Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Imagine how dull this world is should tomorrow won't come. Nevertheless, tomorrow as depicted by arguably one of the greatest Englishmen, Shakespeare is a dull one for its repetitious, monotonous and colorless . Both are correct as it largely depends on our own ready-made or self-made philosophy of life and the way we view or ponder of something .To me, i sometimes am really looking forward for tomorrow if it involves things that we have long awaited for. Thus, so late it came we felt then. But, if it involves exams or anything related to deadlines and etc ..we usually feel it as fast as lightning. That is the fact we hardly ignore .
One thing for sure bound to happen tomorrow that invites anxiety as well as excitement is English paper for SPM. The subject that has never failed to haunt majority of students with the exception of the select few.It as past years put us teacher like a cat on hot bricks so nervous that we end up doing nothing but hoping for divine intervention considering the state of unreadiness of our in-charges. This is what i am feeling now. Only i feel more guilty than worried as i manage to have helped them so little though knowing fully well that they deserve to have better equipped with right weapons should this very teacher put much dedication and creativity in his teaching and learning process. One such irresponsible deed is the fact that only lately which is last a couple of days i managed to go through the whole four poems from which i think i benefited much more than the students from the beauty and gist of the poem. The one i like most is about the searching of Albino buffalo by a grandfather from whom the story was brilliantly relayed in a very thoughtful message that no matter how bad you experience, never let it put you down as what matters most to us is to live life gratefully. Everyone has his or her own sets of problems. The difference is the way we see the problems and deal with them for our self betterment and others' as well. The good news is it shed light about things that i should have never done to next year's batch. I don't think students would forgive me for my out-form performance if they come to acknowledge that. I do hope by jotting this down, it at least helps alleviate my burden of guilt that i have all-this-while been carrying everywhere to and fro.
For me, tomorrow's tomorrow is for real. It help beat my heart faster like never before.It comes in a beautiful package that serves me well to better comprehend what life is actually all about. Past is past and it is no longer in existence. Out of many, the most practical yet rewarding way to appreciate the past is to learn from it and most importantly to put in practice straight away upon graduating from any simple life's lessons.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Though i am not a die-hard fan of the turtle team, i have so far never missed watching the finals when it involved the turtles, the least via tube at home.Only lately after the qualifying rounds my mind could register the like of Marzuki, Shaari and Manaf who were instrumental in helping Terengganu reaching the most anticipated finale. The turtle in the just concluded game had skills, speed, airy advantages and everything except mental strength and experience like what Nogri possessed with its Shukor Adam ,Misbah, Aidil and not to forget Hairuddin Omar whose brilliant shot put us in a state of disbelief for a few seconds. Don't blame the Setiu guy as the most- sought-after goal was his best revenge to Che Mat Jusoh and his comrades who once rejected Hai O's offer to don black-and-white jersey last a couple of years.No better revenge than success.He proved Che Mat's arrogant side wrong.
Tonite, not only Che Mat but the whole Penyu fanatics had to taste a bitter part of fate that Kelantanese fans tasted a few months back when the Turtles dragged the game to extra time with five seconds to spare before humbling the red warriors with a stunning goal. And seemingly Terengganu paid a hefty price for not learning from others' mistakes. A goal difference is nothing in football lest the final whistle was blown up.They say 'It ain't over till it's over'
I was speechless seeing the goal from Hai O, he deserved admiration or even man of the match for such a superb first timer. The shot if you wish can rival Zidane's best goal ever in history in the champion league final 2002. How wonderful?just ask Pak Cik google.No wonder, according to some friends, Zidane is Hai O's idol.His goal is decisive yet classy,it could not be better. All it took for such an amazing goal is timing and coolness. He has always had both. Hats off to Hai O, don't cry Sarbini. You should have learned the most tonight hopefully. To me, what matters most tonight is Hernandez hit the net again,apart from the Blues being humbled by the Gunners.
Got to 'pen off' as tomorrow is schooling day as usual.Hit the books now or you will have to taste far bitter yet lasting defeat than that of tonight.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Elsewhere may be you are now.And of course to have a short visit at this blog is far from being your must-to-do thing possibly for its incomprehensible yet out of the world contents. It after all starts from our belief system. Too small the thing is no matter how gigantic it is if we train our mind to regard it otherwise. What makes me feel like writing now is due to the fact that writing itself is skill. Should we stop it though for a little while we will invariably be at a loss for words let alone ideas. This alone is enough to coerce me to hit the ever stuck keyboards to string words comprehensible and related to readers in some other ways.
I could feel a pang of guilty upon knowing how creative and innovative our students are if teachers applied novel approaches in teaching. Or the word teaching here is no longer applicable as she might have just activate students' cell brains so much so that they proved to work wonders. What actually had stimulated them to come up with such a lovely outputs. This according to an eminent columnist will be in oblivion once these indigenous students have to follow the so called exam oriented trends of education. Their creativity sparks shone at its best at such a tender age only after they become adult things have started swerving nowhere to cloud their mind and soul.
Monday, October 10, 2011

An A4 colored paper, a piece of paper containing all the important notes (synopsis, theme, moral values, characters etc) of the drama ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ and one week duration to produce a pamphlet of own preference (either publisherized or hand-made)are all what you need to allow them dwell in their own creativity of making literature notes for exam. Some complained on how there are too many words for them to ‘copy’ in the pamphlet, thus, what teacher could do is to remind them of how important is that their summarizing skills to be applied.
To appreciate what they’ve done, I’m planning to treat them with a very cute but cheap ‘Angry-Birds’ stuffs I’ve found in PSI. They’re going to love them, that’s a sure thing :D
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Today is Saturday, a week from now will be another Saturday. Three days later will the D day when everybody is trying to prove their worth.
If someone asks me who and how many will get A for English PMR this year. I could not give them the answer as until now i cannot name even one student who have got A for English paper. But as they say, but if those students treat each second worth like a hundred meter sprinter. Impossible is nothing, let alone A. I am pretty sure A will be within your grasp should you prepare to pay its price.
If these students Hanis , Zahira , Izzah , Alia , Nazihah , Omar , Ummi , Nabilla , Farah Ziana , Farahanni , Mariam , Jamilah , Azli G and the list goes on, are willing to sacrifice by cutting their sleeping hours short, attending all classes as scheduled regardless of their moods and paying much attention to details such as rudiments in grammar, getting A is without doubt not a tall order.
Aside from that, as many say practice makes perfect. From now on, they need to double their efforts especially in honing writing skills and getting familiar with both novel and literature texts .I may come up with a t0-do-list, but it is not me who will be out on the field battle. I may oversee from afar and offer prayers.
