Dear students,
To some of you, it seemed trepidation and anxiety of waiting for the outcome of all your efforts throughout this year bore fruits when you register considerable success especially for English paper in the just released result of PMR. Like Miss Farah said, 10 percent getting A is already an achievement, the feat that broke last year's 7%. Seemingly, both this year and last year's batch share their own record to register the highest percentage of A and the highest percentage of passing rate respectively. This year's batch by all means should owe last year's clearing track as they set the new dream that we i mean both students and teachers dared dream. And our dream to set another history proved to be a reality. Given the number of students for this year is less than 100, we might have fared better.Statistics may indicate some but not to all as countless other factors are to be taken into account. However, to lament by thinking what we might have otherwise done is not advisable as the present is always already a gift that is why people call it present. I do believe things happened according to God's grand design to show what we are capable of doing and not capable of.Grateful i am.
Nevertheless,the good news is this year's result initiated us to think like never before should we expect sort of different result.What we did this year is almost same or slightly different from that of last year that resulted in more or less the same outcome.And to think is what many people dread as doing routine is always a preferable option including me.We may set a routine for new routine as life without routine or discipline is haywire.Doing routine at all time is dull or boring.Unfortunately, doing the same thing over and over again believing that is the best thinkable option is detrimental as we deny the faculty of thought endowed by The Almighty requires us to stretch way beyond imagination like what great inventors did.
The first thing that should be a must to do next year if my motivation permits despite surrounded by scores of little napoleons is to remove goal post and run our own race.Our problem of not achieving the targeted result is not we don't have goals but our goal is too close that we can effortlessly score.The goal that does not demand our wildest imagination.Rarely we heard administrators or teachers alike talked about a new dream or a new clear cut picture of what the students look like or are to become or to behave. More often than not, we spent considerable amount of time to fill the must- fill -in-slot enshrined by the mighty bodies of either jheat or jpn or both that we tend to forget the core business our very own product we know full well residing within our very own vicinity running to and fro before eyes. We can hardly spend money allocated to students per head or fully utilize school utilities meant for students for fear factor and privatisation.It seems a waste of public fund if school heads fail to project the outcomes by laying out plans which are of most benefits to students.That is the damning reality that we should live in while at the same time have to join the race. Until or unless the school heads are not at loggerheads, though they appear not(good thing) but the whole world know they are,innocent students will remain as victims and situation will deteriorate over time. Blaming games and holier-than-thou attitudes permeated in some parties should be cleansed once and for all. I admit to the fact all is easier said than done. I rather highlight as this scenario will definitely put off any faint-hearted would be full-fledged educators.
Apart form removing the present goal post,another thing which is long overdue that school must do is to create a reading culture. We need to project activities that may promote reading to some extent students themselves are in awe of themselves for without realising it having read countless articles and books. Again, this is also another easier- said- than- done thing. Only, i am fortunate to have few like-minded teachers who dare dream, dare run own race.I hope I still enjoy running this year's race like i have been enjoying over the years during my teaching career. I should not liken this race like the one that includes Bolt ,Johnson and the like, enough if the race my mine keep improving over time.
The third and last thing, i should not sweat the small stuff as it might be the simple yet applicable ways to keep the little things from overtaking our life which is too great to fret over small stuff. May God shed us light to discern between small stuff and big stuff as we are at times in the dark about it.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
First of all, congratulations to all on your achievement in PMR. I am glad to know that 11 got A in English! I am pretty sure that is the best achievement in English suject so far in the history of SMAS as more than 10% scored A compared to last year (7%). You make us proud! And to those who don't, do not ever be devastated as you are already a winner through your numerous efforts like attending twilight classes, Serie-A etc. Remember that God loves to see our struggles, not the end result as He is the One who decides on that matter.
So, as the result is all there, all that we, teachers can do is to analyse it and reflect on what we can improve on for next year.
Lastly, before I stop, below is an article written 3 years ago by someone that I think worth-sharing.
A small stop in the journey
Comment by SOO EWE JIN
The Star Online
Friday December 28, 2007
The results for the PMR are out today. Sometimes we forget that the Form 3 students come from the length and breadth of the country.
Not every student will have the privilege of being ferried to the school in a nice car, accompanied by an equally anxious parent, to see how many As will show up on that slip of paper. Not every student will have the privilege of being featured in the newspapers or TV station jumping for joy. Or being interviewed about their study techniques or the rewards that await them.
The majority of the PMR students, if you put things in their proper perspective, will quietly collect their results and prepare for Form 4. Some may not even be able to collect their results because of the floods, but life still goes on.
The obsession with As is primarily an urban phenomenon. It used to be crucial only at the pre-university stage, but over the years has crept downwards so that even 12-year-old children sitting for the UPSR are subjected to unnecessary tension.
I am reminded today by what my Form 3 teacher advised all of us in her message in our class magazine.
She wrote:
Put in total dedication in your studies,
Pursue learning with real interest
It is such spirit which will carry you
Far deep into fields of knowledge
Be humble in your achievements
The truly great man is never puffed up
Rather he stands in awe
In realisation that there's still so much
To know which is beyond him
Never be discouraged by failure
Not all are born great
But many achieve greatness
Through sheer industry, determination and perseverance
School time is also the time to build up
Precious, meaningful, lasting relationships
Be interested in the world around you
Be intelligently informed
Don't develop into scientific recluses
Remember sports, music, literature and the arts
Have much to offer to help build you up into well-balanced individuals
Able to understand, know, enjoy, better
The world you are living in
This teacher has touched many lives. She has helped produce her fair share of multiple-A students but she also knew that the ordinary students without the As can go on to lead meaningful, rich lives, if they are well-rounded caring individuals who recognise that results are not the be-all and end-all of the school journey.
To all students taking the PMR results today, by all means rejoice in your distinctions, but do not despair over your credits and passes.
Life is a journey, and the PMR is just a little stop along the way for you to pause and reflect, and to move on.
So, as the result is all there, all that we, teachers can do is to analyse it and reflect on what we can improve on for next year.
Lastly, before I stop, below is an article written 3 years ago by someone that I think worth-sharing.
A small stop in the journey
Comment by SOO EWE JIN
The Star Online
Friday December 28, 2007
The results for the PMR are out today. Sometimes we forget that the Form 3 students come from the length and breadth of the country.
Not every student will have the privilege of being ferried to the school in a nice car, accompanied by an equally anxious parent, to see how many As will show up on that slip of paper. Not every student will have the privilege of being featured in the newspapers or TV station jumping for joy. Or being interviewed about their study techniques or the rewards that await them.
The majority of the PMR students, if you put things in their proper perspective, will quietly collect their results and prepare for Form 4. Some may not even be able to collect their results because of the floods, but life still goes on.
The obsession with As is primarily an urban phenomenon. It used to be crucial only at the pre-university stage, but over the years has crept downwards so that even 12-year-old children sitting for the UPSR are subjected to unnecessary tension.
I am reminded today by what my Form 3 teacher advised all of us in her message in our class magazine.
She wrote:
Put in total dedication in your studies,
Pursue learning with real interest
It is such spirit which will carry you
Far deep into fields of knowledge
Be humble in your achievements
The truly great man is never puffed up
Rather he stands in awe
In realisation that there's still so much
To know which is beyond him
Never be discouraged by failure
Not all are born great
But many achieve greatness
Through sheer industry, determination and perseverance
School time is also the time to build up
Precious, meaningful, lasting relationships
Be interested in the world around you
Be intelligently informed
Don't develop into scientific recluses
Remember sports, music, literature and the arts
Have much to offer to help build you up into well-balanced individuals
Able to understand, know, enjoy, better
The world you are living in
This teacher has touched many lives. She has helped produce her fair share of multiple-A students but she also knew that the ordinary students without the As can go on to lead meaningful, rich lives, if they are well-rounded caring individuals who recognise that results are not the be-all and end-all of the school journey.
To all students taking the PMR results today, by all means rejoice in your distinctions, but do not despair over your credits and passes.
Life is a journey, and the PMR is just a little stop along the way for you to pause and reflect, and to move on.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
If you are, you breath. If you breath, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. If you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. If you know, you want to know more… And if you want to know more, you are alive…
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dear students,
A day short before the looming of the new lunar calendar that marks 'the pilgrimage'.Attached herewith is an article worthy for reflection. We may agree or disagree,or agree to disagree, take a thing or two for self kaizen though. And we are free to choose the way we live ,wander,love, hate,learn, teach which is not to our amazement but not die. And die we and everyone must, and ironically we prepare the least for the surest of all.Interestingly it may, to lose hope is part of a premature death. It seems many especially teachers like me will have died many times before the final bell tolls. Dr Theva seemingly gives countless yet plausible reasons why we must reason our reasonable doubts to churn reasonable beings.
Sunday December 5, 2010
Learning evolution
Information is freely available, but students must know how to turn meaningless data into knowledge and wisdom.
IN Malaysia, the advocacy movement for new curriculums and standards remains in the rhetorical stages, and this is jeopardising the future and potential of the diverse talents of our learners.
They are becoming irrelevant even as they climb the educational ladder to greater heights of knowledge – knowledge that is already irrelevant as they “learn” it.
Outdated approaches to learning and knowing are taking us backward instead of forward.
A major part of the problem is that education systems are preparing students only for higher education, when they should actually be preparing students for higher education, life and the workplace – which together, constitute the real world.
There remains the old problem of there being no clear link between educational content in schools, with workplace skills and requirements.
The big question is, what is the vital component of intelligence? Is it the core content of knowledge, or is it the ways of knowing content?
Outdated core subjects
The traditional way of doing things in schools globally is to provide “core” subjects – which are based on skills required in the industrial age – that provide a fixed quantum of knowledge.
These are: languages, the sciences, math, accounting, commerce subjects, religion even, history (or rather, a version of it, based on the country’s agenda), geography, general knowledge (decided, of course, by the powers-that-be), with some music and the arts thrown in.
I would propose that no student in any country anywhere needs to be told about general knowledge, religion, morals, and personal histories. Students should not be made to memorise science and ways of doing math — which should be based upon understanding, but are more usually based on memory. They should also not be brainwashed into believing one-sided perspectives of history and geography.
One of the big objectives for me as far as a learner’s life is concerned, is that it should be full of “Eureka” moments, when all the learning and knowing he has been exposed to come together and he goes into high gear, ready to take on the world. Therefore it is important that educators understand how learning occurs for their students, so that every student will experience that moment.
In a world where information and knowledge is changing every second, we must educate students to know how to know, to know how to learn, and to know how to turn freely accessible data into wisdom.
Thus, every learner must come to be ingrained with the following attributes:
·independent enquirers who are able to make wise, fully-informed and real-time decisions, and the willingness to participate not just in lifelong learning, but also the creation of new knowledge;
·creative thinkers with a view of global dimensions and sustainable development;
·reflective learners who apply creativity, critical thinking, ethics and morals to constantly self-evaluate and self-correct;
·teachers of fellow students and their own teachers, as teaching represents the highest order of understanding meaning behind facts;
·effective, action-oriented participators in national and international events and issues;
·team workers who believe in community participation and service;
·self-managers who create healthy lifestyles for themselves, and have real acceptance and understanding of diversity in religion, race, culture and beliefs, with none advocating supremacy over another; and
·expert communicators in the global language, that will enable them to present, discuss, and debate ideas and thoughts.
The important dimensions that would contribute to the above would then be woven into the whole curriculum, and would then guide the creation of items that make up a learning environment.
The educating and learning environment would stimulate and demonstrate the development of the following:
·a clear division between the political and educational systems;
·new ways of thinking and knowing based on new knowledge and technologies that are constantly evolving;
·programmes of professional development that help educators and administrators cope with and master new ways of knowing, and the ability to facilitate learner’s autonomy, purpose and mastery;
·revolutionary approaches to content knowledge mastery that exist to provide learners stepping stones to thinking and knowing, and the mastery of which is not the expected final outcome;
·brand new content that mirror the workings and demands of the real world, and not compartmentalised, subject-based curricula that are the norm now;
·acceptable and measurable ways to collect evidence of students’ relevant knowledge, skills and understanding; and
·inclusive, individually stimulating environments (classrooms) that cater to the creation of a thinker and a knower.
The learning environment of a proposed ideal field of interaction is represented by the triangle in the diagram above (see pic). The diagram shows the Evolution of Knowing – from meaningless data to wise, informed decision-making. A³ Knowledge is Anytime and Anywhere Access to Knowledge.
> Dr Theva Nithy is a senior lecturer at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Through this column and through the Engage Programme – Education for Sustainable Global Futures – USM has started, he and his colleagues hope to help transform the landscapes of Malaysian education systems. He can be contacted at
A day short before the looming of the new lunar calendar that marks 'the pilgrimage'.Attached herewith is an article worthy for reflection. We may agree or disagree,or agree to disagree, take a thing or two for self kaizen though. And we are free to choose the way we live ,wander,love, hate,learn, teach which is not to our amazement but not die. And die we and everyone must, and ironically we prepare the least for the surest of all.Interestingly it may, to lose hope is part of a premature death. It seems many especially teachers like me will have died many times before the final bell tolls. Dr Theva seemingly gives countless yet plausible reasons why we must reason our reasonable doubts to churn reasonable beings.
Sunday December 5, 2010
Learning evolution
Information is freely available, but students must know how to turn meaningless data into knowledge and wisdom.
IN Malaysia, the advocacy movement for new curriculums and standards remains in the rhetorical stages, and this is jeopardising the future and potential of the diverse talents of our learners.
They are becoming irrelevant even as they climb the educational ladder to greater heights of knowledge – knowledge that is already irrelevant as they “learn” it.
Outdated approaches to learning and knowing are taking us backward instead of forward.
A major part of the problem is that education systems are preparing students only for higher education, when they should actually be preparing students for higher education, life and the workplace – which together, constitute the real world.
There remains the old problem of there being no clear link between educational content in schools, with workplace skills and requirements.
The big question is, what is the vital component of intelligence? Is it the core content of knowledge, or is it the ways of knowing content?
Outdated core subjects
The traditional way of doing things in schools globally is to provide “core” subjects – which are based on skills required in the industrial age – that provide a fixed quantum of knowledge.
These are: languages, the sciences, math, accounting, commerce subjects, religion even, history (or rather, a version of it, based on the country’s agenda), geography, general knowledge (decided, of course, by the powers-that-be), with some music and the arts thrown in.
I would propose that no student in any country anywhere needs to be told about general knowledge, religion, morals, and personal histories. Students should not be made to memorise science and ways of doing math — which should be based upon understanding, but are more usually based on memory. They should also not be brainwashed into believing one-sided perspectives of history and geography.
One of the big objectives for me as far as a learner’s life is concerned, is that it should be full of “Eureka” moments, when all the learning and knowing he has been exposed to come together and he goes into high gear, ready to take on the world. Therefore it is important that educators understand how learning occurs for their students, so that every student will experience that moment.
