Saturday, February 27, 2010


Dear students,

The saying holds true when it said old habits die hard and change is hard. I don't know how many of you dear students including my former students straying somewhere on greener pastures will read this. Most importantly after reading is you benefit a thing or two out of the reflection.

After all we are after success which we ourselves don't really know what true success is. Some of you may think getting a few As is already a success and the like of Saiful getting a B out of nine is a calamity. Thank God he got all As. The others , the like of Ain, Pia , tikkah may think that being able to land themselves at a new school and join science stream is already an achievement. But , I am of the view that success is very relative and to me it is good news or we will forever be a servant of the most sought after word. The word that people always want to be associated with.

Enough for me, a school teacher teaching the like of you if i can make you think. You might ask yourself then that you have been thinking for so many years since time immemorial. Have you ever discovered that i made mistakes and I did admit that right in front of you all after you alerted me of that mistakes . I did the mistakes out of my imperfection and flaw not on purpose. I am just a teacher not as a sole authority of knowledge beyond question. True teacher, like a true enemy lies within yourself. Your curiosity and unsatiable desire to seek knowledge , to challenge the establishment to uncover the truths will set you free.

Remember the path of least resistence is for losers. It always looks safe to be on the safe sides but you achieve nothing if your decision is always out of fear or provocative words. Face and conquer the fear !It is hard but like old habits, they die hard as change itself is tough beyond explain. Until now, I am not sure whether or not i have produced thinking students. But if someone asks me now i will definitely say no. Yups! not a single student! why? then you have to think!


1 comment:

  1. some blame the system of education for not being able to produce thinkers.. in the age of capitalism eveything is done solely for material purpose..even in the field of education..

    your post makes me wonder who was your teacher then? copy him so you can produce thinking students... :D