Do your best dear students as you will be in the know that impossible is nothing if with enthusiasm and passion we are willing to pay its cost.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The purpose of writing itself is to reveal nothing but truth. This rule applies nowhere except on term paper in semester years for undergraduate students. Writing, unlike research whose core objective in the first place is to identify problems , ironically in most cases the researchers crack their problems to invent problems and put much hype into them so that the problems deem real and research would of course be of a real significance. Then, the select panels will debate and sort them out. However, writing is unique so long we care less of what others think about us. What is the purpose of writing then if all that we want is to write . As we sometimes cringe after being harshly criticized despite everyone is subject to his or her own opinion , the same might apply when we ourselves give others the so called honest opinions or comments as people can hardly accept their weaknesses. A real stumbling block in becoming of a real being. The more prepared we are to face very unexpected ones the closer we are to achieving what have long aspired. However, as nature dictates, we tend to keep on listening to the last person’s advice instead of to our own inner voice. Therefore, as a rule of thumbs, we end up doing nothing of great importance but stay mediocre and being mere reactive.
US Open is in action now starting from 29 August, In Harian Metro today, in its feature writing section there was a brief account of Nadal’s My Story. Unlike Adre Agassi’s Open full of lucid details of his involvement in drugs, women and so on. Nadal’s My Story is more on his passion in the game and his rise to be once a world number one. He chronicled in great details of each moment in his epic battle in 2008 when he won over Federer in the greatest game ever in tennis history. Nadal deserved to win then as he was disciplined enough that he forced himself to observe some ‘rituals’ before great matches especially every time playing against Roger. Rituals here meant his step-by-step preparation prior to the championship. He would always take a very cold shower to reenergize his body and to have a feeling like a newborn with full of energy and enthusiasm. He did a quick warming-up as scheduled before carefully donning his trade mark scarf. He did that for nothing but gain and maintain his focus for championship. He tried his best to shut out other voices that could cost him championship medals by listening to music while forcing his way out through the tunnel to the battle ground amidst the crazy crowds in a packed stadium. He created a wall so that he won’t heed to outside voices but his own inner instincts and the presence of his family seemingly cemented the imaginary wall. And never he gave a smile to his families during any match, let alone to his fans. The tougher the battle the more focus it demands. He grunted and fretted on court and cared less of what others perceived of his antics. He managed to stick to his war philosophy, taught by his uncle Tony ‘being cruel to be good’, thus set him apart from his rivals. He claimed that his strength is he is superior to others in facing difficulties and . He is a strong advocate of being persevered and hardworking. He attributed his success to his coach who always spurred him to fight the best he could offer. His important message imparted to us mere mortals is no sacrifice is too great should we want something badly enough.
He was quoted as saying so : "I look back at that teenage Rafael and I am proud of him. He set a benchmark of endurance that has served me as an example and as a reminder ... if you want something badly enough, no sacrifice is too great."
From the story of Nadal what I am trying to highlight is his sportsmanship spirit. Despite being humiliated twice in Wimbeldon finals by Roger. He was insistent and stubborn enough that he has since improved on many aspects of this skills and physique ranging from his service, forehand and backhand winners and even his drop shots . After all , his most successful approach is when he managed to overcome fear. Fear conquers him more than anything else.
So, we also without a doubt have fear. The battle of the so called major exams are fast approaching. We cannot crush fear it is no something physical. Its existence is everywhere and nowhere. It all starts from within our mind. Once we truly reign our own soul , mind or reasoning faculty. It will exude confidence and confidence is contagious and has its ripple effects.
To quote what Muhammad Ali once said ‘ Champions are not made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have inside them - a desire , a dream and a vision’
And what the hell do we have to be champions? Of course we are too small to be humble.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house?
-Jalaluddin Rumi
Monday, August 29, 2011
It has been years since i first wrote my straying thoughts in this blog.My sole objective together after getting a nod from my fellow teacher is to see our revolutionary thought in print that we may at will benefit a thing or two from the entry. What a loss if our beautiful thoughts never see a light of the day as coined by a prolific writer Awang Goneng in his recent article.Then, we were agreed to put our thoughts into words from which we can do self reflection and self examine our modes and approaches in teaching. As usual, i address dear students in each entry as i try to think that i am talking to you all though i know social networking site has long taken over blog sphere.
Tomorrow is the last day of fasting month. And of course we keep exchanging wishes and greetings to each other either half heartedly or whole heartedly. However, as enshrined in our Islamic teachings ,contrary to Mafia's philosophy of never forgive and never forget, we are strongly encouraged to forgive and forget. Mafia's never forget's philosophy is still laudable as they at all cost would not take for granted every single help they ever got. But not to forgive those betraying them so long they live is against our Islamic teachings since Allah is ever-forgiving no matter how grave our sins are. A bit digress as i am a fan of mafia stories which laced with passion, patience , compassion and determination.Read Mario Puzo books and i am pretty sure you will look up to some mafias. Hah..again Mafia. forget mafia!
What i am trying to say is this month is the noblest of months in Islamic calendars. What a waste if we could not benefit most from it. I want to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness for things committed not to the liking of the receiving ends as i am after all is a mere mortal. To err is me human and to forgive is divine. Let us head for the highest divine experience possible. There lies a pure contentment that words can hardly explain. Again..salam aidil fitri maaf zahir batin.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Shy a few days before we muslims the world over celebrate eidul fitri,momentous days for children and adults alike. Then, everyone will finish their crash course on how to live life moderately and be pious before The Almighty.But not those unfortunate enough like Somalians struggling to get anything their bare hands can lay on to spare their life for another day or even another hour.
If our dinner table laden with foods,but for Somalians all they need is just a few drops of water not to quench their thirst but to spare their life. Some parents even were traumatic for days or even months having to abandon their children dying on the scorching desert as they had no food left to spare for the remaining children whom according to them were their priority.When asked for doing such a most difficult decision, they said God at first created them and God also would take care of them as they had no choice left but to leave their children under a tree on the barren desert in their exodus to flee drought-stricken country.But we, struggling to beat the rest getting the best martabak our nearest Ramadan bazaar could offer.And Ramadan to most of us is more aptly put as feasting month not fasting month since what seemingly matters us most are the best meal for a breaking of fast and preparation for come festive days.Rarely, we put much thought on our deeds prior and during Ramadhan which of utmost priority. This to me is like more on self reflection as i do think not on both which is worse in fact. Only this month i have tried my best to finish reading Qur'an 30 juz and observe Tarawikh prayers.
However, this holy month is actually like a crash course to let us muslims keep things especially our deeds in check. By so doing, we can carry on doing such good practices in the following months, not confined to Ramadan only. More often than not, after Ramadan our Qur'an neatly arranged on the shelf would probably start collecting the dust again for another Ramadan which we were never sure of our chance to meet it.
This Ramadan is like action learning as we learn while practicing and doing self reflection. The best value we could learn during this month is discipline especially while performing tarawikh prayers. Imagine great Imam, Imam Sudais in Mecca, could discipline thousands of congregations getting into rows by merely uttering saff..before prayers. We practice patience, focus and determination while finishing 8 or even 20 rakaat for Tarawikh prayers.