In a world where information and knowledge is changing every second, we must educate students to know how to know, to know how to learn, and to know how to turn freely accessible data into wisdom.
Thus, every learner must come to be ingrained with the following attributes:
·independent enquirers who are able to make wise, fully-informed and real-time decisions, and the willingness to participate not just in lifelong learning, but also the creation of new knowledge;
·creative thinkers with a view of global dimensions and sustainable development;
·reflective learners who apply creativity, critical thinking, ethics and morals to constantly self-evaluate and self-correct;
·teachers of fellow students and their own teachers, as teaching represents the highest order of understanding meaning behind facts;
·effective, action-oriented participators in national and international events and issues;
·team workers who believe in community participation and service;
·self-managers who create healthy lifestyles for themselves, and have real acceptance and understanding of diversity in religion, race, culture and beliefs, with none advocating supremacy over another; and
·expert communicators in the global language, that will enable them to present, discuss, and debate ideas and thoughts.
The important dimensions that would contribute to the above would then be woven into the whole curriculum, and would then guide the creation of items that make up a learning environment.
The educating and learning environment would stimulate and demonstrate the development of the following:
·a clear division between the political and educational systems;
·new ways of thinking and knowing based on new knowledge and technologies that are constantly evolving;
·programmes of professional development that help educators and administrators cope with and master new ways of knowing, and the ability to facilitate learner’s autonomy, purpose and mastery;
·revolutionary approaches to content knowledge mastery that exist to provide learners stepping stones to thinking and knowing, and the mastery of which is not the expected final outcome;
·brand new content that mirror the workings and demands of the real world, and not compartmentalised, subject-based curricula that are the norm now;
·acceptable and measurable ways to collect evidence of students’ relevant knowledge, skills and understanding; and
·inclusive, individually stimulating environments (classrooms) that cater to the creation of a thinker and a knower.
The learning environment of a proposed ideal field of interaction is represented by the triangle in the diagram above (see pic). The diagram shows the Evolution of Knowing – from meaningless data to wise, informed decision-making. A³ Knowledge is Anytime and Anywhere Access to Knowledge.
> Dr Theva Nithy is a senior lecturer at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Through this column and through the Engage Programme – Education for Sustainable Global Futures – USM has started, he and his colleagues hope to help transform the landscapes of Malaysian education systems. He can be contacted at
Monday, November 22, 2010

When I feel down, one of the things I would do is by thinking about the good things that are granted to me and keep hoping that such feelings will go away. Having to stay all alone at SMAS hostel makes it worse. Haha I mean at this time I should go for a vacation or something not being here. By the way I would like to qoute Confucios who once said, by three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest;and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
It seems to me that God wants me (and I am sure the same goes to you my dear students!)to learn the most through the third method which is the most difficult and like Confucious said the bitterest of all! It is so true in a sense that life gets so bitter that it has started to lose its sweetness! So, I must make it sweet to my own perception. So, I end up thinking that no matter how much I dislike my life that I am in at the moment, I will feel blessed when I think about the opportunity given by the Almighty God to meet many awesome people! And you my dear students are included! I have to say I am touched that it is so sweet of you to attend my class and accomplish all the tasks assigned. There are some of you who always try to make me smile when they see me frown. I feel guilty for it always slip my mind that I have many students who is nice and respect me the way a teacher is and what touches me the most is when there are few of them who think I'm their inspiration when I know myself too well that I know I am not fit,good enough to be someone inspiring. I've made mistakes in my teaching career, mistakes that I know will haunt me for the rest of my life.
As tomorrow is your SPM I would like to wish you all the best! I regret it that at times I take you for granted! I owe so much to you. All I know is I am going to miss you! The saying is so true that something will be of great value only after it's gone. Take care and be someone noble!
Miss F
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This year is quite special in a way that both major exams (PMR & SPM) are scheduled days after the celebrations of the only two festivals in Islam Eidulfitri and Eiduladha. I, as a teacher could feel butterflies moving in my stomach already but at the same time I regret it for not being able to give my best in preparing all of you for the SPM. I believe you are independent enough to know what you should do in equipping yourself for a month of exam! That is the skill you have well-acquired through your 11 years of schooling.
I wish to write a longer entry but suffering from writer's block ATM (oh man, i know what an excuse), there is nothing I can do but leave you with this short note. But before that I would like to wish you Happy Eid! Keep on sacrificing for the sake of your dreams! Sacrifice is a must if you want to be a hero (Spiderman). Or else you'll end up a tragic hero (still ok though) Last but not least, happy hols!
I wish to write a longer entry but suffering from writer's block ATM (oh man, i know what an excuse), there is nothing I can do but leave you with this short note. But before that I would like to wish you Happy Eid! Keep on sacrificing for the sake of your dreams! Sacrifice is a must if you want to be a hero (Spiderman). Or else you'll end up a tragic hero (still ok though) Last but not least, happy hols!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I personally think this is something that is possible for students of SMAS to practice.
A good reader...
doesn't use a dictionary. First, they guess the meaning of words from context.
finds the main idea.
reads everyday.
learns new words when reading.
reads many kinds of books.
reads interesting books.
is motivated.
practices reading faster.
doesn't translate into their native language while reading.
ooks at pictures and titles before reading.
learns about the author.
learns about the context.
reads in their free time.
reads many books, magazines, and newspapers.
studies all the time.
sets good goals.
prepares the reading environment to learn.
finds a good place and time to read.
writes questions about the text (what, where, when, why).
is interested in what they're reading.
talks about what they read.
learns the meaning of new vocabulary.
uses a dictionary to learn unknown words.
has patience.
underlines texts as they read.
enjoys reading
makes personal conclusions about the book.
learns prefixes, suffixes, and word roots.
analyzes what they read.
feels the author's feelings and writes about them.
likes to read.
Source: Hyde Hyte
A good reader...
doesn't use a dictionary. First, they guess the meaning of words from context.
finds the main idea.
reads everyday.
learns new words when reading.
reads many kinds of books.
reads interesting books.
is motivated.
practices reading faster.
doesn't translate into their native language while reading.
ooks at pictures and titles before reading.
learns about the author.
learns about the context.
reads in their free time.
reads many books, magazines, and newspapers.
studies all the time.
sets good goals.
prepares the reading environment to learn.
finds a good place and time to read.
writes questions about the text (what, where, when, why).
is interested in what they're reading.
talks about what they read.
learns the meaning of new vocabulary.
uses a dictionary to learn unknown words.
has patience.
underlines texts as they read.
enjoys reading
makes personal conclusions about the book.
learns prefixes, suffixes, and word roots.
analyzes what they read.
feels the author's feelings and writes about them.
likes to read.
Source: Hyde Hyte
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dear students,
Attached herewith are excerpts from your fellow friends taken from their work in the New Moon class on Nov. 02 2010.
Pok Ker Group
I like to make exercise because it is very easy to do ( 11 words)
I like writing English essay with my friends in the E Room
She feels so confident with her answer in the trial examination
Mizi is hardworking to search Pok Ker in the dense jungle that resulted him late to school.
My friend usually goes to the class late as to him helping his mother is more important
Bewok Riang
Last night,when i missed my friend i started writing an essay to him
When i make exercises, i think they are very easy but i feel jubilant
I felt extremely confident when i answered the question in the examination yesterday
Yesterday, i went to English class late though i know that the class is very important to me
When the examination comes, we start to be hardworking and study hard for it.As a result we at times are late to school.
Millionaire Pok Kancil
Balqoni is writing an essay to put into the blog of my friend.
Last weekend,Pejol did exercise of English language and it was easy and he was so jubilant
Amirol is extremely confident when he answers the exam in the newly built hall.
I have a tuition class but i am late though i know it is so important for me
Aziz did the homework hard till late at night so he was late to school the following day
Edited by All Boyz
Attached herewith are excerpts from your fellow friends taken from their work in the New Moon class on Nov. 02 2010.
Pok Ker Group
I like to make exercise because it is very easy to do ( 11 words)
I like writing English essay with my friends in the E Room
She feels so confident with her answer in the trial examination
Mizi is hardworking to search Pok Ker in the dense jungle that resulted him late to school.
My friend usually goes to the class late as to him helping his mother is more important
Bewok Riang
Last night,when i missed my friend i started writing an essay to him
When i make exercises, i think they are very easy but i feel jubilant
I felt extremely confident when i answered the question in the examination yesterday
Yesterday, i went to English class late though i know that the class is very important to me
When the examination comes, we start to be hardworking and study hard for it.As a result we at times are late to school.
Millionaire Pok Kancil
Balqoni is writing an essay to put into the blog of my friend.
Last weekend,Pejol did exercise of English language and it was easy and he was so jubilant
Amirol is extremely confident when he answers the exam in the newly built hall.
I have a tuition class but i am late though i know it is so important for me
Aziz did the homework hard till late at night so he was late to school the following day
Edited by All Boyz
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dear readers
To put thoughts lingering in mind for so long into words is no small task if we are not used to it as nothing can beat practice.The same premise needs to apply to you dear students as without enough practice you all will be like vegetables whose values keep depreciating over time.Neither footballers nor actors stay in demand if practice is no longer their top priority. Hernandez, new striker at ManU was profusely commended by Fergie for always being the first coming for training and the last to leave the pitch.He deserves the credits for scoring three decisive goals with one winning goal two games in a row. His attitude towards practice is no different from that of Ronaldo who was always early for training during his heyday at ManU.
What your young,resourceful yet dedicated teacher Miss Farah as been doing all this while is to make you mentally fit and be resourceful enough to confront the oncoming enemies rushing in and charging at you at blinding speed.
To complement the final preparation, i do think there must be a plan, a simple plan.It is learnt The New Moon which has just begun though with dismal performance in fact signifies something encouraging as some of you are already ready for the finale. Nothing good comes the easy way.
Should we settle thing The Little Pea way, to come out of the hall come 28 November with all smiles is not something impossible. Nadal's insistence to stick to his training schedule at the cost of evading the awaiting The King Elizabeth was worthy his discipline as he eventually reclaimed his no 1 world tennis ranking! See..nothing beat practice and discipline.
Let us treat The New Moon the Hernandez and Nadal way and success God willing will be within our grasp.
To put thoughts lingering in mind for so long into words is no small task if we are not used to it as nothing can beat practice.The same premise needs to apply to you dear students as without enough practice you all will be like vegetables whose values keep depreciating over time.Neither footballers nor actors stay in demand if practice is no longer their top priority. Hernandez, new striker at ManU was profusely commended by Fergie for always being the first coming for training and the last to leave the pitch.He deserves the credits for scoring three decisive goals with one winning goal two games in a row. His attitude towards practice is no different from that of Ronaldo who was always early for training during his heyday at ManU.
What your young,resourceful yet dedicated teacher Miss Farah as been doing all this while is to make you mentally fit and be resourceful enough to confront the oncoming enemies rushing in and charging at you at blinding speed.
To complement the final preparation, i do think there must be a plan, a simple plan.It is learnt The New Moon which has just begun though with dismal performance in fact signifies something encouraging as some of you are already ready for the finale. Nothing good comes the easy way.
Should we settle thing The Little Pea way, to come out of the hall come 28 November with all smiles is not something impossible. Nadal's insistence to stick to his training schedule at the cost of evading the awaiting The King Elizabeth was worthy his discipline as he eventually reclaimed his no 1 world tennis ranking! See..nothing beat practice and discipline.
Let us treat The New Moon the Hernandez and Nadal way and success God willing will be within our grasp.
First day of New Moon class. The attendance was poor. The pessimist side of TEACHER told her to give in. The optimism has not yet deteriorated seeing the faces of those who turned up for the class. Plus, giving up is way too early. This class is a must to ensure that the students give their best in terms of preparing for the battle called SPM.
Teacher only has God to grant her strength.
This excerpt is today’s life saviour. Thank Allah
“The essence of that struggle is to believe, to fight for Truth and to strive against evil. And as soon as we give up that noble struggle, we will become among those people who Allah describes in surat Al-Asr as being in an utter state of loss. Allah also describes the ones who will be saved from that state: “Except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and constancy.” (Qur’an, 103:3)”
Teacher only has God to grant her strength.
This excerpt is today’s life saviour. Thank Allah
“The essence of that struggle is to believe, to fight for Truth and to strive against evil. And as soon as we give up that noble struggle, we will become among those people who Allah describes in surat Al-Asr as being in an utter state of loss. Allah also describes the ones who will be saved from that state: “Except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and constancy.” (Qur’an, 103:3)”
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Man Jadda Wa Jadda...
It is such a powerful mantra that drives an author whose book is being read by me at the moment to be the man that everyone dreamt of being. To be able to study at two great universities in the northern hemisphere, having a great job as a journalist, are what makes that miracolous mantra, a great dream realiser of him deems worth to be examined, at least to me.
It is what makes being successful requires lots of sacrifices, hardship. It is a formula to be what you want or need to be/to have. If you want your dreams to come true you have to work hard. You need to put on a great amount of efforts. I know I sound corny like always but I've seen the formula works with last year's form 3 students at least for some of them. Sir Yusri's efforts in ensuring that they attended extra classes day and night to an extent that they had to be detained in a cell or we call it ISA, or homeworks which to them having those works finished are beyond their own capability (even though it is not, they are actually capable of doing more than that). A thing that these students should thank Sir is that, he always pushes them to do things beyond their usual own set limit. It is a lesson that Sir has managed in making you learn from, that you can do more than what you think you can.
And I am pretty sure, this year's PMR students will be able to witness their sincere efforts to bear fruits that taste even sweeter seen from the way they act for their dreams. I am proud to see your tremendous attempts at achieving your dreams.
As SPM is only a month away, I want to do my part as a teacher to apply the same formula, which is by forcing you to work hard. I think I should not waste my time thinking which ways are the most suitable, as we will never in the know of what is right and what is wrong, what matters most is that I must ensure that you put on efforts more than you can imagine and at least you by the end of the day you will not end up regretting in the future, asking yourself why you did not work hard enough for your used to be future? Like I do now
It is such a powerful mantra that drives an author whose book is being read by me at the moment to be the man that everyone dreamt of being. To be able to study at two great universities in the northern hemisphere, having a great job as a journalist, are what makes that miracolous mantra, a great dream realiser of him deems worth to be examined, at least to me.
It is what makes being successful requires lots of sacrifices, hardship. It is a formula to be what you want or need to be/to have. If you want your dreams to come true you have to work hard. You need to put on a great amount of efforts. I know I sound corny like always but I've seen the formula works with last year's form 3 students at least for some of them. Sir Yusri's efforts in ensuring that they attended extra classes day and night to an extent that they had to be detained in a cell or we call it ISA, or homeworks which to them having those works finished are beyond their own capability (even though it is not, they are actually capable of doing more than that). A thing that these students should thank Sir is that, he always pushes them to do things beyond their usual own set limit. It is a lesson that Sir has managed in making you learn from, that you can do more than what you think you can.
