Thursday, March 18, 2010


Dear students,

By the time the seventh full month passes us, you will have already finished your battle. Some of your might have worn out for having been struggling months prior to the d day. The other half might start lamenting for chances not well taken or for last minutes preparations only to regret as the questions were like a piece of cake.

Teachers will start keeping their fingers crossed waiting for another two months to see how good or bad their students fare this year.Of course, teachers' business as usual, they start comparing myriads of items based on the results. Praises heaped upon and blames thrown onto some of us teachers will be the order of the day. All those scenario start fading moments our great performers start leaving their alma mater for good. We, teachers will start our same old routines till the last moon ushers.

Realising it or not, new year hails and new battalions start marching new parades for new battle with the same old tacticians,the so called teachers.We are proud in some small ways as some of you managed to know yourselves before someone came knocking hard on your skull! yelling to the top of his lung 'bullets are coming! wake up! EXAM!'


1 comment:

  1. dear,
    u should value this time of schooling though it looks like a dull routine..listening to your teachers, homework, sitting for exam and the list goes on & on.. but i believe most of you have~ enthusiasm towards Serie A shows it all

    i, also having to face the same routine (who am I to complain anyway for i am still new), have to find ways of treating everyday as if it offers something new daily. it's not healthy when you begin to think that your life is static, but we have to go on living enthusiastically every single moment given to us.. just try your best anyway...