What a remarkable change if we manage to maintain Ramadan modes into our daily life as the purpose of Ramadan itself is to educate one's self to be a better muslim. We are spared a few days for self reflection so that we can start anew our life the following months with the true spirit of Ramadan. We have paid handsomely to complete our Ramadan and to grab priceless gifts it could offer. But, we must first and foremost bear in mind that Ramadan is like a crash course in which to train ourself to be disciplined ,someone with a vision apart of cleansing our soul.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
An x student of SMAS who bagged the most number of As in PMR last year came over to her alma mater just recently for some undisclosed business or maybe just to pay a visit. As I happened to be his teacher once for two years in a row. She at first poked her head through a thick glass door to have a check whether or not i was inside. 'Hah..Dayah'..i exclaimed upon seeing her sheepishly approaching my so called small 'cubicle'.She was the same Dayah whom i once knew of. She is an embodiment of a true fighter who kept on fighting till the end. Though she always came close to be the best amongst her batch during her stay at SMAS,only being edged by her stongest rivals as well as best friends the likes of Ainur, Iman, Aina and the geng. She could never materialize her dream. In the end,she did show her true mettle in the final league and tasted even sweeter as they said save the best for the last.I remember once, when she was always the first to get the tasks assigned done as most probably to her speed also really matters. That speed might have helped her to get what she has got.
In retrospect, during twilight meetings, when asked to translate phrases or clauses into either English or Malay, she was always the first to submit that made me think of other tasks not to let her sit still while waiting for dozens of her other colleagues struggling to finish the task.Of course, the easiest way to me but beneficial to her maybe was i scribbled a few words on a piece of paper and asked her to do freewriting. Her writing was never short of errors, but the more she wrote , the lesser my red ink spilled on her paper. In short, she was a gift to any teacher who happened to have ever taught her. To copy Adele's lyrics 'i wish nothing but the best for you', as a teacher, i wish nothing but the best for her and all her colleagues. There, upon seeing our pupil standing tall becoming an individual with a purpose and determination, the joy of teaching lies and all hard work paid off.And this undescribable feeling is of course the one that money cannot buy.
This year is a real challenge for me for two obvious reasons. First and foremost i have now without someone whose assistance is beyond compare. And during her two-year stint here, she did a tremendous job and made the school rock.I did not mean the result as it might not reflect the true story,what i meant is the awareness and belief that have spilled to the following generations after the so called mild revolution. English is no longer regarded as killer subject, instead some students look so earnest to get the best grade possible. Another reason, we have no key players like we once had, the guardians who mutually supported each other.Now, students really depend on teachers at the cost of depriving them of their creativity and critical thinking. Twilight meetings just lasted a few sessions with different group of students. It was a bit difficult for us teacher to gauge their performace as they entertained more their emotions or modes instead of thoughts.Our preparation at times were in vain as we teachers could not discuss the previous lessons for poor attendance from previous group. This forced me to contemplete to sort it out. One of the ways is i made it compulsory to attend the class especially 3A. Yet, still a few looked reluctant to come. I have ever crouched on the saggy sofa thinking of my modes of teaching which might have been obsolete already.
I think if all failed the only success i could have reaped so far is, some students started to read through 'Reading Makes A Man's program. I made it a must each student especially 3A to read at least 7 articles no matter how short it was on a daily basis. Apart from that, they need also to find seven new words or phrases that are new to them. This will be of a great help for them in the long run as once the reading habit is formed, no one can tell us when its effect comes to an end. The wise man once said beautifully as follow:
Watch your thought, they become your words.
Watch your words, they become you actions,
watch your actions, they become your habits,
watch your habits, they become you character,
and watch you character, it becomes your destiny.
And, it seems, the task to educate is far more critical as our teenagers in no time might turn out to be unruly creating mayhems like what happened in London recently .What roles so far have i played to help address the alarming issues remain unanswered.The challenge to tackle to ever declining of English standard to me is nothing if the demise of character is like a ticking bomb.This to me is more urgent as it might become endemic.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Couldn’t thank her more for the answer script given that day. I did ask my students to copy the sample answer script that I took from SMKLB, by courtesy of my fellow teacher there last a couple of days. It really matters us both teachers and students as we could have a close look at and even dissect sort of writing grouped in band A. So far, I simply asked them to copy and nothing more. However, they all looked delighted and passionate enough copying the sample A essay which I deleted the owner’s name for no apparent reason. The least they could learn out of the dull activity is studying a true format of report writing or even new words such as succulent and scenic which I myself rarely use them.
I might ask them to copy that same essay a few more times to give them feel as once they have ‘ feel ’ for writing good essay they tend to produce the same. Skinner’s theory of repetition might apply in this case. I still remember when I once asked my students to copy seven times each essay of seven different formats which altogether equal to 49 essays. My philosophy behind those questionable exercise is to expose them to different formats of writing and to improve their spelling as quite a number of them back then and even now as a matter of fact could not spell even simple words correctly. The sole underlying reason is they seldom write and use the words in their writing. They may in many occasions hear or speak those words but rarely put them in written. That exercise would indirectly help them improve their spelling as well even a bit tiring yet time-consuming.
Another thing I might benefit from the article is I can lift certain key words and ask student to fill in the blanks using the lifted words. Aside from having a clear picture of report writing format, they can learn new sentence structures and new-found-vocabularies as well.And on top of that reading activity takes place. I might ask them to commit to memory a few phrases that are useful and stylish for writing. For Part C , the novels, most students simply spilled over what they have memorized as the question asked was about events. They, almost all of them, didn’t really try to understand the requirement of the question before answering. Their answer did not reflect their understanding of the question as they simply wrote what they have memorized right from the start. That is truly a backwash effect of simply asking students to memorize as they never took pain to think of other answers or make a slight adaptation to the one they have memorized. It seems I need to let them truly understand the whole story and just memorize excerpts instead of the whole answer scripts. Yet another tall order is in waiting.
Yesterday, I read an article in nst from a reader. It really captured my attention . The writer, a former school principle stressed that today’s debate on the decline on English which usually revolves around teachers’ weak grasp of the language itself and failed curriculum does not really touch the issue to its core as we have a lot of sophisticated learning tools in the wake of computer and internet era which can be of a great help to both teachers and students. Those things, according to the writer is no uncommon when debating the fallacy of English language. Instead, he emphasized that students need to have what the axiom still holds true till now : no pain no gain. If students are passionate enough to mastering the language, be it English or other languages, they need to have passion, perseverance and tenacity. Without having all those things, they cannot fare better in any language or discipline they are going through. He said that back then in 1960s he had to finish 13 work books of an average 30 pages each during form three and submit a few essays weekly. Apart from reading , he also learned grammar. However, lately, students are very dependent on teachers and could not be burdened with extra work as we teachers might get complaints from parents or even other teachers, let alone students themselves who always favor a short cut like preferring KFC to home-cooked meals. Students would not be as strong and sturdy as an oak but as weak and vulnerable as mushroom. In short, students are now spoon-fed thus deprive of discipline and creativity.