And I am pretty sure, this year's PMR students will be able to witness their sincere efforts to bear fruits that taste even sweeter seen from the way they act for their dreams. I am proud to see your tremendous attempts at achieving your dreams.
As SPM is only a month away, I want to do my part as a teacher to apply the same formula, which is by forcing you to work hard. I think I should not waste my time thinking which ways are the most suitable, as we will never in the know of what is right and what is wrong, what matters most is that I must ensure that you put on efforts more than you can imagine and at least you by the end of the day you will not end up regretting in the future, asking yourself why you did not work hard enough for your used to be future? Like I do now
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dear students,
Many a time, while teaching you all last two years, if my memory could recall that i ever said ' study hard and don't be a teacher'. Some students just laughed at and brushed off the idea as they thought i made jokes like i used to in order to ease a strain of teaching and learning .In fact, i said what i meant like what Robert Deniro once said in The Heat ' I do what i said and i said what i mean'. Maybe i made joke and when i reflect there is some truth in the said words.Given the fact that the situation and challenges faced by teachers are more 'unique',complex and daunting as like it or not we many times have to compromise our principles by sweeping some truths under the carpet for the sake of school name and others.Thus, the problem persists and sooner or later becomes a malaise which no remedy could help cure it.
Take for example, cheating exercise deems no longer an option but necessity practiced by best yet noble students with noble intentions to help those in need .Some teachers even the principle himself at one of the reputable schools in Terengganu asked his students to have a glimpse of the answer for Arabic paper pasted in the toilet. He might have justified his action by claiming his act was out of nothing but to help students pass the subject.Realising or not he actually based his claim to Machievelli's popular maxim's ends justify means.The ensuing problem is almost all students will now have a new perception on the act of cheating itself as something relative and no longer a grave mistake. The shouldn't in our era are not longer applicable at present. What else should we do as it is learnt our State Education Director himslef admitted yet boasted with our students who were smart cheating during the exam and teased other state education directors by challeging to do just the same.What a shame! forget the quality
Lately myriads of disciplinary cases unheard of before are common that some schools including our school have to sweep them under the carpet considering the matter might become worse.I once felt guity but the feeling is thinning as it seems to become an acceptable practice at school.And i think i am just a trainer or instructor not an educator as i could not convey a message that could bring about changes to their demeanour for better. Students caught hugging, robbing and kissing or within the knowledge of teachers for doing so yet they remain as student leaders to the shame of others let alone to be examplary ones. And may be we have but little or no choice or school name is always above or we are afraid of our own shadow even we are in the know that what matters most is substance!We seemingly rather look great though hollow inside!
In short,though to exagerate a bit what Russian proverb says 'A fish rots from head down' rings true. Sadly, i am in the middle, i hope i am the bone that rots the last and become fertiliser to help fertilise a wild flower. And again I hope God has better plan to help us the weak address this small malaise.
Many a time, while teaching you all last two years, if my memory could recall that i ever said ' study hard and don't be a teacher'. Some students just laughed at and brushed off the idea as they thought i made jokes like i used to in order to ease a strain of teaching and learning .In fact, i said what i meant like what Robert Deniro once said in The Heat ' I do what i said and i said what i mean'. Maybe i made joke and when i reflect there is some truth in the said words.Given the fact that the situation and challenges faced by teachers are more 'unique',complex and daunting as like it or not we many times have to compromise our principles by sweeping some truths under the carpet for the sake of school name and others.Thus, the problem persists and sooner or later becomes a malaise which no remedy could help cure it.
Take for example, cheating exercise deems no longer an option but necessity practiced by best yet noble students with noble intentions to help those in need .Some teachers even the principle himself at one of the reputable schools in Terengganu asked his students to have a glimpse of the answer for Arabic paper pasted in the toilet. He might have justified his action by claiming his act was out of nothing but to help students pass the subject.Realising or not he actually based his claim to Machievelli's popular maxim's ends justify means.The ensuing problem is almost all students will now have a new perception on the act of cheating itself as something relative and no longer a grave mistake. The shouldn't in our era are not longer applicable at present. What else should we do as it is learnt our State Education Director himslef admitted yet boasted with our students who were smart cheating during the exam and teased other state education directors by challeging to do just the same.What a shame! forget the quality
Lately myriads of disciplinary cases unheard of before are common that some schools including our school have to sweep them under the carpet considering the matter might become worse.I once felt guity but the feeling is thinning as it seems to become an acceptable practice at school.And i think i am just a trainer or instructor not an educator as i could not convey a message that could bring about changes to their demeanour for better. Students caught hugging, robbing and kissing or within the knowledge of teachers for doing so yet they remain as student leaders to the shame of others let alone to be examplary ones. And may be we have but little or no choice or school name is always above or we are afraid of our own shadow even we are in the know that what matters most is substance!We seemingly rather look great though hollow inside!
In short,though to exagerate a bit what Russian proverb says 'A fish rots from head down' rings true. Sadly, i am in the middle, i hope i am the bone that rots the last and become fertiliser to help fertilise a wild flower. And again I hope God has better plan to help us the weak address this small malaise.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Abu Nu’aym (Rahimahullah) narrates in Al-Hilyah that Mu’aadh bin Jabal (Radia Allahu ‘Anhu) Said:
“Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy. Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions.
Through knowledge, Allah, blessed be His Name, raises some people in rank, and He makes them leaders in righteousness and models in morality. The vestige of their faith is avidly sought, their deeds are emulated perceptively, and people will seek and sanction their opinions solicitously and unequivocally. The heavenly angels seek their company and anoint them with their wings, every fresh or withered life they pass by implore Almighty Allah to forgive them their sins, even the fish in the oceans, the beasts of the lands and every bird of prey and migratory bird pray and solicit the mercy of Almighty Allah on their behalf.
This is because knowledge revives the dead hearts and drives them out of darkness into light, and because knowledge is the light of the inner eyes that cures one’s blindness and restores his inner sight”
The question remains: How to make them students passionate about knowledge seeking. Quenching one's thirst for knowledge is a great thing to do. Yet, I find it difficult to brainwash my students into believing that knowledge is a treasure far more valuable than any material gains that humans can obtain. Sigh
“Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy. Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions.
Through knowledge, Allah, blessed be His Name, raises some people in rank, and He makes them leaders in righteousness and models in morality. The vestige of their faith is avidly sought, their deeds are emulated perceptively, and people will seek and sanction their opinions solicitously and unequivocally. The heavenly angels seek their company and anoint them with their wings, every fresh or withered life they pass by implore Almighty Allah to forgive them their sins, even the fish in the oceans, the beasts of the lands and every bird of prey and migratory bird pray and solicit the mercy of Almighty Allah on their behalf.
This is because knowledge revives the dead hearts and drives them out of darkness into light, and because knowledge is the light of the inner eyes that cures one’s blindness and restores his inner sight”
The question remains: How to make them students passionate about knowledge seeking. Quenching one's thirst for knowledge is a great thing to do. Yet, I find it difficult to brainwash my students into believing that knowledge is a treasure far more valuable than any material gains that humans can obtain. Sigh
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dear students,
Those interested to see their works in print, do not hesitate to send in your works as many as possible in any languages you like be they cartoons,comic strips, creative writings , reflections or whatever so long they could convey a message to readers especially dwellers of smas cave.
Why cave? because sorry to say, smas teachers and students are very close-knit that they seem to be indifferent to what happen in the outside world.This entails good and bad effects that everyone of us can make own deduction.I was a bit shocked as one popular guy at smas knew nothing about what happened in Chile where some 33 gold miners were trapped for almost 10 weeks deep inside the mine.i think ignorance is a bliss does not apply in this case as this will further widen our gap to reach truth, the truth that forces both our eyes and mind open and sets us free.
They say, unlike a fiery speech that could be heard just across the hall or the whole school, written words echo down the ages.Write to us and see you written works will have already been in print come January! For details contact our editorial board led by Mohd Fakhri, Aidil, Bob , Ainur, Aina and Iman.
Those interested to see their works in print, do not hesitate to send in your works as many as possible in any languages you like be they cartoons,comic strips, creative writings , reflections or whatever so long they could convey a message to readers especially dwellers of smas cave.
Why cave? because sorry to say, smas teachers and students are very close-knit that they seem to be indifferent to what happen in the outside world.This entails good and bad effects that everyone of us can make own deduction.I was a bit shocked as one popular guy at smas knew nothing about what happened in Chile where some 33 gold miners were trapped for almost 10 weeks deep inside the mine.i think ignorance is a bliss does not apply in this case as this will further widen our gap to reach truth, the truth that forces both our eyes and mind open and sets us free.
They say, unlike a fiery speech that could be heard just across the hall or the whole school, written words echo down the ages.Write to us and see you written works will have already been in print come January! For details contact our editorial board led by Mohd Fakhri, Aidil, Bob , Ainur, Aina and Iman.
Friendship is reciprocated with betrayal
They require faithfulness along with treachery
Why do You inquire about the destiny of this miserable patient
Who is a play thing for the Healer
O thou who is dying of thirst, do not beg the river
Death is continous if love is accompanied with dignity
The poison and antidote are both in one cup
Flowers rain along with sparks
In the robe of success, failures are hidden
My destiny is asleep with a wakeful stride
Guess who is the writer of this ghazal?
They require faithfulness along with treachery
Why do You inquire about the destiny of this miserable patient
Who is a play thing for the Healer
O thou who is dying of thirst, do not beg the river
Death is continous if love is accompanied with dignity
The poison and antidote are both in one cup
Flowers rain along with sparks
In the robe of success, failures are hidden
My destiny is asleep with a wakeful stride
Guess who is the writer of this ghazal?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dear students,
This year SPM candidates are the first batch i taught here when i was deported here. This is my fifth year teaching at sabk formerly known as sma though Jheat and BPI are still pulling strings to claim the bigger share. The small rational animals stuck in between become victims.
I have ever taught majority of them as i used to teach 3A 3C and 3D in 2008 upon the arrival. I took the task seriously after mid year break when i found some of them looked struggling to string even basic sentences. The bright ones like Wan Athirah invariably bulldozed words coming her way without thinking of parts of speech.
However, i was surprised as their old-selves seem to have long gone. They looked more determined and bold than ever to score the best grade for English. To say, teacher's factor who hails from Aussie is not an exageration and worthy to mention.
So sleepy now that i could hardly write now. Got to pen off. Till then..
This year SPM candidates are the first batch i taught here when i was deported here. This is my fifth year teaching at sabk formerly known as sma though Jheat and BPI are still pulling strings to claim the bigger share. The small rational animals stuck in between become victims.
I have ever taught majority of them as i used to teach 3A 3C and 3D in 2008 upon the arrival. I took the task seriously after mid year break when i found some of them looked struggling to string even basic sentences. The bright ones like Wan Athirah invariably bulldozed words coming her way without thinking of parts of speech.
However, i was surprised as their old-selves seem to have long gone. They looked more determined and bold than ever to score the best grade for English. To say, teacher's factor who hails from Aussie is not an exageration and worthy to mention.
So sleepy now that i could hardly write now. Got to pen off. Till then..
Dear students,
Having witnessed after the final buzzer quite a number of you all darting towards us teachers with joy and jubilance clearly written on your lovely faces after skilfully frying on the blank sheets in the exam hall is a testimonial in itself that you did your job well.Result? come on ..enjoy the process !you have already learnt more during the process,something within your control and you know full well of it.Let God decide what best suits us with the process that we have gone through all this while and just accept it wholeheartedly.
We teachers, should never ask for more as I do believe you gave your all as you have several other subjects to cover as well. Upon realising that you heeded our advice to this and that. It is already more than enough for us teachers regardless of the result that is at times at the mercy of the politician in power. Mind you, God is there to reward those who strive and it comes in myriads of ways.
I have nothing to say but thank you as majority of you all attended all the classes held despite tiredness and boredom. But you still could bear with us teachers. I personally did that for nothing but to have a happy sleep as the wise man Da Vinci once said ' As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings death'. And i of course want to have happy sleep and die a happy man. And again , thank you dear students!
Having witnessed after the final buzzer quite a number of you all darting towards us teachers with joy and jubilance clearly written on your lovely faces after skilfully frying on the blank sheets in the exam hall is a testimonial in itself that you did your job well.Result? come on ..enjoy the process !you have already learnt more during the process,something within your control and you know full well of it.Let God decide what best suits us with the process that we have gone through all this while and just accept it wholeheartedly.
We teachers, should never ask for more as I do believe you gave your all as you have several other subjects to cover as well. Upon realising that you heeded our advice to this and that. It is already more than enough for us teachers regardless of the result that is at times at the mercy of the politician in power. Mind you, God is there to reward those who strive and it comes in myriads of ways.
I have nothing to say but thank you as majority of you all attended all the classes held despite tiredness and boredom. But you still could bear with us teachers. I personally did that for nothing but to have a happy sleep as the wise man Da Vinci once said ' As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings death'. And i of course want to have happy sleep and die a happy man. And again , thank you dear students!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A good friend of mine said, 'Everything is fated, but we have the choice to decide how we are going to attain it.'
As PMR is just around the corner, it means you're running out of time so you will try the best way possible to achieve your dreams of being able to answer all of the PMR exam questions. I really hope you opt for a way permissible and the most pleasing in the sight of God. The BEST way is do things in accordance with the Islamic teaching and surely it means you must avoid cheating eventhough the habit might have been so engrained in some of you.
Put God above anything else, and keep on working and accept whatever outcomes with an open heart as you deserve to be happy for your determination and boldness to do it the right way.
As PMR is just around the corner, it means you're running out of time so you will try the best way possible to achieve your dreams of being able to answer all of the PMR exam questions. I really hope you opt for a way permissible and the most pleasing in the sight of God. The BEST way is do things in accordance with the Islamic teaching and surely it means you must avoid cheating eventhough the habit might have been so engrained in some of you.
Put God above anything else, and keep on working and accept whatever outcomes with an open heart as you deserve to be happy for your determination and boldness to do it the right way.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dear students,
10 days to go before the referee blows the final whistle and you all will either regret or rejoice with what you gave during the small battle of the brain ,PMR. You may give your all or do things wholeheartedly or half-heartedly as you have your very own choice, a freewill.
And interestingly, you yourself have to accept the very fate that you have made up your mind to it.You may not understand what i mean but you may agree when i say, in whatever thing we venture in the chance is we may regret if we don't do to the best of our ability.
So, dear student , do your best do everything you can..remember the song Jimmy Eat The World!introduced by Miss Farah a few months back.
