Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Dear students,

thank you very much for those participating in this blog. What a great start for better writing! keep on blogging either by posting or giving comments. Over time, realising it or not, your writing skills will be far far better than that you have at present! Are you afraid of doing mistakes especially in grammar or usage of right words? Don't worry! we are not English native speakers whose mother tongue is English language. Therefore, to stumble upon mistakes here and there is not something that should be taken seriously as we are always in a learning process.

The most important thing is not to have made no mistakes at all, what matters most is the learning process that takes place along the way. The more you make mistakes , the more your chance to absorb more learning inputs. You will definitely stop learning the moment you feel you are already competent enough. Such a thought will rob you your very desire and curiosity to dive deeper into the fascinating and mesmerising realms of knowledge.

Keep on asking and quizzing yourself while your ever young magical brain works best!We are now living in the world where brain laced with sound knowledge besides having indomitable spirit and faith rules the game. Join the game with full of knowledge, skills and confidence or simply become laggards who do nothing and earn nothing.



  1. A very inspiring post, Sir! Albert Einstein once quoted saying, 'anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.' So students don't be afraid to express yourself through writing, in fear of making lots of errors because it is part of the learning process. Keep posting your comments! It helps to improve your English

  2. opss, just to inspire myself first. The more i try to inspire my dear students the more i feel inspired. That s why i tried doing it.