And what roles we teachers have to play in order to revitalize the learning of English to bring back the glory days of 60’s batches. I think students need to get involved in the language. They need to say words aloud, recite phrases or poems and most importantly enjoy the language. This is a proven fact as the likes of Aidil, Aina, Ainur, Yo and Mat Yie all have participated actively in English activities held in school. They enjoyed the learning the subject and of course to master anything first and foremost ones need to enjoy it , the rest will follow suit. It is no different with us teachers, need to fall with teaching first before all other skills come in. Do I enjoy teaching? Or I just enjoy the challenge it poses. Or I make myself enjoy for I have no other option. If they say, writing is therapeutic , the same applies to teaching so long we throw our heart into it. Only the challenge of teaching is our subject is ever-mobile.
It feels thousand of things stuffing my head and butterflies inside my hollow stomach this fasting month keep wildly fluttering that cause me to feel disoriented not knowing where and what to start. And to make matter worse, I invariably felt indecisive of whether or not the thing I do is the right thing to do or the thing that I simply feel at ease doing it regardless of its impact on students. I rarely took ample time to think and foresee skills students need to acquire before each class. The easier way out, I simply photocopy a few sample questions or exercises that I can fill 40 to 60 minute slots. That is never enough as students coming from different levels of English acquisition demand special attention that may cater their needs and problems. Unfortunately, more often than not, all I do now is one - fits – all lesson plan. This in fact does not do justice to them and it denies my students their right to learn the best lesson they deserve using the best laid lesson plans available. This part, I should hate myself most I don’t not give my all yet expecting different result. My biggest mistake is as far I am concerned is I feel all I need to just follow the steps I have ever applied to my last two previous batches. I should not be like that as different breed demands different modes of learning as their backgrounds are if not totally but different.
Again, this is the time when all that is necessary is to look deeper down inside to unearth formulas which might be of great use for students whose level of confidence as low as 62 marks for their highest score. Though we may have passed 80th minute seemingly trailing 0 – 2 , I do believe in 90 minute game as thing ain’t over till it is over. The last score may still be regarded a score no matter whoever heads or legs or even hidden hands that slot in the goals.
We have almost passed the second half of Ramadan. May Allah bestow upon us His maghfirah and rahmah without Whose rahmat we are no different to dust spewing elsewhere in the humid air. Here is a quote worthy to have a contemplation.
‘Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference’
Mark Victor Hansen
Saturday, August 6, 2011
As i was passing the school in which i am now teaching heading for my hometown, the butterflies inside my stomach seemed so restless that forced me to crack my brains to figure out ways to face the current scenario. Of course, the thing that i fear most is the outcome though the significance of the outcome is questionable and it does not necessarily reflect student's true performance as many hidden hands played their parts as well. Still, it coerced me to think as this time around, compared to previous two years, i have no idea on how and what to respond with the result at hand to meet a standard benchmark in getting targeted A grade.
Last year, for trial alone, we have almost a dozen of students getting 30 and above for paper 1 and the highest if my memory permits got 39/40. The likes of Iman, Ainur, Yo registered 35 and 36 respectively. The trial result alone was a real booster for both students and teachers before the real exam. Nevertheless, this time around, the highest score for paper 1 is 30 by two of them, Hanif and Izzah, followed closely by Zahira and Omar who scored 29 and 27 respectively. Given the present result, extraordinary plans and efforts are to be worked out, executed and exerted if they really dream their dream of getting A. The big question mark is do they have what it takes to materialise that dream. The passion , the burning desire like their seniors'. So far, I hardly find any of them showing tenacity and determination as shown by their seniors. Attendance is still considered as the best testimonial to measure one’s level of commitment. And as a teacher, i am still in search of formula to find the lost symbol or whatever object they may say to address the problem. Possibly without me realizing it, my approaches of instruction were obsolete and do not appeal to them anymore that they might have absorbed little or nothing. That is still the thing worthy to ponder if I dream of different outcome. Lest, the same or almost same result will be out at the end of December 2011.
They say, necessity is a mother of invention. The present situation now, at least to me is a dire-need situation and requires a strong task force to save it from being crumbled beyond repair. Two months to go can be both decisive and lethal. Should we fail to plan and properly execute it, it is tantamount to plan to fail. However, if things that we have been doing all this while proved nothing but just showed our laborious sort of person, doing the same things over and over again yet expect different result, this would be disastrous and leading us nowhere. Many people look busy doing things but never at all are in the know of what and why they are really doing. Possibly, I am one of the breeds. Then, productivity will be deprived of them for losing their focus and creativity.
The big question mark is why should i put in some efforts to think about this as my own students might not think of it at all. Of course, I must think as they are my in charge. Who else left for them to count on other than this very teacher. But do I have what it takes to help them better their performance. Unlike last two years, I had a partner with passion, intelligence and most importantly same sort of weltanschauung. We think almost alike in some approaches to execute as both of us then were novel. Everything then was a new discovery and we did discover and unearth a few gems lying deep down on the sea floor in the deep blue sea. But, things change and the only things , as philosophers claim, that don’t experience change is change itself. Change keeps changing and that is what makes it unchanged in a state of constant changing. Wallowing for things beyond our control bears no fruits at all. I should rather start and implement something rather revolutionary if hope is still within my lexicography. This is like an uphill battle and though I am not the who would sit the paper, but, as far as the result is concerned, I could feel how stressed some students were when facing questions they could hardly answer, much more to the questions that they don’t comprehend at all. Maybe , they are the ones who rather take the blame as they really enjoy themselves all year long as if to them the exam holds no bearing in their school life. They instead enjoyed texting, face booking or watching favorite Astro channels. When asked to do extra works they seldom handed in the works in time, let alone to do it earnestly. All they wanted to do is playing and enjoying the present moment without thinking the prize they have to pay in order to succeed. They heed not at all the maxim, popular among studious person ‘study first, enjoy later’. Though sounds subjective it may, the message is plainly clear. Students must know their priority which is to study and gain as much knowledge and experience as possible.
Considering the present situation, there are a few steps that I might possibly need to take into account unless I am already at peace with the present outcomes. The biggest hurdle is to leave comfort zones. Over time, we like water will freeze to death if put in a refrigerator. Those getting 25 and above need to join a camp specially designed to fast equip their memory with new vocab and formula deem crucial for both paper 1 and paper 2 and most importantly the process of getting answers for the questions. This 25 students must be made known to students as this will spur themselves to further improve their performance. In order to get 33 and above for section A, they at least need to answer 1000 questions. Only then, they would be familiar with questions. For paper 2, writing everyday on daily basis should be made a must. Most systematic modes of marking student’s work need to be applied as this will lessen teacher’s workload . Grammar is like a heart to the language without which students will find themselves in great difficulty even to string a very basic sentence of SV, SVO.
