Monday, May 10, 2010


Dear students,

The saying echoes history by nature likely repeats itself. Last year, your seniors did a great job when they fared well in the major exam. Though, some of them whose results were questionable for showing marked improvement. They might have played dirt tactics the ones deemed normal and acceptable nowadays, even to teachers themselves for the sake of glorifying school name. To say, last year's PMR is historic is subject to debate as cheating was rampant during exam last year. But, those who excelled still deserve a pat on their back for job well done.

There are dissenting views of ways we teachers perceive those cheating during the exam. Nevertheless the word 'cheat' is more than enough to justify things either right or wrong. Or, there is a school of thought that propagates the notion that , by nature, all things are permissable should someone be in dire need or emergency like having to eat pork in order to survive. But, do almost all our students fall under the catagory? i am pretty sure they are not as they have ample time like their fellow friends who burn midnight oil in search of success,as path of least resistence is for losers only.

Both major exam , PMR and SPM are just six months away, you dear student should execute the best strategies coming your way if you dream to see your dream not a mere dream!Consider cheating option as the last option and you will leave the exam hall as a proud warrior not as a coward!



1 comment:

  1. It is so sad, cheating in order to fare well in exam is so ingrained in our students (and of course some teachers!) that to not to cheat has became something uncommon.
    This defeats the purpose of education itself. What is expected from students is their own ways of perceiving things. we have so many questions in exam which requires critical thinking. But what I heard from other teachers, students come up with the same answers despite the fact that the questions only require them to use their own common sense

    why they are so resistant when it comes to thinking?