I chanced to watch Grown Ups starred by Adam Sandlers on last Friday at Mid Valley.Forget vulgar words or close to nudity acts as here I would like to share a good quote from his inspiring coach.His coach once said
"You don't want to have any regrets at the final buzzer of life."
The message works not only to the volley ball game but to almost every single stage of our life.It seems coming at no better time!
10 days to go before the referee blows the final whistle and you all will either regret or rejoice with what you gave during the small battle of the brain ,PMR. You may give your all or do things wholeheartedly or half-heartedly as you have your very own choice, a freewill.
And interestingly, you yourself have to accept the very fate that you have made up your mind to it.You may not understand what i mean but you may agree when i say, in whatever thing we venture in the chance is we may regret if we don't do to the best of our ability.
So, dear student , do your best do everything you can..remember the song Jimmy Eat The World!introduced by Miss Farah a few months back.
I chanced to watch Grown Ups starred by Adam Sandlers on last Friday at Mid Valley.Forget vulgar words or close to nudity acts as here I would like to share a good quote from his inspiring coach.His coach once said
"You don't want to have any regrets at the final buzzer of life."
The message works not only to the volley ball game but to almost every single stage of our life.It seems coming at no better time!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dear students,
Though i know only we teachers who frequent this site as this is more on our reflection while teaching you all as there have been ups and downs experienced by us en route to either success or failure.Should failure is the end result, it does not matter so long we teachers have given our all. But, so far i think i am far from giving my all as i think i am too much at times that sent some of you dear students depressed.
Being a teacher by coincidence is a flaw in itself unless those whose heart and soul is on being a teacher.I am of different sort as i force myself to love this through some readings and a few unforgettable incidents encountered during my on and off being a temporary teachers at a few schools in Terengganu.
If i were to state the soundest reasons of all i would say that i love to see them understand what i have taught be their signs of relief or a simple thank you sir. At times when i stepped out the class, i would ask myself what did i share with them on that particular period.And then, if i could hardly find the answer it was a sheer failure on that particular day. I think i have so far experienced more failures than success. Failure seems dominating the game. Never the less, it does not frustrate me as I learn a lot more from failure than success.
My mind never ceases to rationalise of me being a teacher. Besides so called modest salary the other factor gets me hooked in this teaching profession is my self doubt. People by nature love doing things they are used to. The same theory might have applied to me as i did teach at various schools temporarily and almost at each school there were some unforgettable memories engraved be they bitter or sweet that i could hardly delete from my temporary hard disk borrowed by the Almighty God. And He can snap it anytime at will without even giving prior notification. And it seems teaching is can do job compared to other untested professions.
Ironically, i more often than not don't do what i preach. Thus, i am not fit enough to be a teacher as this will affect my in charge in the long run.I used to champion the ethics during the exam in class but sometimes, it feels like i want to ask weak students to cheat during exam as this will help bring good image to school and their teachers as well who happened to be me. What a malaise of mind! . I have had put my teaching colleagues in deep trouble for no sound reason but my own hatred and self made enmity to others that i suspected them of being a hypocrite. I know that in no way should i harbour ill-feelings and hatred.
After all, it is my self doubt to take bold steps to traverse in uncharted lands that hold me back in the profession meant for noble men unlike me. By the way, it is matter of reflection as unexamined life is not worth living.
Though i know only we teachers who frequent this site as this is more on our reflection while teaching you all as there have been ups and downs experienced by us en route to either success or failure.Should failure is the end result, it does not matter so long we teachers have given our all. But, so far i think i am far from giving my all as i think i am too much at times that sent some of you dear students depressed.
Being a teacher by coincidence is a flaw in itself unless those whose heart and soul is on being a teacher.I am of different sort as i force myself to love this through some readings and a few unforgettable incidents encountered during my on and off being a temporary teachers at a few schools in Terengganu.
If i were to state the soundest reasons of all i would say that i love to see them understand what i have taught be their signs of relief or a simple thank you sir. At times when i stepped out the class, i would ask myself what did i share with them on that particular period.And then, if i could hardly find the answer it was a sheer failure on that particular day. I think i have so far experienced more failures than success. Failure seems dominating the game. Never the less, it does not frustrate me as I learn a lot more from failure than success.
My mind never ceases to rationalise of me being a teacher. Besides so called modest salary the other factor gets me hooked in this teaching profession is my self doubt. People by nature love doing things they are used to. The same theory might have applied to me as i did teach at various schools temporarily and almost at each school there were some unforgettable memories engraved be they bitter or sweet that i could hardly delete from my temporary hard disk borrowed by the Almighty God. And He can snap it anytime at will without even giving prior notification. And it seems teaching is can do job compared to other untested professions.
Ironically, i more often than not don't do what i preach. Thus, i am not fit enough to be a teacher as this will affect my in charge in the long run.I used to champion the ethics during the exam in class but sometimes, it feels like i want to ask weak students to cheat during exam as this will help bring good image to school and their teachers as well who happened to be me. What a malaise of mind! . I have had put my teaching colleagues in deep trouble for no sound reason but my own hatred and self made enmity to others that i suspected them of being a hypocrite. I know that in no way should i harbour ill-feelings and hatred.
After all, it is my self doubt to take bold steps to traverse in uncharted lands that hold me back in the profession meant for noble men unlike me. By the way, it is matter of reflection as unexamined life is not worth living.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dear students,
Being afraid is contagious as it involves perception.It will ,regardless of how small the quantity is ,affect those feeling afraid themselves and people around them.The pmr come november has in it every reason for me as a teacher to feel scary though i may choose not to be afraid at all by being totally indifferent. Nevertheless, to be indifferent when we are in the know of responsibilities and roles heaped upon us due to our own choice makes it rather difficult. Thus, it puts us in a state of paradox where rooms to escape are hard to find.
Endowed with almost a palm-sized brain, so tiny but may work wonders should it be best utilised, it lavishes me with ideas and insights capable of easing your strain to face the second hurdle after upsr. However, this would not work at its best if there is no reciprocal relation where both teachers and students are mutually cooperative. It will bring no effect if only one part is truly adamant to bring about the best. So long the other parties or students remain resistent to adapt the change, all efforts and best laid plans would be in vain.
Last week saw me a few incidents that i rather swept them under the carpet or things might be getting worse. It happened when a few students of mine were punched and kicked by their seniors who happened to be my students as well with two years of age difference. The incident left the victims with bruishes on a few parts on their bodies. It occured on the pretext of giving a piece of mind by a group of senior students for not attending my class despite announcement being made at the hostel. So far, one of the victims showed a noticable change another two have so far shown no change as school break started the following day.
I can't wait to see the feasible change though i don't really looking forward to it as things happened out of wrath and anger invite retaliation and more often than not, are prone to failure.Like laws and ethics, to reciprocate is no longer an option but a necessity enroute to succees, be it in pmr or life!
Being afraid is contagious as it involves perception.It will ,regardless of how small the quantity is ,affect those feeling afraid themselves and people around them.The pmr come november has in it every reason for me as a teacher to feel scary though i may choose not to be afraid at all by being totally indifferent. Nevertheless, to be indifferent when we are in the know of responsibilities and roles heaped upon us due to our own choice makes it rather difficult. Thus, it puts us in a state of paradox where rooms to escape are hard to find.
Endowed with almost a palm-sized brain, so tiny but may work wonders should it be best utilised, it lavishes me with ideas and insights capable of easing your strain to face the second hurdle after upsr. However, this would not work at its best if there is no reciprocal relation where both teachers and students are mutually cooperative. It will bring no effect if only one part is truly adamant to bring about the best. So long the other parties or students remain resistent to adapt the change, all efforts and best laid plans would be in vain.
Last week saw me a few incidents that i rather swept them under the carpet or things might be getting worse. It happened when a few students of mine were punched and kicked by their seniors who happened to be my students as well with two years of age difference. The incident left the victims with bruishes on a few parts on their bodies. It occured on the pretext of giving a piece of mind by a group of senior students for not attending my class despite announcement being made at the hostel. So far, one of the victims showed a noticable change another two have so far shown no change as school break started the following day.
I can't wait to see the feasible change though i don't really looking forward to it as things happened out of wrath and anger invite retaliation and more often than not, are prone to failure.Like laws and ethics, to reciprocate is no longer an option but a necessity enroute to succees, be it in pmr or life!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Dear students,
I am pretty sure that I should have a benefit of doubt over the so called 'camp' that almost one third of you attended this morning.First and foremost i would like to thank you all for coming, at least , after all else fails, your attendance matters as i could not help but doubtfully think what you did really absorb out of the class this morning after spending almost 4 hours with us, teachers of yours.
If i were to report to the higher party, i would definitely say, you have already got to know some 200 hundred verbs altogether with their spellings and meanings. Given the time you spared for today's class could be wasted for doing other unbeneficial things , so the class of copying 200 verbs together with their meaning is considered acceptable.
Who knows? maybe it might have never happened to Din and Cikgu Alias's son having to write such quite a number of words(verbs) in just a short time together. By having to complete jotting down some 200 verbs with their meaning is already an achievement. For some nevertheless they might have simply copied from their friends cum good samaritans without even putting extra efforts to find the meaning on their own. It is fine so long it indicates that they at least manage to finish the copying task. But the true learning process ceases to take place and thus affect them in the long run. What a sadness!
Out of an informal discussion with my fellow teacher, miss F, we got some ideas on how to improve writing especially those who are still struggling to string basic sentences consisting of sv and svo. We think, you dear students need to be well versed in writing simple sentences under sv , svo and svc patterns as well. So, after this we might assign you all dear students to identify those types of sentences either sv svc or svo. If you write such basic sentence , other patterns will not become a great deal anymore. To be able to write with ease, students need to truly identify types of verbs, either transitive, intransitive or both. Once they are in the know of the different parts of speech, writing whatever assignment at hand is no longer a mammoth task. Students need to have enough supply of verbs ,adjectives, adverbs and even nouns or else they might get stagnant probing for words while attempting writing task.
All things remain challenging if we are not used to them, the same apply to writing as writing itself is a skill acquired over time through lots of practice. Therefore, concerted efforts and well organised strategies seem no longer an option but a necessity for both us teachers and students as the exams both pmr and spm loom large. To prepare them skills that demand time, grit and determination is no small task. Unless, only the selected few, the like of hardworking students, were to represent the ever relaxing rest.Unfortunately, that is not the case as it is like the pre-destined commandment echoes 'you reap what you sow! I love to see the struggling Fatihah Azman,tenacity was there despite some unknown words, she kept on looking up for them without fail in the dictionary that hopefully her perseverance will get her through to her target come PMR especially for English. The same applies to the rest of the battalion SMAS PMR 2010.
I have a lot more to say but it seems i need to answer the call for asar prayers as it is God's call that is of utmost importance.Though, it is already late from time!
I am pretty sure that I should have a benefit of doubt over the so called 'camp' that almost one third of you attended this morning.First and foremost i would like to thank you all for coming, at least , after all else fails, your attendance matters as i could not help but doubtfully think what you did really absorb out of the class this morning after spending almost 4 hours with us, teachers of yours.
If i were to report to the higher party, i would definitely say, you have already got to know some 200 hundred verbs altogether with their spellings and meanings. Given the time you spared for today's class could be wasted for doing other unbeneficial things , so the class of copying 200 verbs together with their meaning is considered acceptable.
Who knows? maybe it might have never happened to Din and Cikgu Alias's son having to write such quite a number of words(verbs) in just a short time together. By having to complete jotting down some 200 verbs with their meaning is already an achievement. For some nevertheless they might have simply copied from their friends cum good samaritans without even putting extra efforts to find the meaning on their own. It is fine so long it indicates that they at least manage to finish the copying task. But the true learning process ceases to take place and thus affect them in the long run. What a sadness!
Out of an informal discussion with my fellow teacher, miss F, we got some ideas on how to improve writing especially those who are still struggling to string basic sentences consisting of sv and svo. We think, you dear students need to be well versed in writing simple sentences under sv , svo and svc patterns as well. So, after this we might assign you all dear students to identify those types of sentences either sv svc or svo. If you write such basic sentence , other patterns will not become a great deal anymore. To be able to write with ease, students need to truly identify types of verbs, either transitive, intransitive or both. Once they are in the know of the different parts of speech, writing whatever assignment at hand is no longer a mammoth task. Students need to have enough supply of verbs ,adjectives, adverbs and even nouns or else they might get stagnant probing for words while attempting writing task.
All things remain challenging if we are not used to them, the same apply to writing as writing itself is a skill acquired over time through lots of practice. Therefore, concerted efforts and well organised strategies seem no longer an option but a necessity for both us teachers and students as the exams both pmr and spm loom large. To prepare them skills that demand time, grit and determination is no small task. Unless, only the selected few, the like of hardworking students, were to represent the ever relaxing rest.Unfortunately, that is not the case as it is like the pre-destined commandment echoes 'you reap what you sow! I love to see the struggling Fatihah Azman,tenacity was there despite some unknown words, she kept on looking up for them without fail in the dictionary that hopefully her perseverance will get her through to her target come PMR especially for English. The same applies to the rest of the battalion SMAS PMR 2010.
I have a lot more to say but it seems i need to answer the call for asar prayers as it is God's call that is of utmost importance.Though, it is already late from time!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dear students,
Huh!! 40 days to go before you all sit for 'another test'that people name it PMR. Given that such the exam especially paper 1 has been taken over 20 times for months, it should not be a great deal after all.Instead, It would be more or less like just another test. Only this time, the question papers are to be printed with state-of-art printing technology by the government linked company, PNB. The good news is the question would be in size bigger yet clearer than ever.So if you read carefully , I am pretty sure that you can score well.
Today, we had a special meeting known as temu murni.Lots of things flood into my mind that I at times are in a state of confusion whether or not things related while meeting with parents were worthy a story. Could baring all students' weaknesss to their parents be worthwhile or a backfire.
To let bygones be bygones holds true as we need to move on despite making errors or mistakes as without which we remain stagnant waiting for premature departure to the world of oblivion. 40 days left both scare and excite me as the pmr has in it what people say hope and fear. Both are unseen yet forceful driver..
Huh!! 40 days to go before you all sit for 'another test'that people name it PMR. Given that such the exam especially paper 1 has been taken over 20 times for months, it should not be a great deal after all.Instead, It would be more or less like just another test. Only this time, the question papers are to be printed with state-of-art printing technology by the government linked company, PNB. The good news is the question would be in size bigger yet clearer than ever.So if you read carefully , I am pretty sure that you can score well.
Today, we had a special meeting known as temu murni.Lots of things flood into my mind that I at times are in a state of confusion whether or not things related while meeting with parents were worthy a story. Could baring all students' weaknesss to their parents be worthwhile or a backfire.