To quote what Winston Churchill once said ‘ Never give in..never give in..’ they say it is so easy to cry and die but to fight when hope is out of sight. His another quote worthy to ponder is ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
At times, we tend to forget people that are seemingly less significant in our life. In fact, like our biological system, however small the roles each part of the body plays,it really plays a significant roles as without which the full cycle will not fully function. Those people whatever rank they hail deserve a recognition the same with those at or in the ivory towers.Here, is a story worthy pondering.
The Most Important Question
During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz..
I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?
I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank..
Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say 'hello'."
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy..
Not knowing whether this is applicable or not. But as far as i am concerned, this would be a great help if we are to confirm our verb patterns whether or not they are correct. Here they are..
Malcolm X was reading. He was tough yet intelligent. In fact, he was an avid reader. Everyday, while he was in prison, he read a wide range of books. His teacher gave him the books.
There are six patterns that we commonly use in our sentences.
1. Malcom X was reading ( SV)
2. He was tough yet intelligent ( SVCA(adj))
3. He was an avid reader (SVCN(noun))
4. He was in prison ( SVA(adverb - place)
5. He read a wide range of books ( SV0)
6. His teacher gave him the books (SVDI) - Subject verb direct object indirect object
I have tried on 3D students. And most of them could memorise them quite easily. Only i haven't told them yet on how to make full use of it when it comes to writing. Writing this helps me improvise this concept as i found that students can hardly memorise the patterns like previous two years' batches unless presented in story-line style. And to me , Malcolm X represents a symbol of emancipation from ignorance as he was once quoted after being asked about his alma matter as saying that "his alma matter is books". He gave a prominence to reading and self-taught method of learning.It is hoped this will though small make a difference in order to help students self analyze their writing.
More or less, we have three months left before another so called battle loom in our midst. I without doubt have a handful of things to worry about as compared to previous years, i have so far done very little this year around.Most possibly, not having a clear cut picture of this year's output has resulted in the ever-ebbing motivation.And as they say, people are against novelty out of nothing but novelty. The same might apply to me as i used to have a colleague sharing almost the same passions and goals in seeing students's final outputs.Nevertheless,i haven't thus far found the lost gem as invariably it takes time and sort of gut to mingle with a new comer, let alone the new will be the one from whom we will have to take order.Of course, i need to be a bit careful as we might have different set of philosphy of teachings and approaches.This alone left me clueless...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Here i am, in Bangkok, trying to unwind the ever blowing ones back in Malaysia.The problem is i cannot open my email to check the goings on.I will be back to internet within a few days to email mark. Just say hi..if you visit this blog as it is possibly a great help.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Of late, i apart from virtually flipping some websites, i will of course have a peek at this blog as this sort of reflection corner mattered to me in some unique ways. It felt once like a resting point after myriads of untangled things remain fast tight. I took all students representing speech choir last fortnight to the airport beach and give them a few bucks.All students were excited upon knowing that Miss F would join us as well.Then, the story unfolded and there they met after being separated for months. Thanks Miss F for sparing a short while to meet and entertain you x students.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It is a universal truth that todays will be yesterdays.And today's jobs-well-done will be etched as memories worthy to recollect,otherwise worthy to reflect. Thus spur our ever fluctuating confidence to face challenges unsurmountable to many but not to us.The first time as my memory could dive deeper into the past was when i was at a matriculation at the then IIUMC Lembah Pantai campus. I was unanimously selected to emcee a farewell party with lecturers.To me, just a speech then was a tall order. Knowing that a few of my colleagues especially from KL and Selangor were well-verse in English. I just took up the challenge as i told myself that at least i would know how to speak English in front.
My friend,named Abdul Rahman Koya Kuti,from mamak descent was assigned to draft a text for me. To see him speaking and reading with ease and confidence like a magic then. He was just lying on the bed when he without much effort verbally translated into English every single word and phrase of the text. i scribbled fast every word that my ear could catch without putting much thought of grammatical structures and spelling. Then i memorize key words to help me look spontaneous while emceeing the farewell party. I did not write long as i just need to memorise them as fast as possible, let alone ..i was so scared then that my knee turned weak thinking of emceeing the party in English
I memorise almost every sentence ,a half page length of text,to be familiar with correct accent and intonation. The farewell party went smoothly and classmates and teachers alike heaped praises onto me though deep in my heart i knew i did not deserve them.
It has been 13 years since i memorised a few phrases.Nevertheless, i still could remember the phrases. The phrase sounded simple but...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Gone are the days when our spirits were united, so high that we managed to face hurdles unsurmountable to many especially those without dreams.We have already passed a quarter of this year yet i still fail to spread any well-thought plans without which we are no different from those counting on soothsayer's wishes. i wonder why the spirit has been diminishing as if so far i have fought something transient which has already eclipsed. They say true power lies within. It feels like now, true power is never truer without Him granting to a person of His choice. Again, they claim two heads is always better than one. This will be true if two mutually complement each other lest failures await as there shouldn't be two lions on a mountain.
Sometimes, having spent a considerable time reflecting on things i shouldn't have done the first time eats my sinew and brain that result in poor work performance.After all, it is not advisable.It dragged me days and even weeks to naught. This is very unfair to my innocent students whose teachers embroiled in incessant woes. They, like those in elite schools, deserve the best learning experience though having to settle with mediocre minds whose teaching exercise is treated as nothing more than a dull routine.And i am no exception though i regret at times but there is very little change thus far. I am tickled and feel guilty by the memory of marking papers for three classes in just one hour after being alerted by PK1 . No wonder some students did not put much thought to answer their papers well or resorted to cheating seemingly knowing full well of their teacher's attitude.
This proved that i failed to uphold the values that may have far reaching effects to my subjects.How should i expect them to raise and improve their performance to a satisfactory level if values of my own are questionable.I love my students but as far as i remember i hardly tell them as to me is unbecoming to eagerly express affection. Yet,i know they knew.i tried to be stickler for time, but to expect overnight change from students is not on the card as this is sort of culture,it takes time.At least enough to me if i can make them think. To borrow a quote from Socrates ' i cannot teach anybody anything , i can only make them think'. This hopefully will give my unbecoming deeds a justice as above all i want them to think and be a man.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
It seems ages i last wrote for this blog as i found so hard to string even a simple sentence that matters. Compared to previous years, i have a thousand and one reason for doing reflection via this blog. It once felt therapeutic after even an entry as it related my teaching world in particular that involved a great deal of stuff that i couldn't help but hate, yet love to share and comment.
And, being able to squeeze my brain with lingering ideas of the likes and dislikes in it into a so called canvass was sort of healing exercise.This besides knowing my former teaching colleague would sometimes have a peek to this blog that we once created in the name of revolution.Thank God as though a small scale given our students' background,we managed to help them make English revolution a reality.I don't care if this claim sort of bragging. And this is past glory and like other massive revolutions the like of Islamic Revolution in Iran, French Revolution, and lately the much talked about Tunisian and Egypt Revolution, all happened just once.It did not drag time to two or three years or even more.The years that followed just to maintained the revolution that once broke out.
