Wednesday, August 18, 2010


With them the seed of wisdom did I sow
And with my own hand labour'd it to grow
And this was all the harvest that I reap'd
'I came like water and like wind I go'
- Omar Khayyam

'Knowledge is light (nur) that goes straight into the heart. Knowledge is in the hearts of men, not in the line of books. If it were to be the case that knowledge is in the lines of books then those non-Muslims who study Islam, and sometimes called orientalists for example, would have been guided already by now.' (Sh. Afifi Al-akiti).

As far as I am concern, I haven't achieved or realised some of my ideals in teaching. It is my wish that students will have this hunger for knowledge, then it's a mission accomplished for me. I believe it is knowledge (the light) who will guide ones be it in their attitude or exams. We make mistakes all the time, but the moment we realise we've made mistakes, it is knowledge that acts as a reminder for us that we've sinned so immediately we will ask for forgiveness from dear Lord. We say istighfar.

I know, when students misbehave, it is my fault for not trying hard enough and for not giving the best. It's not good pointing fingers at others whilst we are the ones deserve the blame. One thing for sure, God has the right to blame me and thinking about it is disturbing as I know I do not only live in this world. Men are made for eternity, we might say that we're old but we are still young and still at the very beginning of this eternal life.

We must be better than yesterday. That's what distinguish us from other creatures.

p/s: It's not what you know but what you do with what you know.

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