To let bygones be bygones holds true as we need to move on despite making errors or mistakes as without which we remain stagnant waiting for premature departure to the world of oblivion. 40 days left both scare and excite me as the pmr has in it what people say hope and fear. Both are unseen yet forceful driver..
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
With them the seed of wisdom did I sow
And with my own hand labour'd it to grow
And this was all the harvest that I reap'd
'I came like water and like wind I go'
- Omar Khayyam
'Knowledge is light (nur) that goes straight into the heart. Knowledge is in the hearts of men, not in the line of books. If it were to be the case that knowledge is in the lines of books then those non-Muslims who study Islam, and sometimes called orientalists for example, would have been guided already by now.' (Sh. Afifi Al-akiti).
As far as I am concern, I haven't achieved or realised some of my ideals in teaching. It is my wish that students will have this hunger for knowledge, then it's a mission accomplished for me. I believe it is knowledge (the light) who will guide ones be it in their attitude or exams. We make mistakes all the time, but the moment we realise we've made mistakes, it is knowledge that acts as a reminder for us that we've sinned so immediately we will ask for forgiveness from dear Lord. We say istighfar.
I know, when students misbehave, it is my fault for not trying hard enough and for not giving the best. It's not good pointing fingers at others whilst we are the ones deserve the blame. One thing for sure, God has the right to blame me and thinking about it is disturbing as I know I do not only live in this world. Men are made for eternity, we might say that we're old but we are still young and still at the very beginning of this eternal life.
We must be better than yesterday. That's what distinguish us from other creatures.
p/s: It's not what you know but what you do with what you know.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Dear students,
What an easy task! should we teachers know things lingering in your mind moment we are about to open our mouth to talk the so called subject matters be they English, Mathematics and etc. Interestingly, God does not endow us,teachers,telepathy such a gift earned by Solomon the prophet so that we have to crack our brains figuring out the best applicable methods to unearth the best in you dear students.
Our sole task to school your mind and at the same time for that purpose to achieve we have to stretch our mind muscles to think beyond applied-yet not so practical approaches for we should at all times better ourselves to better you. Blessed and lucky are those whose today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today.Teaching is in fact an enjoyable task until it has been laden with things and chores not worthy doing or attending. We teachers sometimes become reluctant attendees as our heart are towards grooming young minds with things benefit them the most. Unfortunately, we need to abide by dissenting directives from two self-proclaimed lions at the cost of students' learning hours. One party is insistent to finish the allocated budget no matter what programs to be held. Another prides for exercising absolute directives from the ministry.We teachers are always in the dark for what and for whom the bell tolls.
Daunting the task is when we repeatedly repeat the same thing over and over again as if all said is new. Yet, nothing changes but the calender and the moon. This what makes us do wake in the middle of the night contempleting of our past wrong doings waiting for retribution once we ourselves become teachers. I spare that thought or else i spare no one my humble slaps.And from now on, we have 50 days and 80 days left for pmr and spm respectively. Though exam is not everything but mind you that you will forever carry digits printed on the paper. Why can't you make it colorful that your parents grinning from ear to ear moments they see you result! we teachers at that time are nowhere to be found as we did finish our task preparing you to the battle!to celebrate we rather smile from afar knowing some of your are jubilant enough!
What an easy task! should we teachers know things lingering in your mind moment we are about to open our mouth to talk the so called subject matters be they English, Mathematics and etc. Interestingly, God does not endow us,teachers,telepathy such a gift earned by Solomon the prophet so that we have to crack our brains figuring out the best applicable methods to unearth the best in you dear students.
Our sole task to school your mind and at the same time for that purpose to achieve we have to stretch our mind muscles to think beyond applied-yet not so practical approaches for we should at all times better ourselves to better you. Blessed and lucky are those whose today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today.Teaching is in fact an enjoyable task until it has been laden with things and chores not worthy doing or attending. We teachers sometimes become reluctant attendees as our heart are towards grooming young minds with things benefit them the most. Unfortunately, we need to abide by dissenting directives from two self-proclaimed lions at the cost of students' learning hours. One party is insistent to finish the allocated budget no matter what programs to be held. Another prides for exercising absolute directives from the ministry.We teachers are always in the dark for what and for whom the bell tolls.
Daunting the task is when we repeatedly repeat the same thing over and over again as if all said is new. Yet, nothing changes but the calender and the moon. This what makes us do wake in the middle of the night contempleting of our past wrong doings waiting for retribution once we ourselves become teachers. I spare that thought or else i spare no one my humble slaps.And from now on, we have 50 days and 80 days left for pmr and spm respectively. Though exam is not everything but mind you that you will forever carry digits printed on the paper. Why can't you make it colorful that your parents grinning from ear to ear moments they see you result! we teachers at that time are nowhere to be found as we did finish our task preparing you to the battle!to celebrate we rather smile from afar knowing some of your are jubilant enough!
Monday, August 9, 2010
In any battle, preparation is a must. It involves lots of training that goes way beyond one's capability, sacrifices and the ability to adapt with any unexpected situation. I would regard the battle of Badr which happened during the month of Ramadhan as the greatest war ever in the history of mankind because it is the war that changes the whole course of the world's history and to certain people, illogical, as 313 won the battle against 1000. No matter how illogical it sounds, fact remains that it actually requires only 313 God-fearing men to shape the world to be the way it should be for generations. These people's greatest weapon is their faith in one Lord, Allah and it is the faith that grants them greatest help from the Greatest helper that one could have.And certainly, it is a faith proven trough actions. They worked hard in the best way possible, in the most pleasing way for the sake of Allah the most High.
The world only needs 313 people with a firm faith or iman in order to make it a better place to live in. Why should we constantly bother about geniuses,whom in terms of faith they have none?
Let's welcome the Holy Month of Ramadhan. A month to develop taqwa insha Allah so that we can become as great as these 313 are.
The world only needs 313 people with a firm faith or iman in order to make it a better place to live in. Why should we constantly bother about geniuses,whom in terms of faith they have none?
Let's welcome the Holy Month of Ramadhan. A month to develop taqwa insha Allah so that we can become as great as these 313 are.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Dear students,
In the wake of pre-trial exam result which is to be released within no time.I am of the view, with half baked marks within my knowledge, that all of you r in the brink of either winning with thumping victory or otherwise whatever you are willing to say.
Nevertheless,since you have been through countless exams, just think the coming pmr exam is like another test provided this time you will be surrounded by dozen of eyes watching your antics.
Thy yourself be true.And you will the would be memorable hall a happy man.
In the wake of pre-trial exam result which is to be released within no time.I am of the view, with half baked marks within my knowledge, that all of you r in the brink of either winning with thumping victory or otherwise whatever you are willing to say.
Nevertheless,since you have been through countless exams, just think the coming pmr exam is like another test provided this time you will be surrounded by dozen of eyes watching your antics.
Thy yourself be true.And you will the would be memorable hall a happy man.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dear students,
From now on, we still have around 60 days left before the final that might cheer or haunt you if not for the rest of your life at least during your schooling years.Coming december, some of you might feel miserably sad for failing to hit the targetted number of As and some might feel jubilant over unexpected result through either solely their own efforts or the inteference of hands and eyes of god.
I am still figuring out within this remaining time frame the best yet practical approaches to prepare you all to sit the second hurdle after upsr with ease and confidence .If I sort out to the number of meetings that we have right from now till the exam date, the number of days left becomes so scary considering lots of you guys still struggling even to string a simple sentence with a subject and a verb, lacking most basic vocabs and battling with english phobia entrenched since primary school.
The accumulated number of vocab possessed by each and everyone of you my dear students is a clear indicator that explains why writing task seems a monumental one. Thus, we teachers need to crack our tiny brain to resolve the existing woes. It is undniable that problems abound. But, it is we who need to set the sail despite unpromising gales to hail for success and glory in the name freedom and happiness .
From now on, we still have around 60 days left before the final that might cheer or haunt you if not for the rest of your life at least during your schooling years.Coming december, some of you might feel miserably sad for failing to hit the targetted number of As and some might feel jubilant over unexpected result through either solely their own efforts or the inteference of hands and eyes of god.
I am still figuring out within this remaining time frame the best yet practical approaches to prepare you all to sit the second hurdle after upsr with ease and confidence .If I sort out to the number of meetings that we have right from now till the exam date, the number of days left becomes so scary considering lots of you guys still struggling even to string a simple sentence with a subject and a verb, lacking most basic vocabs and battling with english phobia entrenched since primary school.
The accumulated number of vocab possessed by each and everyone of you my dear students is a clear indicator that explains why writing task seems a monumental one. Thus, we teachers need to crack our tiny brain to resolve the existing woes. It is undniable that problems abound. But, it is we who need to set the sail despite unpromising gales to hail for success and glory in the name freedom and happiness .
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Just finished working at JHEAT and this morning I had a pedagogy course at PKG Permaisuri. I was all smiles upon seeing the name of the writer of the module for the course entitled 'Scaffolding for writing'. A memory of me stucked in the lift together with her flashed and because of the incident she still recognizes me. I got to find out about the fact during the drama course that I've attended months back. She is a great lecturer and I am sure the pedagogy course would have been more interesting if she is the one who facilitates the course. Not that the current facilitator is not good, it's just that the one who wrote the module would explain things better. In a way i am so proud that I've got the chance to learn from her as she is a great teacher yet humble. She makes me feel comfortable in her class and she used to say that teaching and learning process should not be threatening to the students. I personally think she is really a practitioner of what she preaches as I felt nothing but joy throughout the course as if it is something as fun as watching movie etc.
Compared to my own current practice in teaching at the moment, it is far from what she does. I can give students non-threatening tasks, but it won't be that entertaining and fun. The only activity that I think that students really find enjoyable is singing. At the same time, the need to prepare you for examination is also a matter of a great concern that at times I am forced to do nothing but instruct students to do the dull copying activity. It is a belief of so many academicians that such approaches towards exam do nothing in preparing students for the real world. I feel like I am stucked in the middle.
One important thing is that I must ensure that students exhibit change even it is little. It's not easy but it is what teachers are here for.
No matter what let's treat everyday as a door towards something new. Struggle or 'mujahadah' is needed. Difficult as it sounds indeed.
Compared to my own current practice in teaching at the moment, it is far from what she does. I can give students non-threatening tasks, but it won't be that entertaining and fun. The only activity that I think that students really find enjoyable is singing. At the same time, the need to prepare you for examination is also a matter of a great concern that at times I am forced to do nothing but instruct students to do the dull copying activity. It is a belief of so many academicians that such approaches towards exam do nothing in preparing students for the real world. I feel like I am stucked in the middle.
One important thing is that I must ensure that students exhibit change even it is little. It's not easy but it is what teachers are here for.
No matter what let's treat everyday as a door towards something new. Struggle or 'mujahadah' is needed. Difficult as it sounds indeed.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Dear students,
Despite our last minutes preparations, lacking here and there and so many other imperfections , yet we manage to win four hampers to the pride of mr Ibrahim and Ust Ya and teachers the like of me and , mr Faizal and Ustzh Mek who spent two days and three nights as teachers in charge for the camping.
Participants in action

I could not agree more if I people say that Faiz a.k.a kipput is hardworking,creative and having leadership skills. I have since realized that as i had seen his task before. Last three days and two nights just confirmed my self- belief that Faiz,Pok Loh, Abushah, Fitri, Alif was so cooperative and hardworking when it comes to things or tasks that of their interest.My challenge is to make them show their working attitude for camping same with his function for studying.The whole world seems being painted our color of choice.
Despite our last minutes preparations, lacking here and there and so many other imperfections , yet we manage to win four hampers to the pride of mr Ibrahim and Ust Ya and teachers the like of me and , mr Faizal and Ustzh Mek who spent two days and three nights as teachers in charge for the camping.
Participants in action
I could not agree more if I people say that Faiz a.k.a kipput is hardworking,creative and having leadership skills. I have since realized that as i had seen his task before. Last three days and two nights just confirmed my self- belief that Faiz,Pok Loh, Abushah, Fitri, Alif was so cooperative and hardworking when it comes to things or tasks that of their interest.My challenge is to make them show their working attitude for camping same with his function for studying.The whole world seems being painted our color of choice.
Dear students,
What a feeling! so beautiful and undescribable...!i chanced to meet scores of my former students who happened to take part in the just concluded state level co corricular camp held at 512 regime in Kemaman. My stint with them was short-lived as i was so called mysteriously transfered by force of little napoleons for maybe speaking out my minds.Almost two thirds of girl students of form 1A1 and 1A2 2007 were there and we had hearty laughs and Insyirah updated me of boys students' whereabouts.
This classical reunion might happen once and for all after three years being separated as I don't think I chance to meet them again with dozens of them, the same setting for three days. Seeing them and their antics there was like witnessing a scenic breathtaking hillside views.The like of Insyirah, Wani's although , Amira, Sofiah , Ainiyyah with her not so good story, Fitrah the cutest and most vocal of them all,the shy and timid Nabila Huda, whose writing never failed to impress me.Najihah as brilliant and cute as ever. Just to list a few..
beautiful memory at Bukit Kuang 512 regime camp

Though separated we have..I knew deep deep down inside my heart i do love them as ever..having a chance to teach them was one of the great moments in my teaching career as they all have more than what it takes to be a useful person contributing to the awakening of the muslim commonwealth! they have attitude..the one that i should crack my mind to unearth from almost all of my current pupils.
There lies a challenge and this what makes us a man brazing against odds with grit and determination. The big question mark is , determination demands an energy and energy according to the natural rules dissipates over time. May God replenish us energy as always to be His true servant who is stong and ready to serve His other servants in need of help.
What a feeling! so beautiful and undescribable...!i chanced to meet scores of my former students who happened to take part in the just concluded state level co corricular camp held at 512 regime in Kemaman. My stint with them was short-lived as i was so called mysteriously transfered by force of little napoleons for maybe speaking out my minds.Almost two thirds of girl students of form 1A1 and 1A2 2007 were there and we had hearty laughs and Insyirah updated me of boys students' whereabouts.
This classical reunion might happen once and for all after three years being separated as I don't think I chance to meet them again with dozens of them, the same setting for three days. Seeing them and their antics there was like witnessing a scenic breathtaking hillside views.The like of Insyirah, Wani's although , Amira, Sofiah , Ainiyyah with her not so good story, Fitrah the cutest and most vocal of them all,the shy and timid Nabila Huda, whose writing never failed to impress me.Najihah as brilliant and cute as ever. Just to list a few..
beautiful memory at Bukit Kuang 512 regime camp
Though separated we have..I knew deep deep down inside my heart i do love them as ever..having a chance to teach them was one of the great moments in my teaching career as they all have more than what it takes to be a useful person contributing to the awakening of the muslim commonwealth! they have attitude..the one that i should crack my mind to unearth from almost all of my current pupils.