The same holds true to our 'once' English Revolution that churned out the warriors like The Sword, Syamil Basayev, Aidil the Cop. and 'Monkey'(i think he likes it) the ever-creative guy.Last year, a few great girls with one big boy followed suit, but the sad part the previous year's shadow too big that overwhelmed them from the limelight. I knew i should be pleased as they don't like the limelight which brings more harm than good in the long run.To my great colleague of late,a thousand thanks to Miss Farah,the trigger, as without her the 2009 revolution would just remain in blogsphere. After all, as world tradition testifies,revolution happened but once.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I love my teachers.
And I love my students. They are the love of my life.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
In the wake of the Egyptian revolution, there are some dissenting views of what the revolution is all about. Until now i am still in the dark of the real cause and the thing that trigger most leading to the revolution. I think i am in favour of my email friend when he doubt the act of google man seemingly trying to hijack the Egyptian revolution. Obama's giving-a-nod sign might be a last resort to associate the super power to the design of the modern era.
Here is the e-mail worthy to ponder,
Salaam Sdr!
Hope this finds you well.
No, I don't have a FB. Did you see how they sent a man from Google to hijack the Egyptian revolution? Well, he had a FB too and how he cried in front of the cameras.
Food is being hijacked now. What's more, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in most countries in the world, Malaysia included. And that's a dangerous trend.
Someone called this the "hubris syndrome", when politicians stay too long and they begin to think that they and the country are one and the same. In Islam we believe that in the end time people will acquire vast amounts of wealth and still don't find it enough. Just look around us and see how many multi-billionaires there are. How many lifetimes do you need to finish the billions?
Sad isn't it. One dictator now enjoying the sights in Sharm el Shaik, and his shadows are still holding on to power. What next?
Best wishes,
- Wan A Hulaimi
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 11:25 am
Here at smas, things are always at a snail pace and goes as usual that my dear friend of mine would always miss it. To smas inhabitants , we believe most of the things are much ado at nothing.Attached here is a poem worthy to ponder..i happened to have a look at my old article when i sort of cleaning up old papers beneath my table.
If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
If you happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have,
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realise there is nothing lacking,
The whole world belongs to you.
Lao Tzu
By courtesy of Chim Li Yen, nst, Tue, Jun 1, 2010
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Maybe not many of us take heed of what happened in the pharaoh land that since time immemorial has been under the grips of iron-fist rulers. The nation that was once a great civilization under the Islamic reign. The oldest university in the world was founded there. The mill that churn out millions of muslim clerics throughout the world.And yesterday, 11 Feb 2011 marked the auspicious date for almost all the Egyptions the world over.Coincidently, 11 February is also the date when hundreds of thousands Iranians rallied the streets that resulted in the tumble of the dictatorship rulers of American-led government, Shah. Only this time, media name it Egypt revolution not Islamic revolution like what took place in Iran in 1979. What matters most is the awakening of the muslim world against tyrant rulers whose supports coming from the west. It seems now should everything go as predicted is the time for people power.The awakening of the muslim ummah against zionist-backed hegemonies.
Nevertheless, this time, revolution is both Tunisia and Egypt would be unlikely without divine intervention from Zuckerberg's FB amongst others. It is Mark's invention that information spread like wildfire and spun out of control that left both the governments paralyzed to contain it. The result is what people name it revolution. The credit as Times's man of the year 2010 for Zuckerberg came at no better time after his genius tool proven to be a lethal weapon leading to the demise of the pharaoh-like dictators.
The ripples could be felt throughout the Arab world as they may start to believe the domino theory. Only they are thinking which part out of the many pieces they are standing. So far, the third piece after Persian and Tunis collapsed.What next? which ever dictators come fourth. One thing for sure is that they will be helpless in the face of FB that helped kill two already.
Friday, February 11, 2011
A very nice story shared by Paolo Coelho on his website today that it actually brought tears to my eyes.
“I am a daisy in a field of daisies,” thought the flower. “Amidst others, it is impossible to notice my beauty.”
An angel heard what she was thinking and commented:
- But you are so pretty!
- I want to be the only one!
In order not to hear any complaints, the angel carried her off to a city square.
Some days later, the mayor went there with a gardener to make some changes to the square.
- There is nothing of interest here. Dig up the earth and plant geraniums.
- Hold on a minute! – cried out the daisy. – You’ll kill me if you do that!
- If there were some others like you, we could make some nice decoration – answered the mayor. – But there are no daisies to be found around here, and you on your own do not make a garden.
Then he tore the flower from the ground.
The great 2 years, I attribute it to the best colleague in the world, Sir. A day at a new school, I realised I am no more that special teacher (at least to my own self) without him as a teammate. But like he said, life must go on and perhaps one day we can again work together, I hope. Insya Allah
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. ~Kahlil Gibran
Shortly again, and make our absence sweet.
~Ben Jonson
Thursday, February 3, 2011
In two days to come, our beloved,dedicated yet brilliant teacher will leave us after sweating for more than two years to bust English ghouls that haunted SMAS inhabitants over the years.She managed to do that as her mere presence exudes confidence amongst students. Of course many want to emulate her steps towards success. I still remember once, when our student (head boy now), with confidence and sheer conviction standing behind a rostrum in a program held in Marang last year end told the floor that he wanted to further his tertiary level studies at Melbourne University. It occurred to me at that time that he was inspired by her teacher named Miss Farah, Oz graduate.The first time ever, oz graduate landed on our turf. She has charted a new revolution in English performance for both pmr and spm ( to be released soon).I am pretty sure of that like i believe tomorrow is Friday.
And now comes the hardest part.Out of the blue, due to godfathers' grand design she is to leave us.Leaving for a better pasture though without her knowing or agreeing with.At least , we should be happy with that as that sort of things promises a better her. Then,with no choice we should admit that this is life.We never know for sure what the future beholds despite our meticulous or detailed strategies. And all we need to do best is to enjoy the process. I knew she enjoyed two year stint here at SMAS.To me if not the best she is amongst the best teaching colleagues i have ever had. With her presence at SMAS ,the students' confidence in the language has improved by leaps and bounds like never before. The quote that sounds 'What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ...' rings true.
If things go as planned. And she is not destined to dwell in Pak Kancil area anymore. All i wish is best of luck.To end let us ponder this quote “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” - Robert Louis Stevenson. It is to everyone at SMAS without exception a case of sad but true.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Much has been said about causes of success and failure of pmr candidates last year, be they coming from students, teachers or the management.Some came up with numerous reasons and means to overcome including weaknesses and strengths. I prefer not to dwell much on that same old script.For English i think the reason is students don't like reading.Amongst the possible solutions is make them read.Like writing, reading also maketh a man.The sole yet noble objectives of identifying those causes are for further improvement.
