Sunday, February 14, 2010


Dear students,

Sparing a four- day break doing nothing is something i regret myself most as i have lots of things to attend ,only fail to walk the talking mind. It is hoped today's newest day of tiger year drags us along with its spirit of bravery, agility and fearlessless. Moreover, one thing that sets tigers apart from other animals is her focus and independence. It seems we need to be more focused with our task at hand, be more independent and creative to face the days to come.

Some of you have fared well during last five games. But, still there are always rooms for improvement though you registered almost perfect score ( 38/40) as you still have the remaining 35 matches to complete before the D day to be held in October. Are you surprised when i just mentioned 35? 35 times 40 equals 1600. Only then, mathematically you surpassed the standard required to skillfully dribble the ball past the opponent , chip the ball and strike straight into the goal post to the thunderous applause from the fans inside and outside the stadium.

All you need now is the spirit of tiger. Be bold and brave, focused and most importantly quick and nimble. I need to rush to Musolla now for Maghrib prayers as nimble as tiger nab its prey! least i am trying to emulate one. How about you, dear students?


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