There lies a challenge and this what makes us a man brazing against odds with grit and determination. The big question mark is , determination demands an energy and energy according to the natural rules dissipates over time. May God replenish us energy as always to be His true servant who is stong and ready to serve His other servants in need of help.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Dear students,
Growing up in the midst of society where things that matter most is fame,glory or anything associated with success is at times a headache as the path to it demands some uncompromising decisions. Thus, it invariably challenges our self belief to where and what we are after after all in this life. When someone mired in unforgiven sins starts open up mouth, rest assure so called noble men will have to think more than twice to switch to the hard truth as lots of things are to be taken into account.
The term little napoleons has nothing to do with our innocent yet obedient students though rebellious once a while. I think it is imperative to insert an excerpt that best explains what little napoleons is all about. They above all not our beloved students though they might love us not at all. But , i do love them all of them without exception as they have taught me lots and lots more than i have ever taught them. I owe them and i need to love them unconditionally.
Attached herewith an excerpt from the following site.
Bernama tried to be helpful by providing the following definition – “Little Napoleon is often described as one who is pugnacious, arrogant and abrasive, especially a person in power, having features like Napoleon Bonaparte, an absolute ruler in France during the late 18th century.”
The exam looms larger and it is time to move on either to prepare students for exam or for life's unending lessons or both.It all depends on us, our perception and belief as Descartes once said Cogito ergo sum..i think therefore i am. Nothing lasts and the only things that do not change is the change itself. Don't bother much for the changing habit of mortal homo sapien as history by nature repeats itself,retribution is sure either for the good or the evil.Only time will tells.
Growing up in the midst of society where things that matter most is fame,glory or anything associated with success is at times a headache as the path to it demands some uncompromising decisions. Thus, it invariably challenges our self belief to where and what we are after after all in this life. When someone mired in unforgiven sins starts open up mouth, rest assure so called noble men will have to think more than twice to switch to the hard truth as lots of things are to be taken into account.
The term little napoleons has nothing to do with our innocent yet obedient students though rebellious once a while. I think it is imperative to insert an excerpt that best explains what little napoleons is all about. They above all not our beloved students though they might love us not at all. But , i do love them all of them without exception as they have taught me lots and lots more than i have ever taught them. I owe them and i need to love them unconditionally.
Attached herewith an excerpt from the following site.
Bernama tried to be helpful by providing the following definition – “Little Napoleon is often described as one who is pugnacious, arrogant and abrasive, especially a person in power, having features like Napoleon Bonaparte, an absolute ruler in France during the late 18th century.”
The exam looms larger and it is time to move on either to prepare students for exam or for life's unending lessons or both.It all depends on us, our perception and belief as Descartes once said Cogito ergo sum..i think therefore i am. Nothing lasts and the only things that do not change is the change itself. Don't bother much for the changing habit of mortal homo sapien as history by nature repeats itself,retribution is sure either for the good or the evil.Only time will tells.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Dear students,
I could hear from afar as far as Sudanese temporary yet tiny settlement the song sung and rapped by our Geng Pak Kancil a.k.a GPK yesterday morning. It seemed the crowd turned a bit crazy when Edie took turn belting out his husky voice to the excitement of the audience. I think mat yie as usual , showcasing his macho style with his extra made-in-UK slang. Bob did a great job anyway with the help of back up dancers Mizi and Amar. And not to forget Zil Majdi, whose energetic performance deserved credits from the true jurors, the crowd.
I prefer staying afar as I decided to myself moments it came to my knowledge that English Competition Final was to be held right at SMAS.Why did they prefer SMAS, the dump site of the rejects?I mean those rebellious against the small napoleons?those having gut to voice out their dissatisfaction over issues created by teachers-cum-big headed officers.. .Ironically,they want us the rejects to entertain them,to add another extra day commuting to and fro from as far as Kuala Terengganu to give them first class treatment. They give us prior warning that certificate will not be awarded should we fail to commit ourselves giving our best to welcome them.It sounds intimidating..fuhhh... come on we don't need the certificate after all.No added value to my CV.
However,to my sadness. i did it at the cost of forcing my teaching colleague to handle all and everything alone. Incessant complaints and comments hurled against her throughout the competition as if nothing others could do but to complain instead of to help. I could visualise that, but i was a reject among the rejects.I rather talk with Coelho than taking pains to entertain those small napoleons.Though small the task to her, it might be monumental if doing it alone, especially for her first time being entrusted to handle such an event. Thank God , in the end, the program proved to be a stupendous one despite her first time handling all and everything alone.She learnt the most during the one and a half day event. I know i will not regret my decision as i can't stand giving undue respect to those who once conspired to put me in trouble.The memory of me being hauled to the commissioner's spacious room to testify before six top brass including the arrogant commissioner himself that i am fit to be a teacher despite being undermined by them based on data collected by investigating officers then who on of them happened to be the master mind of this 9th English Competition remains and will always remain in my memory so long i permit myself to it.After all i am a human, i admit that to forgive is divine.However, to simply forgive without reason is at times a cowardice act itself. There are many ways to learn and i prefer to learn the other way around.
The only way to stop contempleting this nonsense is start thinking of you my dear students. Without you all, dear students, we teachers and those in exalted positions will be of non existence. Forgive me should i make mistakes for i am after all human. To coin a quote from Kurt shared by the someone ' I rather be hated for whom i am not'.
I could hear from afar as far as Sudanese temporary yet tiny settlement the song sung and rapped by our Geng Pak Kancil a.k.a GPK yesterday morning. It seemed the crowd turned a bit crazy when Edie took turn belting out his husky voice to the excitement of the audience. I think mat yie as usual , showcasing his macho style with his extra made-in-UK slang. Bob did a great job anyway with the help of back up dancers Mizi and Amar. And not to forget Zil Majdi, whose energetic performance deserved credits from the true jurors, the crowd.
I prefer staying afar as I decided to myself moments it came to my knowledge that English Competition Final was to be held right at SMAS.Why did they prefer SMAS, the dump site of the rejects?I mean those rebellious against the small napoleons?those having gut to voice out their dissatisfaction over issues created by teachers-cum-big headed officers.. .Ironically,they want us the rejects to entertain them,to add another extra day commuting to and fro from as far as Kuala Terengganu to give them first class treatment. They give us prior warning that certificate will not be awarded should we fail to commit ourselves giving our best to welcome them.It sounds intimidating..fuhhh... come on we don't need the certificate after all.No added value to my CV.
However,to my sadness. i did it at the cost of forcing my teaching colleague to handle all and everything alone. Incessant complaints and comments hurled against her throughout the competition as if nothing others could do but to complain instead of to help. I could visualise that, but i was a reject among the rejects.I rather talk with Coelho than taking pains to entertain those small napoleons.Though small the task to her, it might be monumental if doing it alone, especially for her first time being entrusted to handle such an event. Thank God , in the end, the program proved to be a stupendous one despite her first time handling all and everything alone.She learnt the most during the one and a half day event. I know i will not regret my decision as i can't stand giving undue respect to those who once conspired to put me in trouble.The memory of me being hauled to the commissioner's spacious room to testify before six top brass including the arrogant commissioner himself that i am fit to be a teacher despite being undermined by them based on data collected by investigating officers then who on of them happened to be the master mind of this 9th English Competition remains and will always remain in my memory so long i permit myself to it.After all i am a human, i admit that to forgive is divine.However, to simply forgive without reason is at times a cowardice act itself. There are many ways to learn and i prefer to learn the other way around.
The only way to stop contempleting this nonsense is start thinking of you my dear students. Without you all, dear students, we teachers and those in exalted positions will be of non existence. Forgive me should i make mistakes for i am after all human. To coin a quote from Kurt shared by the someone ' I rather be hated for whom i am not'.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Dear students,
Having watched you guys live, i mean the geng pok kancil, practising your gig at smas hall was a gift as you all despite time constraints, managed to perform superbly well. Courtesy of your dedicated selfless teacher-cum-mentor miss Farah who has been training you all all this while out of nothing but passion to see success lie in your very eyes.And i could see that! I don't care whether or not you can impress the audience come Friday morning, when some vips will be watching your debut, as you are all already great.
Don't worry , simply do your best, as after all you all are debutants except the old timer like Mat Yie & Edie.., whose stage fright seems has long gone. Nervous? come on..that is good to feel nervous or experience stage fright as without which you are abnormal. If you are normal, to feel nervous is a bonus dose to push you to greater heights.
My humble advice to you all should you dream of giving the best performance ever is bear in mind two things. First, give a feeling to the task at hand, i mean sing like a true if you are the one who penned the lyrics out of your life's experience and remorseful acts. Second, practice and practice and practice..
Do your best and difinitely your all deserve this five-letter word. BRAVO!
Dear students,
Having watched you guys live, i mean the geng pok kancil, practising your gig at smas hall was a gift as you all despite time constraints, managed to perform superbly well. Courtesy of your dedicated selfless teacher-cum-mentor miss Farah who has been training you all all this while out of nothing but passion to see success lie in your very eyes.And i could see that! I don't care whether or not you can impress the audience come Friday morning, when some vips will be watching your debut, as you are all already great.
Don't worry , simply do your best, as after all you all are debutants except the old timer like Mat Yie & Edie.., whose stage fright seems has long gone. Nervous? come on..that is good to feel nervous or experience stage fright as without which you are abnormal. If you are normal, to feel nervous is a bonus dose to push you to greater heights.
My humble advice to you all should you dream of giving the best performance ever is bear in mind two things. First, give a feeling to the task at hand, i mean sing like a true if you are the one who penned the lyrics out of your life's experience and remorseful acts. Second, practice and practice and practice..
Do your best and difinitely your all deserve this five-letter word. BRAVO!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dear students,
I just saw the newly released timetable nicely put on my table yesterday when i entered teachers' room to get pieces of paper for notes for the evening class with 3A. As expected, only half of them were present, the rest were missing without plausible yet convincing reasons.Or, they just want to see how far we teachers would react for their misbehavior.
Thank God, until now, despite a bunch of not-so-motivated students, still we have some who though not commited but manage to memorise at least an answer script for literature's TPOZ. They are chapik and ayub and a few others coming from 3A whom need not for introducing.
I hope that Capik and Ayub will be of a great help for the fellow friends to learnt the art of reading by heart. Until now, only around 10 students who manage to memorise well.They are Capik Ayub Ainur Aina Nadzirul Amirah Hidayah Khalis Idayu and Iman. The number constitutes slightly 10 % out of the total PMR candidates.
Out target is by the end of this month all PMR candidates have to at least memorise a sample essay out of four given. Those manage to memorise all four given, you are great! and stand to win a prize! what prize? let the winning itself be the real and everlasting present.
I just saw the newly released timetable nicely put on my table yesterday when i entered teachers' room to get pieces of paper for notes for the evening class with 3A. As expected, only half of them were present, the rest were missing without plausible yet convincing reasons.Or, they just want to see how far we teachers would react for their misbehavior.
Thank God, until now, despite a bunch of not-so-motivated students, still we have some who though not commited but manage to memorise at least an answer script for literature's TPOZ. They are chapik and ayub and a few others coming from 3A whom need not for introducing.
I hope that Capik and Ayub will be of a great help for the fellow friends to learnt the art of reading by heart. Until now, only around 10 students who manage to memorise well.They are Capik Ayub Ainur Aina Nadzirul Amirah Hidayah Khalis Idayu and Iman. The number constitutes slightly 10 % out of the total PMR candidates.
Out target is by the end of this month all PMR candidates have to at least memorise a sample essay out of four given. Those manage to memorise all four given, you are great! and stand to win a prize! what prize? let the winning itself be the real and everlasting present.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Dear students,
It is almost two months and a half before this year PMR batch will prove the mettle either being able to fare well or otherwise. We teachers start wondering and contempleting best means to muscle up our fluctuating strengths to prepare you for any imminent danger. Danger is nothing for the bravehearts as they at that time will already have had what it take to brave themselves against any odds and challenges. PMR is just an exam that requires us to throw what we have all this while learnt since form one, or indirectly accumulated knowledge right from standard one.
It is nothing but to benchmark you all of your latest updated standing academic performance. Then, true dramas will unfold after the release of the result at end of December this year. Then, your teachers' priceless advice will start haunting your sanity for being repeatedly ignored months,weeks or days before the D day. What a regret! The good news is you still have ample time not to experience regret on that day. They say PREPARE, PREPARE and PREPARE as preparation meets success. Preparation requires brilliant planning as coined by the author of Think and Grow Rich book. And that is what i as a teacher am thinking right now.
Last night was a failure for me as a teacher as students seem having already lost interest the way i have been teaching them with the same old yet uninteresting methods. No one turned out for the additional class except the informer entrusted upon him to relay the news of the additional class, he was no other than mr Ayub. It is high time now for me to look deep deep down inside ( to borrow native dean's intention) of my old yet dull methods of teaching should i be determined enough to see success in my students' sparkling faces. I should admit that they don't have a strong drive or desire to make them attend or be motivated enough to learn English.
It seems the exam papers beckon us from afar to see whether we keep soldiering on not . To remain frantic without taking necessary steps would cost us unbearable burdens for both mind and body.
So, dear students, do something to better yourself from yesterday and to coin Mahatma's popular quote ' Be the change you want to see' .
It is almost two months and a half before this year PMR batch will prove the mettle either being able to fare well or otherwise. We teachers start wondering and contempleting best means to muscle up our fluctuating strengths to prepare you for any imminent danger. Danger is nothing for the bravehearts as they at that time will already have had what it take to brave themselves against any odds and challenges. PMR is just an exam that requires us to throw what we have all this while learnt since form one, or indirectly accumulated knowledge right from standard one.
It is nothing but to benchmark you all of your latest updated standing academic performance. Then, true dramas will unfold after the release of the result at end of December this year. Then, your teachers' priceless advice will start haunting your sanity for being repeatedly ignored months,weeks or days before the D day. What a regret! The good news is you still have ample time not to experience regret on that day. They say PREPARE, PREPARE and PREPARE as preparation meets success. Preparation requires brilliant planning as coined by the author of Think and Grow Rich book. And that is what i as a teacher am thinking right now.
Last night was a failure for me as a teacher as students seem having already lost interest the way i have been teaching them with the same old yet uninteresting methods. No one turned out for the additional class except the informer entrusted upon him to relay the news of the additional class, he was no other than mr Ayub. It is high time now for me to look deep deep down inside ( to borrow native dean's intention) of my old yet dull methods of teaching should i be determined enough to see success in my students' sparkling faces. I should admit that they don't have a strong drive or desire to make them attend or be motivated enough to learn English.
It seems the exam papers beckon us from afar to see whether we keep soldiering on not . To remain frantic without taking necessary steps would cost us unbearable burdens for both mind and body.