Agreed we were unanimously in the meeting among pmr teachers held last week to improve our school performance by giving our all to make sure this year we manage to produce at least 10 students with straight As.Too lofty the dream compared to what we have been doing all this while including me especially in terms of planning let alone execution and monitoring part.The saying if you fail to plan is plan to fail comes at no better time.
Nevertheless, the same things have been repeated over the years with almost the same result. The problems might lie within ourselves as to me we don't have what the the Egyptian and Tunisian have right now revolutionary minds, dare to risk their skin for greater good.Out of necessity. Maybe mother of invention is lost within our midst as we are too used to all ephemeral things gracefully dancing before our eyes. Until the aim becomes a necessity we forever remain as we are at present, nothing more nothing less.Revolutionary could be found nowhere but in dictionary only.
Here are a few quotes from revolutionary leaders whose own life was at stake to bring about greater goods for the greatest numbers possible.Not all of his quotes worthy to ponder but there must always have good messages the great minds trying to convey.
Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel.
Che Guevara
I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.
Che Guevara
I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.
Che Guevara
Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.
Che Guevara
Silence is argument carried out by other means.
Che Guevara
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
Che Guevara
Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.
Che Guevara
To pen off, let us ponder what Descartes once shared ' Cogito ergo sum '. i think therefore i am. But i am more a procrastinator than a doer.And i am in search of formula to overcome this deadly disease though new lines of thought claim that it is good sometimes if we are procrastinator as it does not affect others the worse like what a blessing for a family at a wedding ceremony in Iraq if Bush delayed the bombardment. Or smas students will still enjoy the same vigor from Miss F to face the battle of spm and pmr for at least this year.
But, Che was dead, and his fighting spirit transfered to the very few only.Sadly, not to our so called principal.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thinking of you right in front of me or somewhere else that you finally end up reading this piece of mind that hopefully make you think and change for better. Though it may happen in the long run, it already suffices to me.
What a great news posted by Miss Farah this evening when all of you dear students can flex your muscle to compete against the best,most importantly this unravel your talents that loom out of grit and determination. This sort of competition requires us to act thus involves lots of movements, be they facial expression or myriads of other body languages that may score points.On top of that, this will undoubtedly be another kick start to your creativity. The very magic world that have since time immemorial helped us live better day in day out.The big question mark is how can the creativity be within our reach and utilised the best.
Since i am not amongst those who were grouped as great minds whose invention generate up to billions the like of Mark Zuckerberg, Apple founder - who at times limit their production to maintain its prestige that revolves only around high-income yet highly professional figures, even at the cost of overflowing cash-in. I think it should be a must to think that we after all are creative before we realising it or not we are already one. This very self proclamation word though arrogant is of crucial importance as without which we are already miles behind. However, this is of little significance compared to being disciplined and passionate in the job at hand. Confucious aptly put when he once said when you love your job you don't feel like working even one day.And i until now are still contempleting to subscribe this idea as more often than not i feel like working though i most of the time do love my job.
What great inventors share in common that can we hardly find amongst us is perseverance and discipline. I happened to watch the social network the second day of its release worldwide. Mark was portrayed as someone whose most of his time glued to computer screen and socialising very little. I don't condone the idea of being asocial. What i am trying to highlight is his being passionate to his job at hand that is racking his brain to program the web base eventually bore fruits far far beyond his wildest imagination.Still, this resulted in his bosom friend being dumped for good,replaced by another 5 millions. I also read Dan Brown unauthorised biography when it mentioned that Dan made it a must to wake up as early as four am staring at the blank monitor screen waiting for ideas to pour down through his veins to his fingers.And it is no need to mention how many attempts by Edison before we lesser mortals could see the light of day without much difficulties.How many years it took to produce the great Chinese Great Wall. Albright brothers' countless attempts did not dampen their spirit to soar free like a bird. See..they share the same criteria that tops other criteria. It is discipline. And this is what you dear students lack.
Discipline to success is like a tyre to car. Or until we are disciplined enough we can achieve what we wish at present.
Nowadays, teachers' challenge is how to bring out the best in students. To me it is worthier to do self-reflect as we speak to Him.Back to the topic , grab this golden opportunity !
Monday, January 10, 2011
Have a look at the quotes listed below as they might of a great benefit to further boast our motivation to keep up learning to the best level possible. Not to forget, some quotes need a careful thought as they might challenge our long established perceptions cum dogmas. To coin what was once said by Rooseevelt 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'. The same applies to those foods for thought. We may agree or otherwise. What matters most is they i mean the quotes force our brain to rationalise. And after all we are rational animals.
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or teaching. It is a process that depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential describes the possible behavior of an individual (not actual behavior) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. Learning is defined as changes in a system that results in improved performance over time on tasks similar to those done previously.
A dictionary definition is that it is acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or teaching. it is an increase in the capability for effective action. Individual, team, and organizational learning can all be measured by the outcomes that result from effective action.
These quotes can be used to emphasize the importance of learning throughout life and how it improves the personality of the person who undergoes the learning process. These quotes also emphasize on the marked difference in the performance of the people who have learnt from their mistakes over those people who have not.
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.
Abigail Adams
Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.
Learning isn't a means to an end; it is an end in itself.
Robert Heinlein
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
Chinese Proverb
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams
I've known countless people who were reservoirs of learning, yet never had a thought.
Wilson Mizner
When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die.
Lillian Smith
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.
Doris Lessing
Only those who have learned a lot are in a position to admit how little they know.
L. Carte
Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive.
Al Neuharth
Learn as though you would never be able to master it; hold it as though you would be in fear of losing it.
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Douglas Adams
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.
Anthony J. D'Angelo
He not only overflowed with learning, but stood in the slop.
Sydney Smith
Only the curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles to learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient.
Eugene S. Wilson
Who so neglects learning in his youth,
Loses the past and is dead for the future.
Whoever ceases to be a student has never been a student.
George Iles
The wisest mind has something yet to learn.
George Santayana
Much learning does not teach understanding.
Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked.
Lord Chesterfield
We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction.
Malcolm Gladwell
What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers.
Martina Horner
Learning will be cast into the mire and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude.
Edmund Burke
Out of too much learning become mad.
Robert Burton
Consider that I laboured not for myself only, but for all them that seek learning.
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.
Theodore Roosevelt
Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
W. Edwards Deming
Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
Francis Bacon
And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.
The king to Oxford sent a troop of horse, For Tories own no argument but force; With equal care, to Cambridge books he sent, For Whigs allow no force but argument.
Sir William Browne
And wisely tell what hour o' th' day The clock does strike by Algebra.
Samuel Butler (1)
By studying the masters and not their pupils.
Niels H. Abel
It is always in season for old men to learn.
Next these learn'd Jonson in this list I bring Who had drunk deep of the Pierian Spring.
Michael Drayton
It is the worst of madness to learn what has to be unlearnt.
