Monday, February 8, 2010


Dear students,

I thought gone are the days when we, teachers and you all kept talking about epl updates. The epl most prolific players like the guardians ranging from saiful edil syamil mat yie eliyyah e je ..just to name the few have tasted the sweetness of the epl fruits. so sweet that we teachers could hardly put in words. Though some of them may not fare well in other subjects but they could at least brat themselves for getting A for once a killer subject. But, the fact is now 2010 pmr candidates still use the word coined by your very batch. We changed it to serie A to retain its exclusiveness. And for sure, change is hard as epl is already like a brand.

Realising it or not. You batch of pmr 2009 have helped us a great deal for shaping the present generation of pmr a focus and daring them to dream when they themselves could hardly believe. You made them awake for the fact that success is like just a stone's throw away from you. The testimonial was there, only to spruce up.

You make our tasks easier and believable. Most importantly the approaches that we Miss Farah and I were once probing in the dark of finding the most 'lethal' means to bring your English to greater height that was unheard before. You were once our 'experiment' only we are relieved to find that our experiment bore fruits so sweet that we could not bear to eat.

It is hoped this year, we manage to establish another product that is serie A, a product purposely geared up by ipbarians Miss Farah and I(though kdc only haha) solely to churn out more achievers for English among us pmr candidates 2010. Descartes once screamed ' Cogito ergo sum' means I think therefore I am.. only when we have a vivid image in mind what we are going to be, lest we remain the same old man. Though, I am still contempleting what i have jotted down haha.



  1. as a dualist thinking creature with a systematic pyhsical body, we are bound to search within ourselves who we want to be or else we are just like animals whose life is devoted to eat and to fulfil own desires. Descartes is one of the great examples of those person who choose to travel in search for wisdom within self.

  2. i miss EPL and its awesome players!

  3. yups!!and colurful as well. we need to paint this year cohort to be as colorful as last year batch haha