So, dear students, do something to better yourself from yesterday and to coin Mahatma's popular quote ' Be the change you want to see' .
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Dear students,
It seems past year historic English revolution remains history and will not recur this year. However, each passing year offers us different set of pupils that have different set of skills and antics.Should we take positively we can bring about the best out of them despite the existing differences. We teachers should love them all the same as they are deserving. It would be impossible for English performance graph index to escalate up to almost 20 percent.
We were short of 3 percent to hit all pins down. So, this year target is, though not as tough as last year, is still within our reach if we are focused and remain committed to our almost impossible mission which is to secure 100% pass for PMR with a total of up to 20 students getting As.
The question is how? wake up early and go bed late at night , almost every night
It seems past year historic English revolution remains history and will not recur this year. However, each passing year offers us different set of pupils that have different set of skills and antics.Should we take positively we can bring about the best out of them despite the existing differences. We teachers should love them all the same as they are deserving. It would be impossible for English performance graph index to escalate up to almost 20 percent.
We were short of 3 percent to hit all pins down. So, this year target is, though not as tough as last year, is still within our reach if we are focused and remain committed to our almost impossible mission which is to secure 100% pass for PMR with a total of up to 20 students getting As.
The question is how? wake up early and go bed late at night , almost every night
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Dear students,
All of a sudden, i feel obliged to pour out a thing or two that besides others most importantly i myself can benefit from it.The problem is i am running out of ideas, i mean ideas that matter which can bring about the change. After almost three weeks in hiding in KL listening lectures and talks that at times some were not worthy to my eardrums for self betterment as most of the lectures more or less tend to provoke some unsound government policies.
Nevertheless, who am i to criticise only to risk myself being labelled as hard core critic and put my profession at risk. The only thing that i can pride myself is when i questioned the speaker the rationale of legalising sports betting license as all religions are against betting, the unfamiliar speaker from ipba who blindly champion government policies shot me back with some same old illogical answers uttered by some ministers. To his and almost everyone's surprise the policies was declared scrapped the following day . I think I would be the last person in his people-to-meet list.
The big question mark is does the abovementioned issue matter to students as those things are beyond their life sphere, let alone their academic life . That is the problem as students are alienated from having engaged with sorts of thinking patters drawn from policies even at drafting stage. Thus, students can be easily cowed. So our challenge now is how to create a thinking students, harder still is to produce students who abide by principles upon knowing of their benefits and importances. We teachers sometimes behave against accepted rules of laws yet remain scot free for lacking of integrity. I am in fact now talking to my own basal self which fail to conform self propagated dogmas. Above all at present time, I will my best shot to help you my dear students despite my many weaknesses as a principled teacher.Then,things go blank sometimes.Probing in the dark for self evident truth seems no longer rules but norms.
All of a sudden, i feel obliged to pour out a thing or two that besides others most importantly i myself can benefit from it.The problem is i am running out of ideas, i mean ideas that matter which can bring about the change. After almost three weeks in hiding in KL listening lectures and talks that at times some were not worthy to my eardrums for self betterment as most of the lectures more or less tend to provoke some unsound government policies.
Nevertheless, who am i to criticise only to risk myself being labelled as hard core critic and put my profession at risk. The only thing that i can pride myself is when i questioned the speaker the rationale of legalising sports betting license as all religions are against betting, the unfamiliar speaker from ipba who blindly champion government policies shot me back with some same old illogical answers uttered by some ministers. To his and almost everyone's surprise the policies was declared scrapped the following day . I think I would be the last person in his people-to-meet list.
The big question mark is does the abovementioned issue matter to students as those things are beyond their life sphere, let alone their academic life . That is the problem as students are alienated from having engaged with sorts of thinking patters drawn from policies even at drafting stage. Thus, students can be easily cowed. So our challenge now is how to create a thinking students, harder still is to produce students who abide by principles upon knowing of their benefits and importances. We teachers sometimes behave against accepted rules of laws yet remain scot free for lacking of integrity. I am in fact now talking to my own basal self which fail to conform self propagated dogmas. Above all at present time, I will my best shot to help you my dear students despite my many weaknesses as a principled teacher.Then,things go blank sometimes.Probing in the dark for self evident truth seems no longer rules but norms.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sydney, Spring 2007
'I want to cry in the rain so that nobody will notice my tears.'
'I want to cry in the rain so that nobody will notice my tears.'
- Atiqah Ibadasuki
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
By that simple mantra, I try my best living my every day creating and making wonderful memories. I do feel guilty that there were so many times when I could not fulfill my responsibility as a good teacher due to the never-ending workload. I am a weak slave of God but it is a truth that cannot be denied that God will not burden one beyond his/her own capacity.This sort of comforting me into believing that I might be stronger than I think with the help of God.
A thing of an utmost importance is that I must use all of my capabilities to change and transform you my dear students into a better 'you'. Such a difficult task it is and the thing that scares me the most is when you do not exhibit any changes! Then, my presence here has no meaning at all! My aim as an educational artist is to make you enjoy and appreciate learning and enthusiastic about seeking knowledge just like the way you love Lady Gaga performing on stage (example)! For some it is an idealistic thinking and even I have such doubt at times.
Dear students,
Changing the way you perceive education is such a mundane task. It's time for you to be aware that the 'coolest' thing in the life of a student is in forming your own opinion on everything without sticking to the same conventional ideas. Learning is fun as you gain so many knowledge and this is how you create your very own way of looking at things.
Well dear students, let us together enjoy this roller-coaster ride of seeking knowledge.
By that simple mantra, I try my best living my every day creating and making wonderful memories. I do feel guilty that there were so many times when I could not fulfill my responsibility as a good teacher due to the never-ending workload. I am a weak slave of God but it is a truth that cannot be denied that God will not burden one beyond his/her own capacity.This sort of comforting me into believing that I might be stronger than I think with the help of God.
A thing of an utmost importance is that I must use all of my capabilities to change and transform you my dear students into a better 'you'. Such a difficult task it is and the thing that scares me the most is when you do not exhibit any changes! Then, my presence here has no meaning at all! My aim as an educational artist is to make you enjoy and appreciate learning and enthusiastic about seeking knowledge just like the way you love Lady Gaga performing on stage (example)! For some it is an idealistic thinking and even I have such doubt at times.
Dear students,
Changing the way you perceive education is such a mundane task. It's time for you to be aware that the 'coolest' thing in the life of a student is in forming your own opinion on everything without sticking to the same conventional ideas. Learning is fun as you gain so many knowledge and this is how you create your very own way of looking at things.
Well dear students, let us together enjoy this roller-coaster ride of seeking knowledge.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dear students,
The saying echoes history by nature likely repeats itself. Last year, your seniors did a great job when they fared well in the major exam. Though, some of them whose results were questionable for showing marked improvement. They might have played dirt tactics the ones deemed normal and acceptable nowadays, even to teachers themselves for the sake of glorifying school name. To say, last year's PMR is historic is subject to debate as cheating was rampant during exam last year. But, those who excelled still deserve a pat on their back for job well done.
There are dissenting views of ways we teachers perceive those cheating during the exam. Nevertheless the word 'cheat' is more than enough to justify things either right or wrong. Or, there is a school of thought that propagates the notion that , by nature, all things are permissable should someone be in dire need or emergency like having to eat pork in order to survive. But, do almost all our students fall under the catagory? i am pretty sure they are not as they have ample time like their fellow friends who burn midnight oil in search of success,as path of least resistence is for losers only.
Both major exam , PMR and SPM are just six months away, you dear student should execute the best strategies coming your way if you dream to see your dream not a mere dream!Consider cheating option as the last option and you will leave the exam hall as a proud warrior not as a coward!
The saying echoes history by nature likely repeats itself. Last year, your seniors did a great job when they fared well in the major exam. Though, some of them whose results were questionable for showing marked improvement. They might have played dirt tactics the ones deemed normal and acceptable nowadays, even to teachers themselves for the sake of glorifying school name. To say, last year's PMR is historic is subject to debate as cheating was rampant during exam last year. But, those who excelled still deserve a pat on their back for job well done.
There are dissenting views of ways we teachers perceive those cheating during the exam. Nevertheless the word 'cheat' is more than enough to justify things either right or wrong. Or, there is a school of thought that propagates the notion that , by nature, all things are permissable should someone be in dire need or emergency like having to eat pork in order to survive. But, do almost all our students fall under the catagory? i am pretty sure they are not as they have ample time like their fellow friends who burn midnight oil in search of success,as path of least resistence is for losers only.
Both major exam , PMR and SPM are just six months away, you dear student should execute the best strategies coming your way if you dream to see your dream not a mere dream!Consider cheating option as the last option and you will leave the exam hall as a proud warrior not as a coward!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I am at the moment attending a pedagogy course somewhere only I know. In one of the sessions, we were asked to define 'change'. Having been inspired by Gandhi's famous 'Be the change you want to see', I defined it as 'something that I want to see and be.' My fellow coursemates have A very interesting and intellectual ways of defining the 6-letter word and the likes are 'Paradigm shift', 'Revolution' and the one that I like the most is 'Change is the replacement of old ideas with another new ideas and it requires those who think open-mindedly. Well still I am of the belief that change is something that we want and love to see. One of the profound changes that can be observed is in our 4 gladiators who were brave enough to face all of the odds and transformed themselves into someone who had experienced talking in front of the crowd in a way so great, so eloquent. I am so proud of you! And never stop improving yourself into being a great public speaker! Well done my dear EDY,MAT YIE,ZILMAJDI & NURUL!

Sunday May 2, 2010
Cocooned in our comfort zone
Sharing The Nation
Our obsession with control and conformity in thought and behaviour discourages the young from embracing diversity.
MY much loved, much admired headmistress, Mrs Dawn Parry, passed away last week. It’s been almost 40 years since I left the Sultan Ibrahim Girls School in Johor Baru. Yet, to this day, my school mates and I still think of Mrs Parry and the school she led for 28 notable years with much fondness. She was a teacher who made the difference to our lives and our future.
To me, her most precious gift was to expose us to a world beyond school books. Academic excellence alone does not make a good student, nor a good human being, she used to say. She wanted us to be all-rounders, who studied hard and played hard as well. She favoured those who excelled in extra-curricular activities, and sighed at those who only wanted to bury their noses in textbooks, disinterested in sports, music or debates.
She got us to raise money to build the school band, which went on to win the first national-level brass band competition in 1980. She loved music and formed the school choir, which won the national level choral festival in 1969. She introduced us to opera and got us to perform Gluck’s Orpheus and Eurydice for our annual speech day in 1970. She travelled during school holidays and when she returned she shared with us stories of a world different from ours during school assembly.
School was a wonderful journey of learning and discovery. Yes, we had our share of uninspiring teachers, but Mrs Parry made up for it by touching all those under her charge. She opened our eager hearts and minds to new ideas and experiences.
We were privileged that our school years in the 1960s and 1970s introduced us to literature, poetry, debates, music, drama, dance, sports, and community service in the uniformed bodies. These were all integral to our growth as thinkers and doers.
Nowadays it seems that only those who attend expensive private schools get such a liberal education that expands the mind, while those in government schools are too often dumbed down by an education system obsessed with producing students with straight As and led by teachers unaware of a world beyond textbooks and examinations.
I met a few of these top performing Malaysian students studying at a university in the American Midwest a few weeks ago while I was there teaching a course on Islam and Women in South-East Asia.
What gave me hope was their excitement about the new knowledge, ideas and experiences they were exposed to. As we sat for almost four hours, chatting about religion, women’s rights, politics, sex and marriage, the words kept tumbling out that their life there was so interesting, so challenging, so different, so refreshing. They could feel their minds stretched and their prejudices and stereotypes challenged.
They attended a talk by an imam and a rabbi about the Allah debate in Malaysia and went away agreeing that Allah is not the monopoly of Islam or Muslims.
One of them had attended an Islamic society meeting, and was startled by the different kinds of Muslims she met there. She said this was the first time she had encountered Muslims who dressed and thought differently and it dawned on her that this was the real world. And she liked it this way. There is not just one kind of Muslim who all believe that Kartika should be caned for drinking, she discovered.
It is ironic that despite growing up in a country that is multi-ethnic and multi-religious, their exposure to diversity came by studying in the United States. This is no surprise to those of us who know that our education system has become mono-ethnic and our obsession with control and conformity in thought and behaviour has left little room for the young to explore and embrace diversity.
They pounded me with questions about the Islamic state, Islamic law, and equality and justice. If Kartika wanted to be caned, why was it anybody’s business to stop her from undergoing her punishment, one of them asked. Well, I said, Kartika was a first-time offender, she pleaded guilty, and there was no violence involved in the offence she committed. Yet, having met the criteria for all this under the sentencing guidelines, she was given the maximum sentence.
Why? What about the fact that the Constitution forbids women from being caned? Why should Muslim women be the exception? And why the double standards? We know so many of the rich and famous who drink and yet nothing ever happens to them. Poor Kartika went on holiday to Pahang and found her life turned upside down because some religious zealots wanted to turn her case into a lesson for others.
As they pondered on these facts, they looked at me and asked why they had never heard these arguments before.
As we talked, it struck me how smart and thoughtful these students could be, and that what was missing from their early life was an education that encouraged and nurtured inquiring and critical minds. It was only when they arrived in the West that they were able to learn, digest and think for themselves about what was right and wrong, what was just and unjust.
But they are among the lucky few, able to win scholarships to study in top universities that provide them with an abundance of opportunities to learn differently.
I know many Muslims who discovered the beauty and justice of Islam only in the United States when they studied with professors, many of whom were non-Muslims or converts who showed respect for the religion.
But what about the thousands of students who never leave Malaysia, who move from a closed school to a closed university and then to a closed workplace, cocooned in the comfort of their own small world of certainties?
This brings me back to Dawn Parry and the importance of a mind-expanding education. The impact of such an education is a lasting gift for living. It is not that Malaysians, in particular the Malays, are inherently close- minded and unable to move with the times.
Like everyone else, their world views are shaped by their education and upbringing. If the environment discourages critical thinking and punishes anyone for non-conformity, why on earth would anyone dare to be different?
Some years ago, I met an Egyptian Islamist leader and an Indonesian activist who studied with Malaysian students in al-Azhar University in Cairo. They were both puzzled that a country as modern and developed as Malaysia could produce the most close-minded students they had ever met. While the Indonesians were studying with the more reform-minded professors in al-Azhar, discussing the newest ideas and latest books on Islam, the Malaysians chose the most conservative and least challenging teachers and refused to join any of the discussion groups.
As wont with activists, my Indonesian friend committed himself to engaging with the Malaysian students. He spent hours discussing and debating with them about democracy, women’s rights, differences and diversity of opinion in Islam. He concluded that the problem was not so much that the Malaysian students were ideologically conservative, but that in the schooling they went through, they were never exposed to diverse sources of knowledge in Islam.
