stuffs I’ve found in PSI. They’re going to love them, that’s a sure thing :D
great stuff by your students after being envisioned by their beloved teacher!it is evident that their products exceed your humble expectation.so much in them to be unearthed only too many of us did fail in that part for lacking of Jobs' unconventional means. bravo!