Desiderius Gerhard Erasmus
There is no other Royal path which leads to geometry.
The green retreats Of Academus.
Mark Akenside
In mathematics he was greater Than Tycho Brahe, or Erra Pater; For he, by geometric scale, Could take the size of pots of ale.
Samuel Butler (1)
The languages, especially the dead, The sciences, and most of all the abstruse, The arts, at least all such as could be said To be the most remote from common use, In all these he was much and deeply read.
Lord Byron
To the devil with those who published before us.
Aelius Donatus
Learning by study must be won; 'Twas ne'er entail'd from son to son.
John Gay
And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Learning is a kind of natural food for the mind.
When Honor's sun declines, and Wealth takes wings, Then Learning shines, the best of precious things.
Edward Cocker
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever.
Chinese Proverb
A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.
Frederick Douglass
Learn avidly. Question repeatedly what you have learned. Analyze it carefully. Then put what you have learned into practice intelligently.
Edward Cocker
There is the love of knowing without the love of learning; the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind.
Here the heart May give a useful lesson to the head, And learning wiser grow without his books.
William Cowper
A man in this world without learning is as a beast of the field.
Hindu Proverb
Suffering is but another name for the teaching of experience, which is the parent of instruction and the schoolmaster of life.
A wise teacher makes learning a joy.
The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.
Newton D. Baker
He who has imagination without learning has wings and no feet.
Joseph Joubert
A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad.
Bob Edwards
By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn.
Latin Proverb
Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.
Benjamin Disraeli
Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
William A. Ward
In the end we retain from our studies only that which we practically apply.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
credits to :
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Sometimes saying nothing and doing nothing is our best resort. Unfortunately, such act at times results in nothingness as it holds water with the adage goes you reap what you sow. Two years in a row we were gathered in a hall engaging ourselves in a dream to clinch the best possible result for English paper, only the select few managed to make it. The rest succumbed to either B, C , D or even E, still it excited some as it depends on certain expectation, some getting C was already a marked improvement.Those hungrier usually aimed higher.You are what you think you are.
That is what we name it game, as life itself is a stage where we mere mortals are players. To play best we must be true to ourselves and the hardest part that many sane beings fail to comply with is to say no, say no to idling, relaxing,procrastinating,and of course cheating that was rife lately.Honesty deems no longer the best policy as many people conspire to clinch thrones meant not for them.
I myself am still struggling practicing to say no as this shows that we are a free man.Destined to live not at others' whim but our own ideals.This is what according to Dumbledore differed Potter from Riddle or Lord Voldermort in the Chamber of Secret, though Potter was destined to Slyterrin.He chose Gryffindor instead.Ironically, this is what we should practice the least or we will be stripped of rights and privileges for that.He always weighed with great care news within his earshots as wrong judgement has its ripple effects let alone if they are far reaching for generations to come. What happened in our school, hearsays dominate the game.Failures have since been viewed as curse.Why not give due recognition to those who registered a number of As instead of naming only one student whose name was not at first correctly announced. That was nothing to some. However, to me it indicated that they cared not their in charge. I am so sad on behalf of Ainur and his comrades. They gave her all to make school proud only things did not go their way this time around. Those the like of Ainur, Aina and Iman whose short of only an A still deserved at least recognition for jobs well done.Sadly, no mention at all as a bulk of their fellow friends fared badly. It is not their mistakes or failure when our school overall performance was bad. It is the mistakes and faults of so many other parties as well be they school top brass, teachers or fellow friends. We English teachers did our part already as we managed to at least maintain the possibility of churning out 10 students with straight As. Yet, it felt like to the eyes of others ,we did something horribly wrong!
Those guys who got even an A still deserve a pat on their back given the school with so many people at loggerheads with ever changing policies. School embracing we-are--more-powerful-than-thou spirits deems to doomsday.It is tantamount to waiting for a ticking bomb.
I am of the view though insanity that Dumbledore of Hogwarts school is possibly the best man for the job as he is always true to his principle. To find the like of him is no small task as we teachers and students alike are after different dreams and believe different fairy tales. Only i am too rational to be a peacemaker,let alone a negotiator as it demands compassion or alluring words which i can hardly find both in me.
Reading some great books like Animal Farm and Potter series was like enjoying a cup of pudding after sumptuous dinner .What a blessing in disguise!Oo Allah..grant me my wish to let me live life to my principles though be hated by some.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Enough is only enough once we called it enough despite the fact that it is way from being enough. This system of thought reminds us that we mortals are hapless, thus invariably subject to the ultimate power. And most importantly, it deems we should rather settle for things for nothing but to appease our ever revolting desire to achieve and to make a mark or break a new record like what many explorers did.Or truly did Ibnu Batuta travel for record breaking feat? no! i definitely disapprove this baseless notion or even if they claimed Marco Polo or Columbus did for record. Here, record comes at no number as to them what mattered most was new discovery and new challenge they set themselves.We the mere spectators who contribute very little or none are busy with analyzing which is explorer considering the length of coverage and time take to finish the last league. The victims amongst others like Elli's solo around the world sailing feat, whose age barely 16 years old was denied a throne for some technicalities. Only she was already mature enough to ward off mindless critics, expert on nothing but demeaning criticisms.Nadal's questionable streak of failures against another living tennis legend Fedex in the final masters meetings humbly gave a quotable comment when he said what was important is he always improves his games.How simple it sounds but deep in meaning. The rest of course will speak volumes.Forget about record as that is not a worthy cause for concern.
Within one to two months' time, all of us I mean teachers will be gathered somewhere to analyze , to present, to predict and most importantly to strain our very ears for the same old comments by the no-need-to-name be they praises or criticisms in the name of constructive one. I see no relevance but not knowing why? given the result and the motivation of students and teachers alike are year in year out same. To me, it lies deep down inside our heart core of where we truly desire to bring our students by taking a note that we can make a difference should we be prepared and honestly expect for it. For this to take place, it requires a set of change of perception and can-do-it beliefs as this ,as Dan Brown nicely put in his latest book the lost symbol, if repeatedly chanted inwardly with faith will bring about tremendous impact and unleash superhuman power.
The both notorious and popular state man Adolf Hitler's aptly put quote 'If you win you need not explain..but if you lose you should not be there to explain' rings true at most occasions nowadays as people are fond of associating themselves with success and brag about others' as theirs for nothing but success.People are at times evasive to believe the points regardless of being substantiated or not as failure is a stark failure and people try hard to disassociate from it.So, Hitler's idea of mere presence meant nothing and mere success self-appoints countless voluntary speakers. How magic the word success that leave those without it like nothing more or less like a maggot.How unfair and insane this temporary world when a borrowed success is always benchmarked not on the incremental improvement shown over time.
Above all, this is directed to none but myself as at least putting things to words can remind me more often like never before. And to end this nonsensical rambling i would to coin nice words by renowned motivational speaker Tony Robin 'What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are'.