However, when challenged with different sources of knowledge, many of the Malaysians were open to the new ideas and the possibilities of change – so he felt that all was not lost.
But the closing of the Malay mind is a systemic problem that needs more than individual effort to undo the long-term damage already done. It calls for a comprehensive solution and a radical overhaul of our education system.
The Prime Minister in his speech on the New Economic Model (NEM) talked about giving our children the best education, the need to produce and compete for the best talent to drive the economy forward, and the importance of innovation and creativity to turn Malaysia into a high income developed country.
To do this, he would have to build a new national sense of purpose that can mobilise all Malaysians, including the Malays, to meet the real challenges ahead.
As it is, the National Economic Advisory Council report on the NEM confirms the mess we are in. In spite of the high capital outlays, our education system is not producing talent, and whatever talent we have is leaving the country, it states damningly. How did it all go wrong is not difficult to answer. So how can we set it right again?
The likes of my late headmistress Dawn Parry would have provided answers because she once guided us through an education that built our capacity for critical inquiry, developed our passion for life, and cultivated our desire to make a difference in the world.
Cocooned in our comfort zone
Sharing The Nation
Our obsession with control and conformity in thought and behaviour discourages the young from embracing diversity.
MY much loved, much admired headmistress, Mrs Dawn Parry, passed away last week. It’s been almost 40 years since I left the Sultan Ibrahim Girls School in Johor Baru. Yet, to this day, my school mates and I still think of Mrs Parry and the school she led for 28 notable years with much fondness. She was a teacher who made the difference to our lives and our future.
To me, her most precious gift was to expose us to a world beyond school books. Academic excellence alone does not make a good student, nor a good human being, she used to say. She wanted us to be all-rounders, who studied hard and played hard as well. She favoured those who excelled in extra-curricular activities, and sighed at those who only wanted to bury their noses in textbooks, disinterested in sports, music or debates.
She got us to raise money to build the school band, which went on to win the first national-level brass band competition in 1980. She loved music and formed the school choir, which won the national level choral festival in 1969. She introduced us to opera and got us to perform Gluck’s Orpheus and Eurydice for our annual speech day in 1970. She travelled during school holidays and when she returned she shared with us stories of a world different from ours during school assembly.
School was a wonderful journey of learning and discovery. Yes, we had our share of uninspiring teachers, but Mrs Parry made up for it by touching all those under her charge. She opened our eager hearts and minds to new ideas and experiences.
We were privileged that our school years in the 1960s and 1970s introduced us to literature, poetry, debates, music, drama, dance, sports, and community service in the uniformed bodies. These were all integral to our growth as thinkers and doers.
Nowadays it seems that only those who attend expensive private schools get such a liberal education that expands the mind, while those in government schools are too often dumbed down by an education system obsessed with producing students with straight As and led by teachers unaware of a world beyond textbooks and examinations.
I met a few of these top performing Malaysian students studying at a university in the American Midwest a few weeks ago while I was there teaching a course on Islam and Women in South-East Asia.
What gave me hope was their excitement about the new knowledge, ideas and experiences they were exposed to. As we sat for almost four hours, chatting about religion, women’s rights, politics, sex and marriage, the words kept tumbling out that their life there was so interesting, so challenging, so different, so refreshing. They could feel their minds stretched and their prejudices and stereotypes challenged.
They attended a talk by an imam and a rabbi about the Allah debate in Malaysia and went away agreeing that Allah is not the monopoly of Islam or Muslims.
One of them had attended an Islamic society meeting, and was startled by the different kinds of Muslims she met there. She said this was the first time she had encountered Muslims who dressed and thought differently and it dawned on her that this was the real world. And she liked it this way. There is not just one kind of Muslim who all believe that Kartika should be caned for drinking, she discovered.
It is ironic that despite growing up in a country that is multi-ethnic and multi-religious, their exposure to diversity came by studying in the United States. This is no surprise to those of us who know that our education system has become mono-ethnic and our obsession with control and conformity in thought and behaviour has left little room for the young to explore and embrace diversity.
They pounded me with questions about the Islamic state, Islamic law, and equality and justice. If Kartika wanted to be caned, why was it anybody’s business to stop her from undergoing her punishment, one of them asked. Well, I said, Kartika was a first-time offender, she pleaded guilty, and there was no violence involved in the offence she committed. Yet, having met the criteria for all this under the sentencing guidelines, she was given the maximum sentence.
Why? What about the fact that the Constitution forbids women from being caned? Why should Muslim women be the exception? And why the double standards? We know so many of the rich and famous who drink and yet nothing ever happens to them. Poor Kartika went on holiday to Pahang and found her life turned upside down because some religious zealots wanted to turn her case into a lesson for others.
As they pondered on these facts, they looked at me and asked why they had never heard these arguments before.
As we talked, it struck me how smart and thoughtful these students could be, and that what was missing from their early life was an education that encouraged and nurtured inquiring and critical minds. It was only when they arrived in the West that they were able to learn, digest and think for themselves about what was right and wrong, what was just and unjust.
But they are among the lucky few, able to win scholarships to study in top universities that provide them with an abundance of opportunities to learn differently.
I know many Muslims who discovered the beauty and justice of Islam only in the United States when they studied with professors, many of whom were non-Muslims or converts who showed respect for the religion.
But what about the thousands of students who never leave Malaysia, who move from a closed school to a closed university and then to a closed workplace, cocooned in the comfort of their own small world of certainties?
This brings me back to Dawn Parry and the importance of a mind-expanding education. The impact of such an education is a lasting gift for living. It is not that Malaysians, in particular the Malays, are inherently close- minded and unable to move with the times.
Like everyone else, their world views are shaped by their education and upbringing. If the environment discourages critical thinking and punishes anyone for non-conformity, why on earth would anyone dare to be different?
Some years ago, I met an Egyptian Islamist leader and an Indonesian activist who studied with Malaysian students in al-Azhar University in Cairo. They were both puzzled that a country as modern and developed as Malaysia could produce the most close-minded students they had ever met. While the Indonesians were studying with the more reform-minded professors in al-Azhar, discussing the newest ideas and latest books on Islam, the Malaysians chose the most conservative and least challenging teachers and refused to join any of the discussion groups.
As wont with activists, my Indonesian friend committed himself to engaging with the Malaysian students. He spent hours discussing and debating with them about democracy, women’s rights, differences and diversity of opinion in Islam. He concluded that the problem was not so much that the Malaysian students were ideologically conservative, but that in the schooling they went through, they were never exposed to diverse sources of knowledge in Islam.
However, when challenged with different sources of knowledge, many of the Malaysians were open to the new ideas and the possibilities of change – so he felt that all was not lost.
But the closing of the Malay mind is a systemic problem that needs more than individual effort to undo the long-term damage already done. It calls for a comprehensive solution and a radical overhaul of our education system.
The Prime Minister in his speech on the New Economic Model (NEM) talked about giving our children the best education, the need to produce and compete for the best talent to drive the economy forward, and the importance of innovation and creativity to turn Malaysia into a high income developed country.
To do this, he would have to build a new national sense of purpose that can mobilise all Malaysians, including the Malays, to meet the real challenges ahead.
As it is, the National Economic Advisory Council report on the NEM confirms the mess we are in. In spite of the high capital outlays, our education system is not producing talent, and whatever talent we have is leaving the country, it states damningly. How did it all go wrong is not difficult to answer. So how can we set it right again?
The likes of my late headmistress Dawn Parry would have provided answers because she once guided us through an education that built our capacity for critical inquiry, developed our passion for life, and cultivated our desire to make a difference in the world.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Ustaz Syed's tazkirah during SPM Belatan Camp had reminded me something on entering Islam completely and embracing it as a way of life.
"Enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of satan. He is indeed to you a clear enemy."
Like the video above, which inspires us all to be students on the verge of revivaling back the Islamic Nation to its once well-known glory, it is indeed our responsiblity to learn using the method promoted by Islam. To be more specific, we all know it too well Aisha Abu Bakar r.a, the youngest wife of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the greatest female scholar in history and an incredibly smart and brilliant individual. Being the closest person to our beloved Prophet since she was at a very young age is an advantage that had enabled her to learn and to absorb so many knowldge so great that male companions learned way too much from her. She was also a witness of many great revelations. It is learned that the prophet did not simply lecture her on those knowledge but a thing so great about Aisha is she had such a high curiousity which means she had the habit of asking the Prophet. I am enlightened with the fact that most hadith are the Prophet's answers to the companions' questions. Furthermore, to unearth the definition of Iman, Islam and Ihsan, the angel came (in the form of a human) in one of the companions gatherings with Rasulullah peace be upon him, asking about those to him.
It is in the Holy Koran, in which Allah says that 'if you don't know, ask the expert.'
All these indicates that it is of paramount importance that you, my dear students develop your habit of asking your teachers on anything that you are curios about. You have to be a person with an inquiry mind. They say curiosity kills the cat and that ignorance is bliss but we, the Muslim students of the ummah need to inculcate the habit of dissatisfying or disliking towards ignorance. You must ask! It is one of the Islamic way of learning and all of us here want to be a full-time muslims, don't we? So, let's apply this teaching in our life and learn with the intention of seeking the Lord's blessing.
And I'm at this point, still pondering on the ways to turn the minds of yours into these highly curious minds. May Allah aspire me
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Meeting and seeing the guardian is always a pleasure that I deem a rare luxury due to time constraint on both parties: they and I. Why I am so fond of them? They say life is like a box of chocolate. It will be an interesting one if the box consists of many different types of of chocolate in their tastes, shapes, packaging etc. I would describe the guardians this box of chocolate. Each unique in their own way and a quality that I admire in them is their unconventional ways which actually bring colours to the school.
A student to me, does not necessarily have to score all As to make him or her something that we call 'the light'. I prefer that he or she has a quality that makes him or her standing out from the rest, in a way that is pleasant and liked by others. (We don't want a student being the odd one out because of undesirable attitude). Again, I'm talking about being unconventional here be it in thinking and action. I enjoy teaching these types of students. I enjoy to discover that special something in them. Indeed I believe each and every student has the interesting side of them that are yet to be discovered. I believe that you possess the likes of such within you. It's just that i haven't done a great job as a teacher pertaining to that.
My form 5 students must have realised how during these few weeks, I keep mentioning about 'light'. I believe the light inside you should be lit for we have this mission to be the light that makes darkness dissappear. You are capable of being the light of SMAS and the light of the world! And i think the key is to be different!
A student to me, does not necessarily have to score all As to make him or her something that we call 'the light'. I prefer that he or she has a quality that makes him or her standing out from the rest, in a way that is pleasant and liked by others. (We don't want a student being the odd one out because of undesirable attitude). Again, I'm talking about being unconventional here be it in thinking and action. I enjoy teaching these types of students. I enjoy to discover that special something in them. Indeed I believe each and every student has the interesting side of them that are yet to be discovered. I believe that you possess the likes of such within you. It's just that i haven't done a great job as a teacher pertaining to that.
My form 5 students must have realised how during these few weeks, I keep mentioning about 'light'. I believe the light inside you should be lit for we have this mission to be the light that makes darkness dissappear. You are capable of being the light of SMAS and the light of the world! And i think the key is to be different!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
dear students,
Moments i hit the keyboards i start wondering who might read this entry as it seems lately this blog specially set up to all of you guys out there is the sharings between teachers whose struggle is aimed at nothing but you all . unlike yesteryear, when the like of amar and aidil, basayev and ayatullah were once our regulars. What urges me to keep on pouring out ideas on this blog is nothing but your very teacher miss farah who holds teaching profession dearly as she herself a product of teslian, whose expertise in english & english teaching deserves a salute.
Thus, this blog is a great channel to do some sort like reflection as Aristotle once said an unexamined life is not worthy living, the same goes to teaching without reflection is not worth teaching.
I always ask myself how to teach you all, to flash back my school days, i mean ways of me learning english is something i can hardly recall as i was at that time not interested in english at all. What i have been doing all this while is not to do what my teacher did to me during my school days.They still had taught me some priceless lessons.Still though i did not know the right ways to emulate, i still learn the ways should we apply not to our students, you all my dear.
Moments i hit the keyboards i start wondering who might read this entry as it seems lately this blog specially set up to all of you guys out there is the sharings between teachers whose struggle is aimed at nothing but you all . unlike yesteryear, when the like of amar and aidil, basayev and ayatullah were once our regulars. What urges me to keep on pouring out ideas on this blog is nothing but your very teacher miss farah who holds teaching profession dearly as she herself a product of teslian, whose expertise in english & english teaching deserves a salute.
Thus, this blog is a great channel to do some sort like reflection as Aristotle once said an unexamined life is not worthy living, the same goes to teaching without reflection is not worth teaching.
I always ask myself how to teach you all, to flash back my school days, i mean ways of me learning english is something i can hardly recall as i was at that time not interested in english at all. What i have been doing all this while is not to do what my teacher did to me during my school days.They still had taught me some priceless lessons.Still though i did not know the right ways to emulate, i still learn the ways should we apply not to our students, you all my dear.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I, who was once a student just like all of you really understand how much important it is to have self-confidence that for my first research as an undergrad student at my teacher-training college, I chose to study about the level of its students' self-esteem. I was so used to feel small among my brilliant bunch of friends. It was quite rare for teachers to remember my name, so the few who took the initiative to call me by my own given name remain forever in my remembrance for their ability to memorise my name had its own impact on my self-esteem. I felt appreciated but the problem is they are so few. One of them who made such an impact in my life, myself is my tuition teacher. He was my Math teacher. A very observant guy he is that I am pretty sure who knew well each of his students' characteristics. He gave me advice to not be shy in class but to speak up my mind as much as possible. Did I follow his advice? Haha not really, I remained a silent and shy girl throughout my schooling years. However, my point here is that how important it is for a teacher like me to make students feel appreciated by giving them advice and consolation not only on academic matters, but also other things related to the students' personal development. At least you give them the idea that 'this teacher is aware of my existence in class'. So, you made him/her feel special. Such care by a teacher I deem is more meaningful than giving chocolates as reinforcement in class to students whose name you do not remember.
One of the sweetest things a person can say is, "You're special and it takes a special kind of person to appreciate how special you are." And once a poetic friend of mine wrote, 'Please help me find the meaning of my life, for I couldn't find it in the dictionary. "So, from the bottom of my heart I am just going to tell the same thing to you my dear students for it is you, special people who give meaning to my life. Thank you!
One of the sweetest things a person can say is, "You're special and it takes a special kind of person to appreciate how special you are." And once a poetic friend of mine wrote, 'Please help me find the meaning of my life, for I couldn't find it in the dictionary. "So, from the bottom of my heart I am just going to tell the same thing to you my dear students for it is you, special people who give meaning to my life. Thank you!
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