Saturday, June 20, 2009


Dear students,

Realising or not, the most auspicious date is fastly approaching! it waits no keeps approaching faster and faster. Those mentally unprepared they call it a looming danger. Prepared minds can't wait to test their mettle after months of preparation. We, teachers, hope you all my dear students can unleash your best shot. If not as fast as federer's or Nadal's, at least yours can match Alif's, whose thunderous shot never fail to scare any goal keepers, but more often than not, they smiled the moment the found Alif's thunderous shots went wide over the goal post. what a waste! haha...but Alif still deserves a praise for his efforts from both friends and foes.

here, i would like to share wise words quoted from a noted motivator, Zig Ziglar. He said ' You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win' . so, have we planned enough to win the so called battle come October?

Ask yourself that question from now on, only then you will realise that you are almost running out of time.



  1. Alif 3b, our skilful footballer for lower form. used to play attacking midfielder. but rarely we found his thunderous shot netting a goal.

  2. it was his effort that matters, not how many goals he scored! LOL!
